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“jié jié ……”

The black skeleton saw everyone escaping, and even with a sneer, he raised the Battle Sword in his hand and slashed down with a sword.

A black sword qi, immediately cut through the sky, and killed fatty and the others.

Qin Feiyang and Dong Zhengyan looked simultaneously, while they were nodded.


The imposing manner of two people burst out.

——Returning Ruins!

——Divine Demon Seal!

The invisible force, the black square seal, was born in an instant, and at the same time exploded towards that sword qi.

Hong long!

With a loud noise, Qin Feiyang was shaken back on the spot, qi and blood withing the body, wildly spurting with blood.

Dong Zhengyan just stepped back a few steps, his mouth overflowing with a hint of bloodstain.

The black skeleton is similar to Dong Zhengyan.

“Qin Feiyang, although you are strong enough, after all, the cultivation base is too weak to rely on Battle Art to fight it.”

“Don’t be reserved, full power take action!”

Dong Zhengyan sound transmission.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

He also knows that dragging on is not good for anyone.

The most important thing is that he is more worried about fatty and Ren Wushuang. If by any chance, there is a black skull in front of him, then it must be better than well!

and so.

Gotta do it quickly!

Sou! !

Two people stepped out and ran towards the black skeleton.


Behind Qin Feiyang burst into a monstrous fire wave. Between the fire waves, Nine Leaves Fire Lotus exudes a devastating aura!

Clang! ! !

Almost instantly, the nine Fire Lotus leaves fell off, like 9 meteors that cut through the night sky, exploded towards the black skeleton.


The contempt sound of the black skull rang in void.

With a wave of Battle Sword, dozens of sword qi were born, with an astonishing sharp edge, banging with nine Fire Lotus leaves.


Qin Feiyang suddenly shouted again and again, powerful words!

Nine Fire Lotus leaves exploded at the same time, giving birth to a world extinguishing power, sweeping across all directions!

All around the white skulls, broken into pieces.

The flames in the eye sockets also extinguished instantly!

And the black skull at the center of the explosion has a crack in his bones!

This heavy blow made it frightened and angry again!

铿 clang!

With a harsh noise, the Battle Sword released 10000 sword qi, and rushed out of the explosion area with a black skull.

crash-bang …

But at the same time.

Dong Zhengyan vacated a dark iron chain behind him, with thick arms, like a python, dark rays flashes.

As soon as the iron chain appeared, it traversed the sky and went straight to the black skeleton.

This is exactly his Battle Soul!

At a look at the Battle Soul of Dong Zhengyan, Qin Feiyang shook the God One vibrator, took out Azure Snow without the slightest hesitation, followed behind the iron chain, and rushed towards the black skull.


The black skeleton still disdain.

Because it found that iron chain not at all attack power.

As the iron chain approached, it waved Battle Sword and cut it with a sword!


“I promise, at once you will startled!”

Dong Zhengyan corner of the mouth lifted, holding a sneer of sensation.


He thought about it.

iron chain immediately volleyed around, bypassing Battle Sword, and instantly tangled in the black skeleton.



Dong Zhengyan shuddenly shouted.

The black skeleton immediately felt that there was an invisible formidable power shrouding it, and the body could not move!

“How could this be?”

black skull startled.

“A dead thing is a dead thing, even if IQ is limited!”

“Dead completely!”

At this time.

Qin Feiyang also swept in front of the black skull, and with a roar, Azure Snow waved suddenly in his hand.


Azure Snow too terrifying.

The skull of the black skull, like tofu is unable to withstand a single blow.

For a moment.

The skull was cut into two halves, and the flames in the eye sockets were instantly extinguished!

Immediately, Qin Feiyang took another fist to shoot, Battle Qi Ruhong, the skeleton of the black skull shattered on the spot, and the complete shadow was completely extinguished.


Dong Zhengyan exhaled, and the iron chain collapsed, disappearing quickly.

“Didn’t expect is just so strenuous to deal with 2 skeletons, how dangerous is the Swamp of Death behind?”

Qin Feiyang whispered, his eyes filled with worry.

Before that, he had been very confident, but now, he feels that the probability of reaching the other shore is a bit slim.

“Don’t think about it, quickly go!”

Dong Zhengyan said.

Qin Feiyang nodded, put away Azure Snow, turned and killed the white skeleton while chasing toward the fatty and the others.

“Without these ghosts, I wouldn’t be afraid of even a few more black skeletons.”

Dong Zhengyan was rather angry.

Qin Feiyang feels the same way.

Although the weaknesses of these skeletons have been found, the number is too large and the killing is endless. Whether it is rushing or fighting, it will bring them endless trouble.

Dong Zhengyan suddenly said again, “Did you say that Dongfang Wuhen and Murong Xiong are really dead?”


Qin Feiyang said, but he was not sure.

Dong Zhengyan said with a sneer: “If they really die, it’s a good deed.”

Both people are Kings of Battle Ancestor Realm and are undoubtedly his biggest competitors.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Dong Zhengyan, but did not deny it.


Two people noticed a corpse lying on the ground in front.

Two people took a closer look. This is a young man wearing white clothes and a ‘Ling’ character embroidered on his chest.

There is no doubt that this person was the one who retreated with the large army.

Dead so terribly!

But the two people ignored it and continued to follow fatty and the others.

On the way, they encountered many corpses again!

“On entering Yellow Springs, nine deaths and still alive!”

Dong Zhengyan couldn’t help but lament.

In Ling Prefecture, these people have a vertical posture, which is the existence of countless youngsters looking up, but only hunted here.

Even the body was left unattended.


After a while, two people finally caught up with the big army.

But everyone’s situation is very bad. Most people have serious injuries and are gritting their teeth to barely insist.

Seeing Qin Feiyang two people rushing in, some people were lying on the ground weakly on the spot.

“Senior Brother Qin, Senior Brother Dong, I can’t stand it.”

“I can’t hold on, could you please think of a way?”

They begged helplessly.

Looking at the boundless skeleton wave all around, my heart is even more regretful.

Why didn’t you listen to persuasion from the beginning and came to this ghost place?

Qin Feiyang scans everyone while killing the skeleton.

Those who did not lie down were all scaly and bruised, and looked like they had no idea.

Even the two 2-Star Battle Sovereigns, fatty, Lu Xingchen, Ren Wushuang, and Shen Long and Jiang Wei, have a miserable face.

This is not good, because everyone has lost morale.

In such a cruel environment, if morale is lost, it is tantamount to a dead person.

“Stand up for me!”

“In this place, nobody will sympathize with the weak.”

“If you don’t get up, I won’t take care of you, I won’t let anyone else take care of you, you just stay here to die!”

Qin Feiyang shouted.

Although ruthless, it is also a way to motivate everyone.

Now, we can only use this method to motivate everyone.


As soon as they heard that they would leave them alone, those lying on the ground immediately gritted their teeth and joined the fight.

Because no one wants to die in this world.

“Shen San!”

Qin Feiyang shouted.

A bloody, crafty-looking youth quickly ran to Qin Feiyang and bowed down, “Senior Brother Qin, what do you tell me?”

Qin Feiyang said: “What about the medical pill given to you by Dongfang Wuhen?”

“Run out.”

Shen San hurried, but expression was a little flustered.

“Did you really run out?”

Qin Feiyang looked cold.

He hasn’t seen anyone, and just by Shen San’s expression, he knows that there is a ghost in his heart.

“It really runs out.”

Shen San said.

Qin Feiyang looked towards fatty and asked: “You have been there all the time, do you know how much medical pill he gave everyone?”

Fat thought for a while and said, “It seems like everyone gave one.”


Qin Feiyang was becoming hostile on the spot, glancing at Shen San, gloomy said: “How can Dongfang Wuhen only give you this medical pill? At once, give it all out, otherwise don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Shen San shivered.

Dongfang Wuhen did give him a lot of top grade medicinal pill, it is estimated that there are at least 10000 pieces.

But when he saw Dongfang Wuhen not returning, he thought of swallowing.

Because this place is too terrifying, if there is not enough medicinal pill, it will be difficult to stick to the end.

Who would have thought that unexpectedly was spotted by Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang shouted.

However, the voice did not fall, Dong Zhengyan took action directly, and one fist killed Shen San.

“Why nonsense with this kind of person?”

Dong Zhengyan said coldly, and then found out two heaven and earth bags from Shen San’s arms, and checked them immediately.

One of the heaven and earth bags was directly thrown away by him.

Another heaven and earth bag was handed over to Ren Wushuang, and Ren Wushuang distributed medicinal pill to everyone.

Because Ren Wushuang is the granddaughter of Mansion Lord, he certainly will not hide it.

“Don’t stop, go on!”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, he opened the road with fatty and Shen Long, while Dong Zhengyan broke with Lu Xingchen and Jiang Wei.

of course.

Qin Feiyang and Dong Zhengyan also need to support the audience.

As for distributing the medical pill, Ren Wushuang also called Shen Mei for help.

With these top grade medicinal pill as support, everyone’s injury has finally stabilized and is gradually improving.

For a while, it was orderly.

One breath breathes away.

Finally, the blood moon fell from the sky, and the blood sun rose.


You still don’t see the end of the plain, but the crisis has finally resolved.

Because the blood sun rose, all those white skeletons got into the ground.

By a hill.

someone gasping for breath

Someone 奄奄 one breath lying on the ground.

Still others looked at the blood-red sky and smirked.

this moment.

For the external image, we don’t care at all, only the joy of avoiding a catastrophe.

Qin Feiyang and Dong Zhengyan stood aside and glanced at the crowd, and the worries between the eyebrows never faded.

It ’s been 2 days and 2 nights. How long will it take to see the shadow at the end of the plain?

The most important thing is that only here, unexpectedly there are only 2 100 people left.

To know.

A total of 550 people came this time!

As a result, even before the Swamp of Death arrived, most of them had already died. How many people would die next, two people would not even think about it.

Dong Zhengyan turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, saying: “Let’s go talk.”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Two people in silence walked to the side.

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