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Three people stand at the mountain summit and glance at the 4 sides of the valley.

Except for the front entrance, there are not many skulls in the other three directions of the valley.

And did not climb towards the mountain summit.

As long as you can block the entrance and stay within the valley, it is still safe for the time being.



The sound of fighting at distant place is endless.

Qin Feiyang looked up.

It is night, and with a blood mist blocking the view, it is impossible to see how the battle is over there.

Lu Xingchen said with a smile: “Brother Qin, by your means, you should be able to get rid of that skeleton!”

“You’re not nonsense?”

“Depending on the strength of Boss, let alone one, it’s okay to have two more.”

fatty proudly.

“Is it so exaggerated?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him and shook his head: “The strength of the black skeleton cannot be underestimated, because it is an unying body, but to deal with it, it is also a certain certainty.”

“Aren’t you also the unying body?”

fatty laughed.


“Brother Qin is an unying body?”

“Is Brother Qin also a skull?”

Lu Xingchen looked at Qin Feiyang in suspicion.


fatty wrong.

This guy’s imagination is too rich, right?

The unying body in his mouth refers to Battle Character Art.

Qin Feiyang Once Battle Character Art is turned on, what is the difference between it and the undying body?

Seeing the facial expression, Lu Xingchen knew that it would obviously be wrong, said with a smile: “Brother Qin, don’t you think this is tiring? If only we were a few of us, I would be a little easier.”

“Not very tired. Very tired.”

“Boss, Fat Master really don’t know, why are you walking with them?”

fatty even if dissatisfied.

“They have already come here, and even if there are more dissatisfaction, we have to wait until we get out of the plain.

Qin Feiyang.

Fat glanced at the people below the valley, coldly snorted and said: “Fat Master doesn’t want to stay longer in the face of this pig.


Qin Feiyang laughed.

“Yi! ”

“Look at it, why is there an iron sword?”


Someone exclaimed in the valley below.

“Iron sword?”

Qin Feiyang three people startled, hurried down and landed in front of the crowd.

Fat wondered, “Where?”

A disciple reached out, pointing halfway up the mountain on the right.

Qin Feiyang looked up, and pump immediately contracted.

There is a protruding rock on that mountainside, and right in the middle of that rock is a rusty Battle Sword.

“With Battle Sword, does that mean that there are also black skeletons here?”

“Senior Brother Qin, Senior Brother Dong, what should I do?”

Seeing Battle Sword again, everyone no longer had greed in their hearts, only deep fear.

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow. Why are these people’s psychological qualities so bad?

“Don’t panic.”

He was coldly shouted and looked towards Dong Zhengyan and asked, “Let’s go and see?”

“See, but don’t mess around.”

Dong Zhengyan said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang said: “I’m not somebody, there is still a sense of this.”

Sou! !

Two people quickly ran to the foot of the mountain and climbed up.

After the interest rate.

Two people climbed the rocks and cautiously walked up to Battle Sword.

This Battle Sword is slightly different from the previous Battle Sword.

This sword also has a skull on the hilt, but the blade is only 2 fingers wide, which is considered a fine sword.

And among the rust, there are dark rays of light.

Two people stood in front of Battle Sword, more than ten breaths passed, and there was no change in Battle Sword, and no black skeleton appeared.

“It seems that as long as you don’t touch it or pull it out, the black skeleton will not appear.”

“But are there any black skeletons?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Dong Zhengyan looked down at the rocks under his feet, and said, “There are rocks here. There is nowhere to hide. I don’t think so.”

Having said that, he looked up towards Battle Sword, his eyes could not help getting hot.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly stopped him, shaking his head and saying, “Don’t act rashly even if you don’t have one.”

Dong Zhengyan stared at him dissatisfied, but in the end didn’t say much.

Although it seems okay now, who knows, will there be nothing when I really pull out Battle Sword?

So don’t take this risk as well.

After watching for a while, Qin Feiyang turned around and jumped down.

But it is at this time.

Dong Zhengyan said: “Qin Feiyang, the end of the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures, only one of us 2 can leave Nine-Nether Yellow Spring alive.”

This place is immediately filled with an air of killing.


Qin Feiyang’s steps were lightly paused, and after he said this lightly, he jumped.

He appreciates Dong Zhengyan more than Murong Xiong and the others.

Because Dong Zhengyan does not play tricks, he acts straightforward and upright.

“how about it?”

Seeing two people come down, a group of people immediately surrounded him nervously.

“Just don’t move, they should all be healed soon. Shen Long, they also need to rest. They can’t keep them there all the time.”

Qin Feiyang.

Everyone is relaxed.

“Do you think it’s okay to hide here?”

But suddenly.

A joke sound came from outside the valley.

“It’s it!”

“Why did it come here?”

“What about Senior Brother Wuhen and Senior Brother Murong Xiong?”

“Did they have been killed?”

Everyone who was just relieved mentioned his throat again.

Because the sound is too familiar, it is the black skeleton!


Qin Feiyang’s heart sank as well, and with a big wave of his hand, he led everyone toward the entrance.

Upon arriving at the entrance, the black skeleton came into view.

But when I saw the dozens of meters away, the black skull came step by step, and the Battle Sword in his hand exuded the black glow of the forest, all around the blood mist, like a ghost walking in the night!

Dong Zhengyan held his hands together, said solemnly: “I’m afraid Dongfang Wuhen they bode ill rather than well!”

“bode ill rather than well !”

Everyone trembled physically and mentally, all looking to Qin Feiyang and Dong Zhengyan, expression panic to the extreme.

“Senior Brother Qin, we were wrong before. Please take action to help us through this tribulation.”

“As long as we can survive, we promise that we will never be against you again.”

Wu Yan and Xu Yang talked one after another, and expressions were full of begging.

“Is it right?”

fatty 嗤 said with a smile: “You do n’t think about it, do you really think you can cause us any loss?”

Two people’s eyes were immediately angry.

“Not satisfied?”

fatty casting sidelong glances with two people, expression is extremely disdainful.

“stop fighting.”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, looked towards Dong Zhengyan said: “You take everyone to stay in this valley, and I will meet it.”

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, but for the sake of insurance, I’ll go with you,” Dong Zhengyan said.

“also good.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Dong Zhengyan’s strength is already good, plus Battle Soul, maybe it can really help.

“Shen Long, Jiang Wei, fatty, you keep the entrance, don’t go out 10000000.”

One more thing, Qin Feiyang two people stepped forward and broke into the skull group in front.


Two people imposing manner are fully open, like two human shaped T-rex, wherever they pass, the pieces of skulls are shattered.

“Is there anyone who is not afraid of death?”

Seeing two people take the initiative to kill, the black skeleton was quite surprised.

The two people were silent, killing madly, and soon came to the opposite side of the black skeleton, only 5 6 meters away.

“Since you are so anxious to die, this Eminence might as well complete you first.”

“After killing you, torture them slowly.”

“Human blood is a rare delicacy in the world.”

The black skeleton glanced at Qin Feiyang two people, and the bloody flame in his eyes bounced rapidly.


The next moment.

It raises the Battle Sword and slashes in the air!

A sword qi roared, the torn edge was torn apart, and the white skeletons all around instantly wiped out a large swath!

Seeing this scene, the white skull of the more distant place seemed to be very scared. They were all surrounded by the distant place and dared not come forward.

“This is a big help.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

If those white skeletons keep coming up, it will definitely cause them a lot of trouble.

It is naturally more difficult to get rid of the black skeleton.

Qin Feiyang was preparing to take an action, but Dong Zhengyan stopped him, in the dark sound transmission: “I’ll try its strength first, you can see what happens.”

The words fall.

Without giving Qin Feiyang a chance to speak, Dong Zhengyan put his hands on his chest, his fingers twitched quickly, and One after another black, Battle Qi emerged, gathered between his hands.

Almost only in the blink of an eye, a black square seal with a large thumb came out!


When the square seal came out, an amazing imposing manner rolled all directions.

“Black Demon Seal!”

With Dong Zhengyan’s growl, the black square seal cut through the sky and met the sword qi.

A loud noise burst immediately.

Destructive qi wave, hiding the sky and covering the earth!

Qin Feiyang had to retreat.



Dong Zhengyan spit out blood, stepped under his feet, and took a few steps back.

“Not an opponent?”

See you.

The number 100 at the entrance couldn’t help it.

No wonder Dongfang Wuhen and Murong Xiong will die. It turns out that the black skeleton is so powerful!

“It’s pretty good.”

“But if that’s the case, then this Eminence advises you to give up resistance early.”

black skull sneer.


It stepped forward, grabbed Battle Sword, and slashed directly at Dong Zhengyan’s head.

“hmph! ”

Dong Zhengyan coldly snorted, he did not retreat in the least, and his large hand protruded like lightning, palm Qi swelled in the palm, and he patted the back of the sword with his bare hand.

铿 clang!

The horror power, strikes over Battle Sword, Battle Sword immediately bent away from the bones of the black skeleton, flew out, and disappeared into the night sky.

Follow closely.

Dong Zhengyan stepped out, and instantly fell on the side of the black skull, then one fist exploded towards the skull of the skull.

Ka-cha !

The repeated offensives made the black skull unexpected, and the skull all split up and in pieces on the spot!

The skull was broken, and the two flames in the eye sockets were equivalent to losing protection and floating in front of Dong Zhengyan.

“good chance!”

Dong Zhengyan’s eyes brightened, and he reached out with both hands, like an eagle claw, grabbing at the two clusters of flames.

But at first sight, the flame, the skull of the black skull, all split up and in pieces, unexpectedly repaired instantly!


The pair of dark bone claws protruded to Dong Zhengyan’s chest!


Dong Zhengyan cursed, and suddenly retreated without thinking.

“jié jié ……”

The black skeleton chased after it, and made a harsh laughter.

It seems that Dong Zhengyan’s previous actions completely angered it.


Its bone claws flew in the air.

铿 clang!

The Battle Sword that disappeared into the night sky came with a sharp, harsh sound, breaking the sky like lightning.

It held certainty on the hilt of the sword, and the cluster of blood flames in Qi Sea released a strand of bloodstream, like Battle Qi, into Battle Sword.

Clang! ! !


Battle Sword trembled fiercely.

You can even sense a very eager, very exciting mental wave.

In addition, the blade of Battle Sword is also covered with a layer of hazy blood light!

More sharp before!

At this moment, both Qin Feiyang and Dong Zhengyan felt a deadly threat!

And this threat comes from that Battle Sword!

“Qin Feiyang, its self-healing ability is several times stronger than the white skull, and it is difficult to entangle!”

“So you have to find a way to destroy that Battle Sword!”

Dong Zhengyan backed up while giving Qin Feiyang in the dark sound transmission.

prior to.

His full power take action is just shooting the Battle Sword, which shows that he has no ability to destroy the Battle Sword, so he can only rely on Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed.

It’s not impossible to destroy Battle Sword.


With the continuous flow of blood-colored air, the dark Battle Sword in the hands of the black skull has become dark red, emitting a terrifying baleful qi!

“Human, this Eminence must suck your blood!”


The black skeleton sneered, holding up the Battle Sword, and immediately flew out a dark red Blood Blade, densely packed, filled with void!

“Let’s try it now, the flesh on your body is cut off piece by piece!”

The tone of the black skull was almost insane.

It slammed Battle Sword, the Blood Blade in void, and killed Dong Zhengyan with a brain!

“You don’t have this ability yet, Celestial Demon Seal!”

Dong Zhengyan seething in anger.

Put your hands on your chest and quickly condensing a seal.


With a loud noise, the ground exploded on 4 sides, and a deep pit appeared at your feet!

The dust billows and drowns all directions!


A dark square seal rushed out of his hands, carrying the power of world extinguishing, exploded towards the Blood Blade.

This Celestial Demon Seal is more powerful than the previous Black Demon Seal!

Clang! !

The Blood Blade shattered piece by piece.

But the Celestial Demon Seal is gradually falling apart.

Until the last Blade disappeared, the Celestial Demon Seal collapsed, and Dong Zhengyan immediately flew out like a meteorite.

In the mouth, blood is wildly spurting!

His face is pale as paper!

But this time.

The black skeleton was also shaking back a few steps, and the bloody flame in the eye sockets showed signs of extinction several times.


Dong Zhengyan shouted to Qin Feiyang sound transmission.

If he doesn’t destroy Battle Sword anymore, he won’t be able to carry on.


Qin Feiyang pupil light, cold, unfolded Phantom Step, leaving one after another afterimage, rushing towards the black skeleton.

“Even the Battle Ancestor isn’t an opponent of this Eminence, you dare to run into this Insignificant Battle Sovereign. This Eminence really admires your courage.

The sound of the black skull’s disdain wagging in void.


It waved Battle Sword, a dark red sword qi, whistling towards Qin Feiyang.

Its sword-swinging movement is very light, revealing a full conempt.

“Looking down on he will suffer.”

Dong Zhengyan whispered, has stabilized his body, stared at the black skeleton deadly, waiting for the best time to take action.

sword qi is coming!

Qin Feiyang corner of the mouth lifted, holding a sneer of sneer, a big volley shot, a golden light emerged, and the sword qi blasted together.


Qin Feiyang was shocked, and his old blood was wildly spurting.

The arms are torn skin and gaping flesh!

But at the same time.

That sword qi took a volley and turned to the black skeleton!

“what happened?”

black skull in surprise.

“Surprised is still behind, don’t worry!”

Qin Feiyang smiled coldly, followed the sword qi, and continued to kill the black skeleton.

It is also at this time.

Dong Zhengyan, like a poisonous snake showing its fangs, also rushed towards the black skeleton.

The black skeleton glanced at the two people, and the flames in the eye sockets jumped sharply, raising the bone fingers sharply, pointing at Dong Zhengyan, shouted: “Kill him!”

As soon as this word came out, the white skulls surrounding the distant place were immediately transformed into a wave of white, rushing up.

The goal is Dong Zhengyan!

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