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Is Fire Flood Dragon Really Petrification?

Heavenly Astral Art of this robust man is too terrifying too!

The fatty pupils radiance flashed and whispered, “Boss, this is a good opportunity.”

Fire Flood Dragon has been Petrification, which is already an arrow at the end of its flight. As long as you seize the opportunity, you can easily get Pill Fire.


Hearing fatty, Qin Feiyang shook his head.



Qin Feiyang said: “Fire Flood Dragon is not so easy to deal with, we take a step back and wait for the opportunity.”


fatty surprised.

In this situation, Fire Flood Dragon can’t come back?

But fatty didn’t question, and accompanied Qin Feiyang to retreat silently towards the distant place.

high altitude!

Terrifying imposing manner, shaking the sky!

Mo Wushen, young woman, Battle Art of Liu Yunfeng and the others, descends like a meteor, exuding the power of world extinguishing!

Looking at Fire Flood Dragon again, except for the head, the entire body has been Petrification.

After three breaths.

Even its head is Petrification!

A living creature was turned into a stone sculpture at the moment!

It is also at this time.

Mo Wushen shouted to the robust man: “Old Yan, get out of here!”

Because Battle Art has killed!

If the robust man does not leave, it will inevitably be hit.


Robust man looked up towards those Battle Art, the pump suddenly shrank, but also did not dare to hesitate, release the giant tail of the Fire Flood Dragon, and quickly evacuated.

Bang!! !

Just leaving the front of the robust man, Battle Art by Mo Wushen and the others, the Fire Flood Dragon was submerged on the back!

Immediately, the roar was deafening!



A painful sorrow resounded through the sky.

Follow closely.

The huge body of Fire Flood Dragon accompanied the ground with a loud noise.


A robust man rose to the sky and landed next to Mo Wushen and the young woman, said with a sneer: “That wasn’t the case.”

Young woman said with a smile: “Not thanks to you yet.”

Mo Wushen nodded.

If it weren’t for the robust man to put Fire Flood Dragon Petrification, their Battle Art wouldn’t have hit Fire Flood Dragon at all.

“haha ……”

The robust man laughed proudly.

“Look at you proud.”

The young woman glared at him, waved jade hand, and the wind between Heaven and Earth immediately rose, and the dust and smoke underneath blew away quickly.


A huge sinkhole entered the sight of everyone.

And Fire Flood Dragon is lying in the tiankeng.

The stone armor on his body seems to have been broken, and there are many scars on his body, and the blood flow is more than contaminated all around the earth!

Robust man glanced at Fire Flood Dragon, turning one’s head looked towards Mo Wushen, and said, “Fire Flood Dragon has been leveled, and you should not forget your commitment to us.”

“Relax, I will definitely help you refining the medical pill for 3 years.”

Mo Wushen said that a bright smile rarely appeared on the indifferent face.

“It turned out they had reached an agreement.”

Liu Yunfeng and Pei Sanshi looked at the same time, passing a deep cold light deep in their eyes at the same time.

Mo Wushen seemed to feel something, turning one’s head looked towards Liu Yunfeng two people, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Two people’s hearts were stunned.

Was it noticed by Mo Wushen?

Just as the two people were in a panic, Mo Wushen finally looked away and glanced at the black skirt woman and the others, said differently: “Just stay here and pay attention to Ma San’s movement.”

“it is good.”

black skirt woman and the others answered.

Liu Yunfeng two people also quickly nodded, but their hearts were full of helplessness. It seemed that Pill Fire had missed them.


Mo Wushen, the young woman, and the robust man dived down and flew towards the Fire Flood Dragon.

The young woman suddenly said, “I don’t think Liu Yunfeng and Pei Sanshi can be kept.”


Mo Wushen and robust man looked at her in surprise.

The young woman said, “I heard people say that the two of them are about to break through. Once they wait for them to break through, it will be the biggest threat to us.”

“I’ve heard it, too,” said the robust man.

Mo Wushen eyes flashed, “They are indeed a threat, but we cannot kill them.”


Robust man two people puzzled.

Mo Wushen said: “Their innate talents are very high. Although they are not favored by the Master, Head Palace Lord likes him very much. Unlike other disciples, it doesn’t matter if they kill.”

Robust man two people nodded, it is not unreasonable to say so.

After all, people are very confused.

If Liu Yunfeng two people were really killed and passed into the ears of the Head Palace Lord, the Head Palace Lord would definitely go to the Sir Mansion Lord for an explanation.

Although Sir Mansion Lord may not punish them severely, their attitude towards them will definitely change.

Suddenly, the robust man flashed his eyes and whispered, “Will we use Ma San to get them out?”

“Ma San, although I haven’t had much contact with him, judging from the past few times, my mind is more flexible than Liu Yunfeng two people.”

“It’s basically impossible to use him.”

“Actually, you don’t need to be so anxious to get rid of Liu Yunfeng two people.”

“Even if they step into Battle Ancestor?”

“They only have two people, but we have three.”

“Also, we are all old Battle Ancestor, afraid that their 2 new Battle Ancestor will fail?”

“Also, aren’t we about to break through too?”

“By the time we break through to 2-Star Battle Ancestor, these two crashes are even less of a concern.”

Mo Wushen dismissed.

“It makes sense.”

Robust man two people nodded, eliminated this idea.

Between conversations.

Three people enter the pit and land in front of Fire Flood Dragon.

at the same time.

Qin Feiyang two people lie on a grass in a distant place.

See you.

In his heart, Immediately became angry, and whispered, “Boss, don’t you make a move?”

“Don’t worry.”

Qin Feiyang whispered, his eyes were very calm.

He didn’t believe that Fire Flood Dragon was so easily defeated.

The reason is that Fire Flood Dragon has not turned on Battle Soul!

To say that Fire Flood Dragon does not have Battle Soul, he is absolutely different.


Fire Flood Dragon is already the top Vicious Beast at the top of the pyramid!

This kind of Vicious Beast, innate talent will not be inferior to human genius, opening Battle Soul is a matter of course!

Even before Petrification, Fire Flood Dragon did not show Battle Soul, which shows that it has full confidence in its defense and strength.

The most important thing is that according to historical records, the defense of Vicious Beasts such as Flood Dragon is even more terrifying than Black Stone Ape!


Just as Mo Wushen three people were about to completely end the life of Fire Flood Dragon, 奄奄 one breath of Fire Flood Dragon suddenly raised a giant tail and swept towards three people.

This accident happened too suddenly.

Mo Wushen three people was completely unexpected.

Bang bang bang!


With three painful screams, the three people were photographed and flew out on the spot. The blood in the mouth was wildly spurting, and the bones did not know how many were broken!

“How can it be?”

“Unexpectedly so much power?”

The three people pupil contracted, unbelievable.


Liu Yunfeng and the others above is also bewilderement.

After suffering such a severe blow, I can still fight back. The skin of this bastard is too thick, right?


An amazing fearful might growl from the Fire Flood Dragon.

Next moment.

Its huge body, rising several zhang high flames, flew out of the deep pit, glanced at Mo Wushen three people, expression extremely contempt.

“Just you little ants, want to kill this Sovereign?”

“I really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth!”

“Next, you are ready to tremble!”

When the Fire Flood Dragon soared into the sky, the bloody giant tail was like a long whip of world extinguishing, sweeping towards Liu Yunfeng and the others, and the wind was harsh!

“Not good !”

Liu Yunfeng and the others heard the wind change color, and turned away without the slightest hesitation.

But you have to know.

Fire Flood Dragon is a Battle Ancestor-class super Vicious Beast, and they are only Battle Sovereign. The speed of the two is the difference between Heaven and Earth. How can they escape?

Those 9 7-Star Battle Sovereign were the first to be killed by the giant tail!

No suspence.

Under the crushing of giant tail, their flesh is like to withstand a single blow!

For a time.

From the sky, flesh flies!

destroyed corpse and broken arm!

The screams screamed loudly throughout the sky!

“Damn, why is it so strong?”

Liu Yunfeng, Pei Sanshi, and the woman in the black skirt, seeing this scene scared to death, and fled without any effort.


Not only cannot we distance ourselves from Fire Flood Dragon, but it is getting closer!

At this time.

Mo Wushen three people have finally stabilized their bodies. Looking at the scene above, expressions are extremely glomy.

The robust man asked, “Save or not?”

“Sure to save.”

“Fire Flood Dragon is really too powerful. If they are all killed, we will have no hope of grabbing Pill Fire!”

Mo Wushen said solemnly.

“Then make a move!”

The young woman said, cold qi broke out, and a giant vortex condensed above her head again!

Mo Wushen is also surrounded by murderous aura.

“I go first!”

The robust man drank, turned into a stream of light, and shot at high altitude.

The Battle Armor on your body and the Battle Shield on your hand also appear again!

“Bastard, pay with your life!”

As he approached the Fire Flood Dragon, he gave the sky a roar and rushed forward.

But weirdly, instead of dashing towards the Fire Flood Dragon, he dashing above the skies!

“Is it lost?”

Fatty stared blankly for distant place.

“Will not.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and reached the powerhouse at the level of Battle Ancestor. How could there be a miss?

Most likely, this person is brewing a great killing move.

He just came up with the idea.

铿 clang!

A thunderous noise exploded suddenly between Heaven and Earth.

“Heavenly Astral Battle Sword, cut!”

Followed by.

Just listening to the furiously roaring of the robust man, Battle Qi emerged like a wave, and instantly condensed into a giant earthen-colored sword.

The giant sword, as long as several dozen meters, is like a Divine Sword, which lies on the Nine Heavens. The whole body shines brightly, exuding a thick aura.

When the sword came out, there was no delay, and immediately angered the Fire Flood Dragon!

The edge of one after another world extinguishing sweeps the sky!



The giant sword roared and chopped on the giant tail of the Fire Flood Dragon!

The giant tail of Fire Flood Dragon turned out to be a half-meter deep wound, blood like a waterfall, dyed red!



The Fire Flood Dragon was in pain.

But at the same time, its wide mouth opened, a Battle Qi burst out, like a torrent of beasts, and hit the giant sword!

铿 clang!

Great sword smashed on the spot.

The robust man’s 8-foot body also trembled violently, blood splattered from his mouth, and his face was as pale as paper!

“Humble human, unexpectedly dare to hurt this Sovereign, die!”

Fire Flood Dragon looked immediatly at the wound on the giant tail.

The huge body turned around in void, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl opened, exposed Bai Sensen’s fangs, and swallowed at the robust man!

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