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“Xia Changfeng?”

Qin Feiyang slightly stared blankly, who is this?

Xia Hai was surprised.

fatty shouted: “Come on!”

“Xia Changfeng is the Old Ancestor of my Xia Family. I don’t know, are you guys in Prefecture City?”

Xia Hai frowned.

Black clothed youth said: “cousin, they are coming to Prefecture City for the first time.”

“No wonder it’s so ignorant.”

“I might as well tell you that my Xia Family Old Ancestor is the owner of the Prefecture City Eastern City.”

“Discreet’s at once converges pressure, apologize to us, otherwise you will all die.”

After learning that Qin Feiyang two people are the first time to come to Prefecture City, Xia Hai immediately showed a look of conempt, grand and heroic.


But he didn’t notice that deep in Fatty’s eyes, there seemed to be a sharp murderous intention.

fatty said solemnly: “I haven’t heard of you before, shouldn’t you be the grandchildren of Xia Changfeng?”


“I’m not a sibling of Xia Family, but what about that?”

“My innate talent is many times stronger than those who are not related to trash!”

These words of fatty, like stepping on Xia Hai’s tail, immediately jumped the wall and growled.

It seems that he is quite preconceived as a descendant of Xia Family.

It is estimated that usually, they are not bullied by the descendants of Xia Family.

“You’re not wrong, what kind of decent offspring can a man like Xia Changfeng, base and shameless teach?”

fatty smirked.

Qin Feiyang also finally understood that this Xia Changfeng was one of the murderers of the dead fatty grandfather.

“What the hell are you?”

“What old graces and grudges do you have?”

“If there are gratitude and grudges, you just go to him, why do you need to find us?”

Xia Hai exasperated.

“The genocide, cannot live under the same sky!”

“Even if you are not a descendant of Xia Family, you damn it!”

Fat’s face suddenly became extremely glomy, and the Murderous intention lurking in the eye socket suddenly burst out of the eye socket.

Xia Hai two people bewilderement.


When did Old Ancestor kill other families?

Fat squeezed his hands tightly and said, “Remember the Situ Family more than a decade ago?”

“Situ Family !”

Two people now feel like thunder from a clear sky.

Ten years ago, the Situ Family, but one of the Yun Prefecture’s super families, has huge power and powerful power. How could they not know?

“Are you the descendant of the Situ Family?”


“At that time, the Situ Family had rebelled and had been exterminated. It was impossible for someone to live!

Two people shook their heads, their eyes were incredible.

“Without unexpected, I would indeed die.”

“But the sky is full, I survive.”

“Today, I’ll kill you first. I’ll take some interest!”

Fat kills his heart, one finger goes in the air, Battle Qi is tide, and two people black clothed youth are drowned instantly.


Without any suspence.

With a scream, the black clothed youth died on the spot.

“The strength of really strong!”

Xia Hai’s face was pale and terrified: “every injustice has its perpetrator, it was Xia Changfeng at the time. They destroyed your Situ Family. If you want revenge, you should go to him, why should you kill innocent?

“I have more than 10000 people in and out of the Situ Family, killed by them to the last one, aren’t they killing innocent people?”

Fat roared, his eyes flushed with red, full of resentment.

He leaped to the sky, landed in front of Xia Hai, grabbed Xia Hai’s neck, and said, “Don’t blame me for vicious and merciless, just blame you for the Xia Family.”

The words are complete.

5 fingers snapped, snapping sound, squeezing Xia Hai’s throat, blood is like a pillar!

“This is just the beginning, you just wait to tremble!”


fatty let go of his hand, and let Xia Hai’s body fall down, looking up at the Prefecture City, with an amazing murderous intention in his eyes!

Qin Feiyang glanced at the fatty, his index finger volleyed a little, and an invisible force rushed towards the corpse of Xia Hai two people.



The bodies of two people shattered, skeleton doesn’t exist.

Then Qin Feiyang looked again towards fatty, saying, “If you really want revenge, you can do it now.”

“Do not.”

Fat shook his head and landed in front of Qin Feiyang, saying, “I must kill them with my own hands so that I can deal with the undead of my parents.”

“it is good.”

Qin Feiyang was not persuading, took out an Illusory Appearance Pill, and turned into Xia Hai, saying, “I’m going to the inner palace, how about you?”

Fat groaned for a moment and said, “I went to Prefecture City to try one’s luck, maybe steward was hiding in Prefecture City.”


“But when meeting those people, don’t be impulsive and do what you can.”

Qin Feiyang urged.

Fat covered Murderous aura, chuckled, “Do you see Fat Master as an impulsive person?”

Qin Feiyang couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

But for the fatty, he was assured of 120.

how to say?

This guy knows how to look at the situation.

When you have certainty, you fight, if you don’t have certainty, you run away.

This is not righteous, let alone saying that fatty is weak.

On the contrary, the character of fatty is destined to live longer than others.

As for whether fatty can be mixed into Perfection City, he did not consider it.

Because it’s not hard at all with a fat head.

In a wave of hands, a transmission gate opens.

Qin Feiyang took out a white gown from the heaven and earth bag and walked in without looking back.

This dress is the uniform of Sacred Palace.

The Sacred Palace in Nine Great Prefectures has the same costumes.

The next moment.

Qin Feiyang descended over a giant peak.

Giant peak can have 1000 zhang or so, like a giant sword, towering.

The top of the giant peak is located in a huge palace exuding the ancient aura.

All around is the mountain range as far as the eye can see.

The mountains are stacked with vegetation.

Qin Feiyang glanced at this place and found that it is similar to the inner palace in Yun Prefecture, and it should also be located in a deep in the mountains.


He dived, landed on the square in front of the palace, looked up, and Pill Fire Palace 3 words immediately came into sight.

There are also some people coming in and out of Pill Fire Palace.

When I saw Qin Feiyang, I greeted him politely, and Qin Feiyang also smiled one after another nodded.

Thinking in my heart.

It’s not difficult to get into the inner palace, and it’s easy to escape from the inner palace, but it’s not so easy to grab Pill Fire.

Because Pill Fire is bound to have a master.

And, according to common sense, it should be in the hands of Palace Lord of Pill Palace.

Without doubt, Pill Palace Palace Lord is definitely one Battle Ancestor!


A moment passed.

Qin Feiyang exhaled a long breath and walked towards Pill Fire Palace.

There are still more than 3 months to go to the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures. Don’t rush to make a move and wait for the best time.

But first, figure out the exact location of Pill Fire.

Using Xia Hai’s identity, he smoothly entered Pill Fire Palace and soon came to the bottom of the courtyard.

Observing for a moment, he had a plan in mind.

The Pill Fire Palace here is slightly different from the Pill Fire Palace in the Ling Prefecture inner palace.

At Pill Fire Palace in Ling Prefecture, there are only ten Pill Refinement Rooms on each floor.

Here, there are 9 Pill Refinement Rooms from 20 to 1-Layer.

Only 10th-Layer is ten Pill Refinement Rooms.

Qin Feiyang jumped up, landed on the 10th-Layer, glanced at the number on the stone gate, and frowned slightly.

In the Pill Pagoda of Land of Forgetfullness, Pill Refinement Room used by Pagoda Lord, there is no number on the stone gate.

Heavenly Thunder Flame is in it.

The Sacred Palace in Yun Prefecture, the Pill Fire Palace in the inner palace, and the Pill Fire Palace here, each stone gate is numbered.

In other words.

These ten Pill Refinement Rooms are all used for the discipline.

In that case, where is the Pill Refinement Room of Pill Palace Palace Lord?

Because of Pill Fire, it is most likely in the Pill Refinement Room of the Pill Palace Palace Lord.

He had realized this problem before, but hadn’t thought about it.

Because he didn’t want to snatch Pill Fire from Ling Prefecture inner palace.

And now he had to think.

Hong long!

It is at this time.

The stone gate of Pill Refinement Room No. 1 suddenly opened.

When Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked, he saw a familiar white clothed man and walked out of the Pill Refinement Room.

Not others, it’s Mo Wushen!

“It’s not that the enemies don’t get together. This is true.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Mo Wushen also saw Qin Feiyang, but it was swept away, not at all.

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, stepped forward and landed in front of Mo Wushen, arching, “I have seen Senior Brother Mo.”

“Is there something?”

Mo Wushen eyebrow raised, expressionless looking at him.

Qin Feiyang said: “I heard that Ma San escaped, Senior Brother, you need to be careful.”


Mo Wushen corner of the mouth lifted, shuddering in disdain, and said, “many thanks for your concern, I will pay attention, if there is nothing else, let it go, don’t block the way.”

Qin Feiyang arched: “One more thing, I wonder if I can borrow the Pill Refinement Room from Senior Brother Mo?”

Mo Wushen immediately raised an eyebrow and said, “Are you courting death?”

Since becoming the master of the No. 1 Pill Refinement Room, no one has dared to come to him to borrow.

“I just use it, and it will not cause any trouble for Senior Brother Mo. I would urge Senior Brother Mo to be successful.”

“Also, not for the monk’s sake, but for the Buddha’s, for my Old Ancestor’s sake …”

Qin Feiyang begged.

But before he finished speaking, Mo Wushen suddenly took action and slapped him towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang also responded promptly and quickly withdrew.

“If it is a grandson of the Xia Family, I will give this face, but what do you think?”

“It’s just a branch disciple, how far you can go, how tangled, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

“Not to mention that you, Pill Refinement innate talent, are worthy of this Pill Refinement Room?”

Mo Wushen dropped a word coldly, and then left.

“It really deserves it.”

“Dare to ask Mo Wushen to borrow the Pill Refinement Room without checking his identity.”

“This is where the overestimate one’s capabilities end.”

This scene was seen by several passers-by below, and immediately could not help frig irony and scorching satire.

Qin Feiyang frowned, looked towards those passers-by, saying: “Where is my Pill Refinement Room?”

“Aren’t you the 23 Pill Refinement Room?”

“You don’t even remember this, are you stupid?”

“Surely stupid.”

“Yes, it’s strange to be so humiliated by Mo Wushen.”

“In the future, you need to use your brain. Don’t think about 10000000 million you shouldn’t think about.”

The several people laughed again.

Qin Feiyang ignored them, landed on the Ninth Layer, found Pill Refinement Room 23, and walked in.


The passers-by shook their heads and scorned, and immediately disappeared.

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