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See you.

Dong Zhengyan cursed again and again, sound transmission said: “Qin Feiyang, hold on first, I will come to help you as soon as possible.”

Qin Feiyang looked back at Dong Zhengyan’s situation, not panicking at all.

Because at this time, don’t panic!

He turned his head and continued to rush to the black skeleton, saying: “Do you think you can kill me if you trap him?”

“Insignificant an 8-Star Battle Sovereign, having such a means really surprised this Eminence, but that’s all.”

The black skeleton sneered, with a wave of Battle Sword in his hand, dozens of Blood Blades appeared, filled with void in front.


It gave the sky a roar, like a ghostly howl.

Sou! ! !

For a moment.

The Blood Blade suspended in void is like a sharp arrow that cuts through the night sky and kills Qin Feiyang.

The bitter murderous intention is trembling!

Qin Feiyang did not hide, and his eyes were deadly stillness.


He raised his arm and patted his big hand in the air, a radiance like a wave, gushing out of his palm!

Hong long!

The night sky here immediately exploded a deafening noise.

golden light ten thousand zhang, shine all directions!

I saw that in the golden light, dozens of Blood Blades volleyed in a volley, and went back to kill the black skeleton!


black skull startled.

If it happens only once, it can be considered a coincidence, but the same situation occurs a second time, which is definitely not a coincidence.

But how did this human do it?

Dozens of Blood Blade imposing manner were violent, and the black skeleton was drowned in an instant.

And Qin Feiyang’s arm shattered as a result, flesh flew across!


He didn’t step back, stepped on the ground, forcibly stabilized his body, and at the same time the ground exploded, showing a deep pit!


Qin Feiyang, like one invincible Battle God, turned a blind eye to the shattered arm, and swooped down in front of the black skeleton like lightning.

“Looking down on me, you will pay a serious price!”

He was coldly said with a smile.

铿 clang!

Azure Snow emerged out of thin air, his other arm raised, grabbed Azure Snow, and slashed off the skull of the black skull.

The original meaning of Dong Zhengyan was to destroy Battle Sword before killing the black skeleton.

But at this moment, there is a complete opportunity to directly break the skull of the black skull, crush the flame in its eyes, and let it die completely.

A person with a strong battle awareness must know how to respond when fighting.

Therefore, Qin Feiyang ignored the Battle Sword and went straight to the black skull.

But the reaction ability of the black skeleton is also far beyond Qin Feiyang’s expectations!

Seeing Azure Snow was going to pierce the skull of the black skull, but at this moment, the black skull waved the Battle Sword and also cut off at Qin Feiyang!

Electric light flint.

Qin Feiyang A suddenly retreated, dodging the battle of Battle Sword.

If it continues, the situation of burn both jade and stone is bound to occur.

black skeleton will die.

He will die too!

So he had to retreat.

But while retreating, with a wealth of combat experience and battle awareness, Azure Snow in his hands took a volley, slashing towards Black Sword in the hands of the skull.


Immediately, Spark 4 splashed!

The sharpness of Azure Snow, no stronghold one cannot overcome, instantly cut that Battle Sword into 2 pieces!


black skull turn pale with fright.

“oh! ”

Qin Feiyang is secretly sighed.

It’s a pity that such a good opportunity failed to kill the black skeleton!

Fortunately, he was resilient and ruined Battle Sword.

Finally did not live up to Dong Zhengyan’s expectations.

“Human, you are going to die!”


The black skull roared and covered all over baleful qi soaring heaven.

“Afraid you are not?”

Qin Feiyang converged, and cold cold light emerged in his eyes.


He was preparing to start Battle Character Art, but at this moment, Dong Zhengyan at the rear suddenly shouted: “Qin Feiyang, get out of here!”


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Because in the rear, he felt a devastating wave!


What great killing move Dong Zhengyan has launched!

Without thinking, he flickered, and disappeared without a trace.

“Divine Demon Seal!”

The moment he disappeared, Dong Zhengyan surrounded by white skulls, awarded the sky furiously roaring, long hair Feiyang, imposing manner all over the sky!

at the same time.

Between both of his hands, a dark square seal, like a shooting star, comes out wildly shooting!

Wherever I go, those white skeletons with undying bodies are now crushed into pieces like decaying dead wood!

Terrible power, shatter the earth!

“Wretched human!”

“If Battle Sword isn’t destroyed, this Eminence won’t be afraid even if someone else is all together!”

See you.

The black skeleton yelled and turned and fled in horror.

“Battle Sword is really its biggest reliance.”

Dong Zhengyan mumbled.

Immediately afterwards, the Murderous Intention was magnificent.

The black square seal cut through the sky, and Aura locked the black skull firmly.

No matter where the black skeleton fled, the square seal followed.


The black skeleton failed to escape, and the square seal carried the world extinguishing aura on it.



A scream screamed through the night sky.

All the white skulls were shattered as soon as they disappeared.

“do you died?”

Dong Zhengyan, while fighting with the white skeleton, looked at the dusty area of ​​that side, and was quite agitated.

If this fails to kill the black skeleton, then I am afraid that everyone can only escape.


At this time.

Qin Feiyang also appeared out of thin air, like a hot knife through butter, the white skull standing in front of him, gathered with Dong Zhengyan.

Inwardly, it is also very embarrassing.

A moment passed.

The dust settled, showing a huge tiankeng.

The earth near the tiankeng is also fragmented.

Two people looked at the same time, approaching the pit.

When they reached the edge of the tiankeng, two people hurriedly looked towards the bottom.

It was empty inside.

But in the dirt at the bottom, a black skull was buried.

“not dead?”

Two people eyeball stared, full of incredible.

“You stand up, I’ll see.”

Dong Zhengyan gloomy said, one fist shaking back a few white skulls that jumped up, then jumped into the sky pit, cautiously close to the skull.

When ten meters away, the skull didn’t move.

The skull didn’t move when it was five meters away!

When Dong Zhengyan approached the skull, he still did not move.

But Dong Zhengyan didn’t dare to care.

He bent down slowly, reached out and grabbed the skull. There was a Battle Qi rush on his palm, and he was all on alert. He even shed big beads of sweat on his forehead.

We can see how nervous he is at this moment!

Qin Feiyang is also prepared to deal with the white skull while holding the skull firmly locked.

at last!

Dong Zhengyan grabbed the skull and yanked it up.

The moment the skull left the dirt, Qin Feiyang two people’s hanging heart finally let go.

It turned out that this was only half a skull.

There was a black hole in the eye socket, without a trace of bloody flame.

See, the black skeleton is dead!

“It’s a tough guy.”

Dong Zhengyan’s relieved with lingering fear, the five fingers contracted, and the skull in his hand was crushed into pieces.


He left the tiankeng, and together with Qin Feiyang, he ran towards the valley while crushing the white skeleton.

Hong long!

But not yet close.

There was a loud bang across the valley.

“what happened?”

Two people were shocked.

“Boss, come here, the black skeletons in the valley are awake.”

The anxious loudly shouted followed closely.


“How could that skeleton wake up?”

“Is who pulled that Battle Sword?”

Qin Feiyang two people were furious.

The skeleton has just been solved, and their injuries have not healed. Now the skeletons in the valley are awake again.

While angry, Qin Feiyang hurriedly took out two Healing Pills and one Regeneration Pill.

After serving Healing Pill and Regeneration Pill, he handed another Healing Pill to Dong Zhengyan.

These medicinal pills have 3 Pill Marks and have strong repair capabilities.

But despite this, the mood of two people is very heavy.

Because they don’t know anything about the strength of the black skeleton in that valley. If it is stronger than the skeleton that was killed before, then it must be a bitter battle!


The roar of the valley came again.

Qin Feiyang two people saw vaguely that the whole valley had collapsed.

One after another silhouette, running out of the broken broken stone, all in a difficult situation.

At the same time.

There was another scream.

Screams, filled with despair and fear.

Sou! !

Two people started quickly, anxious to put on a few pairs of wings.

A few interest passes.

They could finally see the fatty and the others clearly, and everyone looked panic-stricken.

“Boss, hurry up!”

When he saw Qin Feiyang, he immediately shouted, and was covered with blood.


I had played against the black skeleton in the valley before.

2 Dialing people together, Dong Zhengyan said solemnly: “Tell me, what is going on?”

“We don’t know.”

Everyone shook his head.

Dong Zhengyan said angrily, “Aren’t you in the valley? Why don’t you know?”

“jié jié ……”

Without waiting for everyone to speak, a harsh laughter suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked and saw a black skeleton, walking step by step, covered with baleful qi.

And its bone claw, holding a dark Battle Sword, flashing an appalling gloom, that is the thin sword that was inserted on the rock at first.


Qin Feiyang and Dong Zhengyan changed color at the same time.

Because the imposing manner of this skull is even better than the skull that was killed before!

“Shen Long, fatty, you’re on your way.”

“Jiang Wei, Lu Xingchen, after you die!”

“The remaining 8-Star Battle Sovereign and 7-Star Battle Sovereign are on the 2nd side to protect everyone and rush towards the end of the plain.”

“Remember, if you want to survive, you must keep a good formation, don’t panic!”

Qin Feiyang made arrangements quickly.

“how about you?”

fatty anxiously said.

“I and Dong Zhengyan killed it!”

“Now only by killing it can trouble be completely vanish, otherwise our casualties will be even greater!”

Qin Feiyang gloomy said, Murderous intention flashed.

Seeing everyone hesitating, Dong Zhengyan was shouted angrily: “Snapshot what Qin Feiyang said, otherwise don’t blame our ruthlessness and leave you alone!”

Everyone shivered, and immediately formed a line and rushed towards the end of the plain.

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