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“bastard, go to hell!”

But it is at this time.

Mo Wushen and young woman at the same time angry roar.

But when I saw Mo Wushen’s overhead, these 7 blood-colored sharp blades were suspended at this moment!

Each Blood Blade is enough for several ten zhang, blood light 4 shoots, dyeing the sky into a blood red!

The vortex on the young woman’s head is even more amazing, unexpectedly there is one Ice Phoenix soaring out!

It fanned 2 huge wings, hovering over the young woman’s head, whole body crystal clear and near-transparent, just like one beautiful ice sculpture, the whole body qi rolled.

Sharp tweets rang through the sky!

It’s too late, it’s fast!

As Mo Wushen and the young woman’s voice landed, the seven Blood Blades and Ice Phoenix whistled towards the Fire Flood Dragon.

The devastating aura earth-shattering, the land of several li have been hit, the mountains and rivers collapse, the rivers are pouring, Vicious Beast is in the desperate roar, just like the sight of the last days!

“You tiny ants, unexpectedly, again and again, 3 offend this Sovereign.”

“Today, this Sovereign is going to swallow you all alive!”

The Fire Flood Dragon was so furious that he disregarded the Blood Blade and Ice Phoenix, his huge head swooped down, and swallowed the robust man in his stomach.

Liu Yunfeng, Pei Sanshi, black skirt woman, originally wanted to help Mo Wushen three people kill Fire Flood Dragon.

But seeing this scene, scared witless scared on the spot, and fled without looking back!

one Battle Ancestor, unexpectedly was swallowed like this, it is too terrifying!

Is it still necessary to continue the fight?

Robust man was swallowed alive, Liu Yunfeng three people unexpectedly escaped, which made Mo Wushen and the young woman extremely angry!

To know.

If it was not for the purpose of saving the three people, the robust man could grow up, how could he sacrifice his life?

But these three pieces of shit, unexpectedly ran away like this, can’t be angry!

But now, obviously not the time to find the three people to settle the bill.

Two people stared deadly at Blood Blade and Ice Phoenix.

Can you kill the Fire Flood Dragon, now it is!

After Fire Flood Dragon swallowed the robust man, he did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly moved the huge body, trying to avoid Blood Blade and Ice Phoenix.

But it’s still one step behind!

Mo Wushen’s 7 Blood Blades all slashing towards its giant tail in an instant.

And it was calculated in advance and it was cut on the wound.

Earlier, the sword of the robust man caused a wound of half a meter deep. Now, under the 7-piece Blood Blade full Tribe, plus the battle strength of Mo Wushen, it is already one point stronger than the robust man. The giant tail of the Fire Flood Dragon , On the spot was completely cut off by the Blood Blade!


Fire Flood Dragon immediately miserable howl.

The half of the giant tail fell, and the broken earth immediately smashed a deep hole.

blood like a waterfall, dyeing read the empty earth!

And at the same time!

That Ice Phoenix, like a meteorite, collided with the head of Fire Flood Dragon!

Ice Phoenix shatters instantly, turns into frost, and permeates between Heaven and Earth!

The Fire Flood Dragon also broke the blood flow and flew out with a half body.

The giant tail was chopped, and the skull was broken, for it is undoubtedly worse!

“Now, don’t let it run away!”

Mo Wushen shouted.

Young woman is nodded, lovable body slightly trembled, and a piece of Snow Flower emerges from behind!

That Snow Flower can have a big palm, and the whole body is white and flawless, like a piece of peerless precious jade, carved and carved.

At the same time!

There is also a small sword behind Mo Wushen, rising into the air.

Little sword, only the fingers are long, and the whole body is a blood red, as if just soaked in blood, blood light flashes, one after another amazing killing intent!

See you.

Fat wondered, “Is this Battle Soul?”

“What else isn’t Battle Soul?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him.

But the Battle Soul of these two people seems very unusual.

“Bastard, today is your time of death!”

As soon as the Battle Soul appeared, Mo Wushen and the young woman sternly shouted. The slap of Snow Flower and bloody little sword instantly transformed into a shock. In the blink of an eye, Fire Flood Dragon appeared.

“Fast speed!”

Qin Feiyang pupil shrinks.

If it was him, he would not be able to escape even with Phantom Step!

It seems that Fire Flood Dragon has really reached its end.


To his surprise, Fire Flood Dragon didn’t dodge!

Those eyes are bigger than the grinding disc, and they are shining with strong vicious glint!

“My ants, you have completely outraged this Sovereign!”

“This Sovereign will not only devour you today, but also kill all the humans in the mountain range, kill to the last one!”

It prizes the sky, growling, its huge body stands in the sky, and it actually has a dragon might, rushing out of it within the body!

And this dragon might be very strong!

It’s like True Dragon appearing in the world!

Qin Feiyang and fatty in the distant place couldn’t help feeling panicky.


“Fire Flood Dragon is not Dragon Transformation yet, it is impossible to have such a strong dragon might!”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Among them, there must be another mystery!

Sure enough, as he expected!

I saw a scale behind the Flood Dragon!

The scales are the size of a millstone, and the whole body is cast like lava, thinly sprayed with flames.

Fat eyeball glared, wondering, “Boss, what’s that?”

“Dragon scales!”

Qin Feiyang was literally word-for-word.


“Unexpectedly are dragon scales?”

“Isn’t True Dragon a legend in this world, does it really exist?”

fatty stunned.

“I don’t know if there is a True Dragon in the world.”

“But this dragon scales are not True Dragon scales, but their Battle Soul!”

Qin Feiyang.

“Battle Soul?”

fatty slightly stared blankly.

dragon scales Battle Soul, this guy is amazing!

At the same time as the two people talked, the confrontation in the sky had begun!

When the large scale scales appeared, they ran across Fire Flood Dragon, like a shield.

Follow closely.

The Snow Flower and bloody little sword blasted on the dragon scales.



Sparks 4 splash!

Loud and deafening!

Snow Flower and bloody little sword shattered on the spot.

The dragon scales also cracked under the impact.


Fire Flood Dragon’s Battle Soul is even better!

“My ants, accept the anger of this Sovereign!”

The fierceness of the Fire Flood Dragon was fully exposed, and the broken dragon scales cut through the sky, carrying an astonishing sharp edge, and killed Mo Wushen two people.

two people change color!

This Fire Flood Dragon is too strong.

To this day, they have done everything they can, there is really no way out.

But if you give up now, the robust man will not sacrifice in vain?

Didn’t the previous efforts be done in vain?

But if it continues, it is very likely that it will enter the footsteps of the robust man!

Struggling for a moment …

Between life and Pill Fire, they resolutely chose life.


But just as they were about to escape, Fire Flood Dragon suddenly mourned, eyes full of pump.

And the dragon scales Battle Soul disappeared instantly.

“what’s the situation?”

This sudden change not only made Mo Wushen two people mistaken, but Qin Feiyang and fatty were also surprised.

How can I scream?

But very soon.

They understand why.

The Fire Flood Dragon, which constantly miserable howl, suddenly opened its mouth wide, and a big tall and sturdy man wrapped in Battle Armor, rushed out of it!

“It’s him!”

See this person, Mo Wushen and young woman immediately rejoicing like mad.

This person is not someone else, it is the robust man who was swallowed by Fire Flood Dragon before!

“Unexpectedly not dead?”

fatty stupefied, it feels incredible.

Qin Feiyang said: “Actually this is nothing.”

With a stagnation of fatty expression, he said, “It is swallowed alive, and can still run out. Is this nothing?”

“When I first met Wolf King in Iron Ox Town, I was hunted down, jumped off a cliff, and crashed into a river.”

“It was also swallowed alive by one Water Beast.”

“Later, White-Eyed Wolf and I came out alive.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Is there still this?”

Fat stumbled, “How did you do that?”

“Actually swallowing is not terrifying. What really terrifying is to enter Vicious Beast’s stomach.”

“The acid in Vicious Beast’s stomach can quickly dissolve a person’s body.”

“So, as long as you don’t enter the stomach, there will be no mortal danger.”

“At that time, White-Eyed Wolf and I were swallowed by the Water Beast. Immediately, I grabbed the flesh in the throat of the Water Beast.

Qin Feiyang.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Fat suddenly realized that it seemed that the situation between the robust man and Qin Feiyang was similar.

Look at that robust man again.

After escape alive, he did not hide, standing above the Fire Flood Dragon, said with a sneer: “bastard, I can’t think of it, I can still come out of you within the body alive.”

Sou! !

Mo Wushen and the young woman also immediately rushed to join the robust man.

See you.

The Fire Flood Dragon pupil contracted, and a look of fear creeped up in his eyes.


“Want to escape?”

“But you are seriously injured now, can you escape?”

“Although 3 of us are also seriously injured, but we have top grade medicinal pill, how can you fight us?”

Robust man was ridiculous, took out a top grade Healing Pill, shook it in front of Fire Flood Dragon, and threw it directly into his mouth.


Mo Wushen two people also took one Healing Pill and Bone Replenishing Pill each, and the wounds on his body were immediately repaired.

“Even if there is a medical pill, you are just ants!”

Looking at the three people, the Fire Flood Dragon appearance is still proud, and expression is full of disdain.


The words fall.

That dragon scales Battle Soul reappeared, like a hot knife through butter blasted away towards the three people, the terrible imposing manner shocked Heaven and Earth!

“Full power take action, kill it!”

robust man gloomily said.

Mo Wushen and young woman are nodded.

Bang!! !

Battle Soul of three people appears at the same time.

The Battle Soul of the robust man is actually a slap-topped mountain, and the whole body is earthen-colored. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary stone.

But the imposing manner is extremely powerful, exuding a heavy aura!


Three people growled.

bloody little sword, Snow Flower, mountain peaks, while bombarding the dragon scales.

It is also at this time.

The fierce Fire Flood Dragon, which was still imposing in a previous manner, suddenly turned around and started to escape. It was extremely fast, and it opened a distance of several hundred meters in a blink of an eye.


See you.

Mo Wushen three people are furious and are preparing to pursue.

But at this time, their 3 great battle souls collided with the dragon scales Battle Soul.

Hong long!

With a loud sound of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, a world extinguishing qi wave appeared, rolling away in all directions on 4 sides.

Three people bear the brunt!


“Don’t stubbornly rushing, retreat first!”

Mo Wushen shouted, resolutely suddenly retreated.

Because this wave of qi waves is enough to wreck them!

Although they all took Healing Pill, their injuries were only repaired a little bit. If they were severely injured by qi wave, they would be injured.

At that time, it is likely to be killed by Fire Flood Dragon!

But when the qi wave dissipated, Fire Flood Dragon disappeared!

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