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But it also gave Commander Nie insight into their intentions.

“Unexpectedly dare to plot against old man, you all will die!”


Commander Nie shook her head suddenly, and before the fainting disappeared, he rushed out with both hands and killed Wolf King and fatty.

Murderous looking!

But this is a very unwise choice.

Because the mind is in a state of syncope, it is impossible to make a correct judgment, and it is impossible to immediately notice the all around situation.

As now, Qin Feiyang has gone behind him, but he didn’t notice it.

of course.

If you switch to another Battle Sovereign, you will definitely not have the courage to fight in the face of a powerhouse like Commander Nie.

But Qin Feiyang several people are different.

No matter how strong their opponents are, they have the courage to fight!


The fit is seamless too!

While Commander Nie was killing Wolf King and fatty, he went to Qin Feiyang in the back, holding Azure Snow, and slashed across.

The bitter murderous intention and sharpness made Commander Nie feel cold from the whole body!

“Who’s behind?”

This was his first reaction.

It was not until now that he discovered that Qin Feiyang had disappeared.

No doubt, the person behind is definitely Qin Feiyang!

As Commander of Yun Prefecture, of course, it is impossible to have this degree.

Electric light flint!

Commander Nie leaned sharply.

Azure Snow in Qin Feiyang’s hand passed over his head, and one strand of white hair was cut off.

“Little bastard, die all!”

Commander Nie growled.

imposing manner earth-shattering, gushing towards two people and a wolf.

“It’s you who is going to die today!”

Fat and Wolf King also angry roar, slamming down with the rib, and hit Commander Nie’s head again.

With a click, the skull echoed Shattered!


But at the same time.

They and Qin Feiyang were also lifted off by the imposing manner, hitting the walls of the prison room, qi and blood withing the body tumbling, angry blood wildly spurting!

“What happened?”

Guard Chief’s voice sounded outside.

“Not good !”

Qin Feiyang complexion changed.

Although Guard Chief’s strength can not yet confront them, after all, it is 8-Star Battle Sovereign. If he joins in, the situation will be reversed in no time!

and so.

Commander Nie must be killed before Guard Chief arrives!


Qin Feiyang vision like electrivity, looked towards Commander Nie.

But I saw Commander Nie standing there, holding the head of blood flowing directly, face twisted, painful roar.

His white hair was blood red!


The second attack of fatty and Wolf King caused him a fatal blow!


With a roar, Qin Feiyang decisively opened Battle Character Art, and Essence, Qi and Spirit reached its peak state instantly!


He grabbed the dagger and flew up, battle intent is like the ocean, earth-shattering!


Commander Nie suddenly shivered and looked towards Qin Feiyang in suspicion.


A black silhouette zoomed in quickly inside his pump.

A dazzling horror that cuts through the sky and exudes the edge of world extinguishing!

The next moment.

He felt something cold, submerged in his top of the head, into his head, and penetrated his Sea of ​​Consciousness!

This thing is Azure Snow!

Azure Snow no stronghold one cannot overcome, even Divine Bone of Mu Tianyang can be cut off, let alone an informative Battle Ancestor!

“How can it be?”

Commander Nie mumbled subconsciously, and then exhausted miserable howl!

The severe pain in his head made him wantless.

Consciousness was instantly swallowing by darkness!


He fell to the ground with one resentment and unwillingness, dying!

“Is Battle Ancestor amazing?”

“Pissed me up and killed you!”

Qin Feiyang murmured, landed on the ground steadily, pulled out Azure Snow, looked up towards the corridor outside the door, in one’s eyes murderous intention blinked.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

At this time.

Then the Guard Chief came to the door of the prison room.

When he saw Commander Nie lying on the ground, his eyeball glared suddenly, immediately lost his heart, and fled frightily.

“Want to escape?”

Qin Feiyang dismissed a smile, started the Phantom Step, and caught up with the Guard Chief in the blink of an eye, killing him with one stroke!


Qin Feiyang looked up towards the prison gate,

The other nine guards were standing at the door at the moment, staring at him dumbfounded.

Qin Feiyang did not kill to the last one, turned around into the prison room, and looked towards Wolf King and said, “You continue to cultivation, and I go to inner palace with fatty.”

“Are you going to escape?”

one man one wolf

“Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord wanted me to surrender Pill Fire and Return Character Art before letting us go, which is obviously impossible.”

“So stay here, we will dead end sooner or later, we might as well leave the prison first, and then try to sneak into the inner palace.

Qin Feiyang.


Fatty nodded.

“Then you should be careful.”

Wolf King urged and said to Fatty, “As for this rib, I will defend you.”

fatty played with rib, chuckled, “You don’t have to worry about us, just focus on cultivation.”


“Who says brother cares about you?”

“Brother just doesn’t want to collect your bodies, trouble.”

Wolf King disdains.

“The crow mouth!”

Qin Feiyang glanced at it, waved his hand, and sent Wolf King to Ancient Castle.


Qin Feiyang greeted him, then turned into a stream of light and swept away.

Those nine guards were still standing outside the door.

One of them is holding an image of a crystal stone, which is giving someone a summoning.

But at the sight of Qin Feiyang two people coming out, the nine people were like a bird of surprise, and immediately fled in terror.

Qin Feiyang two people didn’t go after them, went out of jail, directly opened a transmission gate and left.

Over the plain outside the Spirit Cloud Mountain Range, two people emerged out of thin air.

Fat glanced at all around, seeing 4 unmanned, sincerely relaxed, and asked, “Boss, what are you going to do next?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Ma San and Zhang Liu’s identity must not be used again.”

Fat said: “It’s simple, just change your identity.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, turning one’s head looked towards fatty, saying: “So far, don’t you want to say anything?”

Fat’s eyes shook, and he struggled for a moment, looking up at Qin Feiyang and saying, “Boss, let’s not tell you, I’m actually from Yun Prefecture.”


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Fat said: “My home is in the Prefecture City in Yun Prefecture.”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, expression was a little displeased, and said, “So you’ve been lying to us all the time?”

Fat bowed his head and said, “I’m sorry.”

Qin Feiyang said: “Your parents were killed by Vicious Beast in order to protect the village?”


Fatty nodded.


Qin Feiyang frowned.

For fatty, he has always been with a clear conscience.

Because no matter what good deed he encounters, he will never forget fatty.

It can be said that without him, fatty would not have achieved today.

The most important thing is that he keeps all the medicinal ingredients to the fatty, and even tells him his true identity.

This is enough to show his trust in fatty.

But didn’t expect, fatty has been cheating him.

He felt a little uncomfortable, even angry!

“Boss, take your breath away and listen to me slowly.”

“I said this at first because I only met you shortly after and didn’t trust you very much.”

“Later, after slow contact, I found that you, Brother Wolf, and Lu Hong are trustworthy people.”

“Especially when I knew your true identity, I thought about being frank with you.”

“But I’m afraid to say it and disrupt our relationship.”

“Because I know me, what you hate most is being deceived, so I have been dragging myself away.”

“Boss, I’m really sorry!”

fatty bowed his head, his face full of guilt and remorse.

Qin Feiyang was silent.

Fat’s heart gradually began to tremble.

“oh! ”


Qin Feiyang sighed.

Although fatty lied to them, from acquaintance to now, fatty has never done anything to beg you.

This also shows that fatty really treats them as conscience partners.

In this life, you can make many and many friends, but those who can truly make friends are extremely rare.

There is no need to ruin this rare friendship for some trivial matter.

Think of this.

There was a smile on Qin Feiyang’s face, and he said, “It’s not too late to confess, we’re still brother.”

fatty slightly slightly stared blankly, immediately rejoicing like mad, and hurriedly said, “Thanks Boss.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, saying: “You talk about, why are you in Ling Prefecture? Why are you back now?”

As soon as I heard these two questions, the expression of fatty changed immediately.

There is angry!

There is sadness!

There is also a nostalgia!

“This matter should start from more than a decade ago.”

“At that time, my Situ Family was well-known in Yun Prefecture, and my grandfather was one of the Four Great City Lords, who controlled Western City in Yun Prefecture Prefecture.”

It was a long time before fatty opened the mouth and said.

“You come unexpectedly so big?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.


“At that time, although I was not a bad innate talent, I could still run wild in Prefecture City.”

“But just eight years old, a great disaster is coming!”

Speaking of this, fatty has a strong murderous intention in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang was shivering in his heart, and a bad feeling rose in his heart, saying, “What a disaster?”

“My grandfather was loved by the Mansion Lord, and the Situ Family was just like the sky.”

“As long as this happens, it will naturally be jealous.”

“Especially the other 3 lords.”

“Seeing that my Situ Family is getting stronger and stronger every day, these three people can’t help but start working for my Situ Family.”

“Their first goal is my grandfather!”

“At that time, they led me to grandfather deep in the mountains, and together they killed me grandfather.”

“Then framing frame again, saying that my grandfather was conspiracy to kill Mansion Lord and replace it.”

“Mansion Lord, this old witch, didn’t have a long mind, and actually believed their nonsense!”

“On the 3rd day after the death of my grandfather, old witch personally ordered to destroy my Situ Family Manchu!”

“My father and mother saw that the situation was far from good, and immediately took me and my fellow brothers to flee overnight.”

“But in the end, no one escaped, all died by death!”

Fat said, his face was full of hate.

Qin Feiyang is deeply sighed.

absolutely didn’t expect, fat unexpectedly and such a miserable past.

No wonder fatty wants to come to Yun Prefecture so much. It turns out that this is his homeland and his roots.

There is also a bloody deep hatred of not live under the same sky!

“You are not fighting alone now. I and White-Eyed Wolf will stand behind you. Would we carry them together if we are in trouble.

Qin Feiyang stretched out his hands on the shoulders of pats fatty, and in one’s eyes sang out the cold light of sharp.

Fat body and mind trembled, and immediately couldn’t help crying, “Thanks Boss, to meet you is the greatest luck in my life.”

“It’s too far-fetched to say that.”

Qin Feiyang laughed and asked, “How did you escape?”

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