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After a while.

three people enter the jungle.

Seeing 4 people, the black clothed youth turned to Qin Feiyang two people and reached out, “Take it out for me.”

Qin Feiyang stepped back 2 steps immediately, both hands crossed near chest, with a hint of playfulness in the corners of his mouth.

fatty rubbed his hands and walked towards the black clothed youth with a smirk on his face.


See you.

black clothed youth frowned, coldly shouted: “What do you want to do?”

“you guess.”

fatty evilly smiled.

“Whatever you want to do, I advise you, it is best to apologize at once, otherwise this Prefecture City, don’t want to have a place for you!”

black clothed youth ice coldly said.


fatty made a strange noise, suddenly a lunge, fell in front of the black clothed youth, and slap directly.


With a scream, the black clothed youth, like a meteorite, slammed into the trunk of a large tree behind, immediately blood spout from mouth.

Fat stepped up and stepped on his face, contempt. “A Battle King dare to unbridled in front of us, isn’t it?”

The black clothed youth realized now that he hit the iron plate this time.

But thinking of the identity of Sacred Palace disciple, he was very courageous and angry: “bastard, at once loosen your hooves, otherwise it will be useless to wait for your knees for mercy!”

“Also unbridled?”

fatty extremely angry smiled.

Struggling hard, black clothed youth with a face, immediately began to deform.

“Boss gave you the medical pill. You dare to crush it. Are you dead?”


As soon as fatty finished, the nose of the black clothed youth was broken on the spot, and blood was pouring in!

“Even Mo Wushen, Yan Tianfeng, Pan Wuyan, we don’t even look at them, how old are you?”

Fat said, the strength under his feet is getting stronger.

With a harsh snapping sound, the bones of black clothed youth have also started to be Shattered!

Hearing these words, the heart of black clothed youth also set off the perilous situation!

Even the Three Great Kings didn’t look at them. What is the origin of these two people, unexpectedly dare to say such an arrogant?

But whether it was true or not, he panicked.

Because, his skull is about to reach its limit.

Keep going, his head will definitely burst, and death is approaching.

He hurriedly said: “2 brothers …”

“Who is the brother with you? Are you worth it?”

fatty disdain.

“Not worthy.”

“Sir, I have no eyes. Please raise your hands up and let me go this time.”

“What do you want to know, I must tell the truth.”

black clothed youth quickly changed his name and begged.

fatty joked: “Then you tell me now, how much are you worth this Sacred Palace disciple?”

The black clothed youth said, “Just the Healing Pill.”


Fat moved his feet away and immediately slapped again, slapped on the face of black clothed youth, and contempted: “Just like you, even 1 / 10000th of Healing Pill is not worth it.”

Black clothed youth repeatedly nodded, saying: “yes yes yes, my shit is not worth it, I am not even as good as a dog.”

“Then you dare to crush it?”

Fat slapped him again and said, “Tell me, what now?”

“Please, stop fighting.”

“You can do whatever you say, will you?”

black clothed youth covered her swollen face and begged.

My heart is beyond remorse.

Why is it so stupid to mess with these two fiend, isn’t this asking for hardship?

The fatty eyeball is turning, and it is definitely brewing some means of torture.

Qin Feiyang shook the head helplessly and waved, “Don’t waste time.”

“Luck your luck.”

Fat coldly snorted, got up and said, “Say, why are you so strict today?”

“It’s because of Ma San and Zhang Liu.”

Two people are starred blankly.

“Not long ago, Ma San and Zhang Liu were in jail, killed Commander Nie and Guard Chief, and also escaped from jail, so Sir Mansion Lord ordered and strictly investigated.”

black clothed youth.

“Why not announce it?”


“Sir Mansion Lord is said to believe that the death of a Commander in the hands of two inner palace disciple is a great shame for Yun Prefecture, so it was not announced, only a small number of people know.”

black clothed youth.

“That’s not wrong. Such a Trash Commander will only become a joke when it is spoken.”

fatty laughed.

“Trash Commander!”

black clothed youth his eyes trembled.

Who are you these two people, dare to say such things?

Qin Feiyang said, “Where did you learn?”

The black clothed youth didn’t dare to conceal it, and said, “I have a cousin that is a disciple of the inner palace. He told me.”

fatty stared blankly, saying: “This is your unbridled capital?”

“I’m wrong.”

“I will never be unbridled again.”

“2 Sir, I said what you want to know, please let me go!”

The black clothed youth knelt on the ground, even kowtow, and a pit was hit on the ground, his head was broken, and blood was flowing directly.

“I know it’s too late to regret it.”

Murderous intention flashed in fatty.

But this time.

Qin Feiyang reached out to stop the fatty and looked at the black clothed youth and said, “What’s your cousin’s name?”

Black clothed youth said: “Xia Hai.”

Qin Feiyang said: “Is it Alchemist?”


Black clothed youth nodded.

Qin Feiyang in one’s eyes radiance flashes, this Xia Hai can take advantage of it, saying: “at once call your cousin, as long as you cooperate, I will never kill you.”


black clothed youth Hesitant.

fatty shouted: “If you want to die, I will fulfill you now!”

“Don’t, don’t, don’t, my name is, at once.”

black clothed youth body and mind trembled, hurriedly took out the image crystal stone, and quickly recovered.


Qin Feiyang two people also stepped aside.

Soon, an illusory shadow emerged.

It was a white clothed youth, 1.75 meters left and right, with long hair like a waterfall, cluttered on his shoulders, and his temperament was quite extraordinary.

This person is Xia Hai.

Qin Feiyang also met this person on the plain outside the Spirit Cloud Mountain Range, but was not impressed.

When Xia Hai appeared, he saw the face of black clothed youth, swollen like a pig’s head, and even frowned, and asked, “Who beat you like this?”

black clothed youth bowed his head, remained silent, and did not know how to answer.

Xia Hai raised an eyebrow and shouted: “Say!”

The black clothed youth dazzled, seemingly afraid of Xia Hai, looking up towards Qin Feiyang two people.

“Someone next to you?”

This move immediately caused Xia Hai’s suspicion.

fatty stared blankly, looked towards Qin Feiyang: “Is this found?”

“It doesn’t matter if you find it.”

Qin Feiyang stepped forward, landed next to the black clothed youth, looked up towards Xia Hai, and said, “You cousin owed me a lot of money, and I have been graced for a long time. If I do n’t pay back today, I will have to dig a pit Buried him. “

“I owe money?”

Xia Hai eyebrow raised, dismissive: “Have you made a mistake, my Xia Family is in a big place in Prefecture City, how could I owe you money?”

“What about money?”

“Arrears are facts.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

Xia Hai frowned, “How much does he owe you?”

“500 million.”

Qin Feiyang said casually.

500 million is nothing for an inner palace disciple.

Xia Hai frowned, looked towards black clothed youth, said: “Is this true?”

Black clothed youth nodded.

Xia Hai immediately sawing in anger, roaring: “Shameful thing, how did you owe it?”


black clothed youth panic.

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “I don’t have time to listen to you guys say nonsense, quickly send the money over.”

Xia Hai glanced down and said, “Tell me the coordinates, I will send it to you at once, but don’t hurt him any more.”

“Ok, I will wait for you.”

“But remember, don’t play tricks.”

In Qin Feiyang’s eyes, the cold light flickered, and the coordinates were given to Xia Hai.

“Insignificant 500 million Gold Coin is not worth it.”

Xia Hai coldly snorted, directly closing the image crystal stone.

Fat wondered, “Boss, why don’t you say more?”

Qin Feiyang put away the image of crystal stone, lightly said with a smile: “Too much to say, this Xia Hai is not here to pay the money, but to kill us.”

fatty thought for a while, nodded said with a smile: “Alright.”

Their purpose is only to attract Xia Hai.

If the amount spoken exceeds the range that Xia Hai can bear, Xia Hai will definitely kill her and bring people to kill them.

After all, Xia Hai also said that Xia Family is strong.

“Prefecture City Xia Family?”

“Xia Hai?”

But suddenly.

fatty stared blankly, a little stunned in his eyes.


It is at this time.

A white silhouette descended from the sky above the heads of the three people, and it was Xia Hai.

Xia Hai glanced down at Qin Feiyang two people, took out a heaven and earth bag, and said, “This is a 500 million Gold Coin, so please make yourself clear.”

Having said that, he threw the heaven and earth bag down.

Qin Feiyang grabbed the heaven and earth bag, glanced a little, and put it away.

Xia Hai said: “Can we let people out now?”

“of course.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, no fatded to fatty.


fatty lowered his head and turned a blind eye!


Qin Feiyang was suspicious, but didn’t ask much, the pressure of 8-Star Battle Sovereign emerged, and the earth-shattering flew towards Xia Hai.


Xia Hai was banned from void.

“So strong?”

Xia Hai shivering in her heart, angrily: “Gold Coin has been given to you, what else do you want to do?”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “Arrears are just an excuse to draw you in. What I really need is the coordinates of the inner palace.”

“Excuse me?”

Xia Hai froze.

The black clothed youth looked at Qin Feiyang in suspicion. What would this man do with the coordinates of the inner palace?

Qin Feiyang said: “You have no choice but to tell me the coordinates, otherwise you and your cousin will both die here.”

Xia Hai fiercely stared at black clothed youth and looked towards Qin Feiyang: “Who the hell are you?”

“I said, I don’t want nonsense.”

Qin Feiyang’s face sank slightly, and he apparently began to lose patience.

Xia Hai is a little silent, said solemnly: “Okay, I tell you, but I hope you can be confident.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

When Xia Hai said the coordinates, Qin Feiyang didn’t break his word, and said to the fatty, “Stun them and confiscate their image of crystal stone.”

But fatty remained silent, as if she didn’t hear.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, turning one’s head and looked at fatty suspiciously.

It is also at this time.

Fat suddenly looked up, glanced at Xia Hai and black clothed youth, and said, “Who is Xia Changfeng?”

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