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Inside an Official Residence.

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord is standing in front of a lake, and the lake can be sparkled zhang left and right.


Commander Nie appeared out of nowhere, bowing down, “What does the Sir Mansion Lord tell me?”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord stared at the lake without replied his head: “Just now in jail, are you going to kill Ma San them?”

Commander Nie’s gaze shook, respectfully: “Subordinate doesn’t dare hide something, he really wanted to kill them and take revenge on Nie Yu.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord suddenly turned one’s head, staring at Commander Nie, with aggressive rays of light in his eyes.

Commander Nie expression panicked, and said quickly: “Subordinate knows wrong, please ask Sir to punish!”

“oh! ”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord was silent, and finally sighed, and then stared back at the lake, saying, “If you die, you can’t be resurrected, look away.”


Commander Nie was gasping and sullen.

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord’s eyes flickered and he suddenly said, “This Eminence doesn’t allow you to take revenge.”

Hearing this, Commander Nie was exulting.

“But ahead of time, let Ma San hand over Pill Fire.”

“I believe you also know that Pill Fire was specially given to Mo Wushen by me. If there is no unexpected, Mo Wushen will surely be able to grab it.”

“But unexpectedly, a Ma San will be killed in the middle.”

“Honestly, this person has always been unobtrusive and low-key cultivation, but it is also a buildable material.”

“However, after all, he is not Alchemist. Compared to Mo Wushen, his value is far from keeping up.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord.

Commander Nie arched: “Sir makes sense, so subordinate, let’s handle it.”

“Wait a minute.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord reached out.

Commander Nie said, “What else does Sir command?”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord said: “Pill Fire is just one of them. What this Eminence wants to know most is the kind of Battle Art he used to treat himself in the other way.”

Hear this.

Commander Nie is also binocular.

“How about this!”

“Go talk to him. Just tell this Eminence the secret of Pill Fire and Battle Art, and this Eminence will give him a chance to survive.”

“After all, the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures is about to start, and we need him to work for us.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord.

Commander Nie immediately frowned, and said, “What if he doesn’t give it?”

“Without adapting to the youngster of circumstances, there is no value in training.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord indifferently said, but cold eyes surged in old eyes.

“Subordinate understand.”

Commander Nie bowed, and opened the transmission gate, leaving quickly.


Qin Feiyang two people were standing in the prison room, muttering silently.

Da da!


A footstep came.

Soon a black armored guard came to the prison room door.

It’s Guard Chief!

Guard Chief stood at the door, glanced at Qin Feiyang two people indifferently, took out 4 dark iron chains from heaven and earth bag, and threw them at the feet of Qin Feiyang two people.


Qin Feiyang and fatty immediately frowned.

This iron chain is naturally familiar to two people. It was created by Gravity Divine Iron and can seal the Battle Qi and cultivation base of living creatures.

Guard Chief said, “Bring it with me or make a move in person, you choose.”

In the eyes of fatty, cold light flashed, but a wry smile appeared on his face, saying, “Would you bring it to us first?”

“kidding me?”

Guard Chief face turned cold.

“Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean you.”

“Because we are in jail for the first time, I don’t know how to use this stuff.”

“So you have to show us a demonstration first.”

fatty smiled and said very seriously.

Guard Chief looked at the two people suspiciously.

But immediately following.

He was freeing up an amazing hostility.

It’s easy to clump up with something as simple as this, even if you haven’t seen it before, but with a glance, you probably know how to use it.

You said you didn’t play him?

It is clear that he is playing as a monkey!


The Guard Chief stepped forward, slap into the fatty.


fatty laughed, the Returning Origin Step unfolds, and disappears instantly under Guard Chief’s sight.


Guard Chief was surprised.

But without waiting for him to return back to his senses, fatty appeared on his right and slapped him.


With a crisp palm sound, the Guard Chief was shot on the spot, half of his face was deformed, and blood was flowing directly from the corners of his mouth.

“What about 8-Star Battle Sovereign?”

“It’s not a trash one.”

fatty both hands crossed near chest, proud look at that Guard Chief.

“what happened?”

It is at this time.

A husky cold loudly shouted sounded, and a stream of light breaking the sky came, and landed in front of the prison room.

Not Commander Nie, and is who?

Seeing the Guard Chief lying on the ground in a difficult situation, Commander Nie expression immediately gloomy, suddenly looking towards Qin Feiyang two people, shouted: “You two want to rebel?”

fatty said with a laugh: “It was he who killed us first, we were just defending ourselves.”

“A nonsense!”

“Sir Commander, subordinate was wronged.”

“Subordinate just let them wear fetters and hands, but not only do they not cooperate, they also make fun of subordinate like 100.”

“Sir, you must make the decision for the subordinate!”

Guard Chief got up and knelt under Commander Nie’s feet, snotting and tearing, looking like feeling wronged.

Commander Nie flashed gloomy, and told Guard Chief: “You go down first.”


Guard Chief got up, looked at the two people in loathing, and turned to leave quickly.


Commander Nie walked into the prison room and looked at Qin Feiyang. “This Commander gives you a chance to live.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “Opportunity …”

But before he finished, Fatty held his head up, scorning: “The opportunity is not given by others, it is for yourself.”


Qin Feiyang stumbled.

This guy unexpectedly talked to him?

Fat smiled proudly at Qin Feiyang and made Qin Feiyang roll his eyes.

Commander Nie stared, threateningly, “I urge you, don’t stubborn, Sir Mansion Lord said, as long as you surrender Pill Fire and tell us the secret of Battle Art, we will spare you.”

“The secret of Battle Art?”

Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, wondering: “What Battle Art?”

Commander Nie said: “It’s your kind of Battle Art that can bounce off others.”


Qin Feiyang two people simultaneously looked, suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the idea of ​​Return Character Art. These people are really ambitious!

After turning around the fatty eyeball, evilly smiled, “So, as long as you kneel down and worship us as a teacher, we will teach you that Battle Art.”

Commander Nie old eyes flashes in immediate murderous intention.

“Old fogey, let me tell you the truth, our Battle Art is called peerless Divine Art.”

“As long as you get a hand, I am afraid that even the old witch may not be your opponent.”

“At that time, I might even kill the old witch and take the place of Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord.”

“How’s it going?”

“This is the only opportunity.”

“If I miss this village, I won’t have that store in the future, so think about it.”

Fat laughed again and again, with a deadly temptation in his words.

Commander Nie is really thrilled.

Who in the world doesn’t want to sit on Mansion Lord?

Once you become the Mansion Lord, you will not only have powerful power, but also have the opportunity to meet Emperor, and then enter Imperial Capital to take root. It is not impossible.

Because Imperial Capital is the numerous living creatures of Nine Prefectures, and the Holy Land is out of reach!

A little groaning, Commander Nie eyes flashed, wondering: “You Battle Art, really have such a big power?”

“I go!”

fatty is not stared blankly.

Originally I just wanted to make fun of this Old Guy, but didn’t expect this old fogey, I really moved this idea.

That being the case, it is better to beat somebody at their own game!

fatty looked towards Qin Feiyang, winked at Qin Feiyang without a trace.


Fat ran to the door of the prison room, poked his head, and the thief glanced outside.

See you.

Commander Nie couldn’t help but have a hint of doubt on his face.

Fat turned again and looked towards Commander Nie. “Don’t tell you, our Battle Art power can be almost described by Heaven defying, even if it is Perfect Battle Art, it can’t be compared with it.”


Commander Nie was surprised.

Unexpectedly stronger than Perfection Battle Art, how could there be such a Battle Art in the world?

“Will someone so honest with me lie to you?”

Fat glanced at him, walked to Qin Feiyang, and said, “Boss, let him see.”


Qin Feiyang nodded, said with a smile: “Commander Nie, you are full of power.”

Commander Nie groaned for a moment, cold light flashed in her eyes.

This is a chance!

If this Battle Art is really as powerful as two people say, it’s best.

But if you are bragging, you can just take this opportunity to kill this person and take revenge on Nie Yu!

As for Mansion Lord’s account, you can find an excuse to cover it up.


the thoughts got to this point.

Commander Nie didn’t hesitate, the old arm suddenly raised, Battle Qi rolled, and blasted towards Qin Feiyang!


Qin Feiyang pupils are also flashing murderous intention in the depths.

In the palm of your hand, golden light surges!

one fist volley shot!

Suddenly, fist and palm intersecting, when even a terrible imposing manner emerged, sweeping across all directions.

Qin Feiyang complexion changed, with a single thought, without the slightest hesitation, the fatty was put into Ancient Castle.

Follow closely.

He was like a cannonball, fiercely hit the rear wall, blood spout from mouth on the spot, 5 dirty and wounded!

The arm is shattered, flesh is flying!

But at the same time!

Commander Nie also lost control under her feet, and she slumped back, spitting blood in her mouth.

Although he suffered less trauma than Qin Feiyang, he was shocked to the extreme.

He didn’t even notice the disappearance of fatty.

To know.

He is a 2-Star Battle Ancestor, and this child is only an 8-Star Battle Sovereign. There are several realm differences. Can unexpectedly shake him back?

Even hurt!

This Battle Art is really terrifying!

If you can get it, maybe you can kill Mansion Lord and replace it!


Just when he wanted to go, Fatty and Wolf King appeared at the same time, each holding a rib in his hand.

As soon as one man one wolf came out, without saying a word, he flew towards Commander Nie.

And at the same time!

Qin Feiyang also endured the sever pain, got up, took out Azure Snow, and walked around behind Commander Nie.

Bang! !

At about the same time, the two ribs fell fiercely on Commander Nie’s head.


Commander Nie is dizzy with blurred vision, her head is buzzing, her head is torn skin and gaping flesh, blood flows!

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