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inside the gates of hell!

A thick blood mist envelopes everything around.

A group of people walked among the blood mist, their vigilant eyes glanced at all around, and their faces were extremely dignified.

These people are exactly Qin Feiyang and the others!

Because the blood mist is too thick and the visibility is only indicative five meters, they are moving very slowly.

However, the journey was beyond imagination and nothing unexpected happened.

Dong Zhengyan frowns saying: “Qin Feiyang, do you think we think too much?”

“Is that right?”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

But why was the uneasiness in his heart more intense?


Lu Xingchen said: “It’s not easy here, don’t take it lightly.”

“How to say?”

Dong Zhengyan was surprised.

Lu Xingchen said: “I can’t say it, but I just feel uneasy.”


Qin Feiyang looked horribly towards Lu Xingchen, and even Lu Xingchen was disturbed, and it did not seem to be an illusion.

“Do you feel this way too?”

See Qin Feiyang, Lu Xingchen frowns saying.


Qin Feiyang nodded.


Two people sank and became more careful.

However, as we go along, we can use the words calm and calm to describe.

They can’t figure it out, why is this happening?

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.

Qin Feiyang said with a bitter smile: “Maybe we have an illusion at the same time.”


Lu Xingchen also smiled bitterly.

But suddenly.

Qin Feiyang noticed that there was a blood mist in Lu Xingchen’s eyes.


He hurriedly looked towards Dong Zhengyan several people next to him, and found that the eyes of several people were permeated with a faint blood mist.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang stopped and looked horrified.


Seeing Qin Feiyang suddenly stop, Lu Xingchen and the others looked at him with a puzzled look.

Qin Feiyang said, “Look at me, is there a blood mist in my eyes?”


Several people stared blankly, looking towards Qin Feiyang’s eyes.

Don’t look at it, look at it!

In the eyes of Qin Feiyang, there is also a blood mist.

And so is Wolf King’s pumps.

“What is going on?”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Too weird.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, turned and walked towards Wu Yan and the others. He wanted to see if everyone was like this?


When he walked up to Wu Yan and Xu Yang and saw the eyes of two people, immediately horrified.

In the eyes of the two people, not only is the blood mist permeated, but even the eyeball has turned red!

He hurriedly looked into the eyes of others, only to find that the situation was exactly the same as Wu Yan two people unexpectedly.


Everyone found this anomaly and couldn’t help panic.

“calm down!”

Lu Xingchen coldly shouted, looked towards Qin Feiyang: “We must speed up.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, shouted: “Go forward at full speed, 10000000 don’t leave the team!”

Everyone is nodded.


Qin Feiyang waved and turned around with everyone, galloping up ahead.

everywhere all is blood mist, they don’t know where the exit is, so they can only move forward.


About 50 breaths left and right.


A painful wailing came from behind.

Qin Feiyang stopped quickly, turning one’s head, and saw Xiang Shaolong lying on the ground, holding his head in both hands, screaming in stern screaming.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang walked to Xiang Shaolong and looked at Wu Yan and asked.

“I’m in front of him and don’t know what?” Wu Yan shook his head.

“I’m behind Xiang Shaolong, I know.”

A short youth stood up.

Qin Feiyang said: “Come on.”

Short youth said, “I saw it with my own eyes. He ran on the ground, but I don’t know the specific situation.”


Qin Feiyang frowned.

“let me see.”

Lu Xingchen pushed Qin Feiyang away and walked in front of Xiang Shaolong, frowns saying: “Xiang Shaolong, how are you doing?”


Xiang Shaolong didn’t seem to hear it, and he stopped miserable howl, stopped struggling, and lay motionless on the ground.

Lu Xingchen said with a smile: “It seems all right.”


Everyone exhaled for a long time, what a fright!

But Qin Feiyang did not relax, staring at Xiang Shaolong.

He felt it was not over.

Because if Xiang Shaolong is really okay, then Lu Xingchen will definitely be answered.

But now, Xiang Shaolong not only didn’t answer, but also kept lying on the ground, obviously not quite right.

Watching Xiang Shaolong stand still, Lu Xingchen lightly said with a smile: “Get up quickly if you’re okay, what are you lying on?”

But Xiang Shaolong remained silent.

“what happened?”

Everyone was surprised again.

Lu Xingchen frowned, reaching out to grab Xiang Shaolong’s arm, trying to pull him up.

“jié jié ……”

It is at this time.

A sudden laughter sounded.

The person who sneered was Xiang Shaolong!

Follow closely.

Xiang Shaolong suddenly looked up and flung towards Lu Xingchen!

Just as he looked up, Qin Feiyang and the others were horrified!

Because the current Xiang Shaolong and the former Xiang Shaolong are totally two people!

Now Xiang Shaolong, not only his face is full of dazzling bloodshots, his eyes are even blood red!

Most importantly, at this moment, his eyes are ruthless, indifferent, cruel, and blood-thirsty rays of light!

Lu Xingchen was also frightened by this sudden scene, and the instinctual one fist took it.


Xiang Shaolong was photographed on the spot, blood wildly spurting!

“jié jié ……”

But he didn’t seem to be in pain, and immediately jumped up from the ground with a smirk, and flung at the woman nearest him.

Face, extremely embarrassing!

“what happened?”

Everyone was shocked.

The woman saw Xiang Shaolong leaping, and she also turned back in a balance turning pale.

Dong Zhengyan frowns saying: “He seems crazy.”

Qin Feiyang said: “No, he’s not crazy, he’s lost his mind.”

“Wake me up!”

Lu Xingchen suddenly shouted, stepped forward and grabbed Xiang Shaolong’s neck, then slapped a fan on Xiang Shaolong’s face.


Xiang Shaolong spit out blood at the moment, and his teeth were shattered.

But even so, he didn’t have the slightest sign of soberness, baring fangs and brandishing claws, smirking again and again, like bedevilment.

“How could this be?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

It stands to reason that Lu Xingchen’s slap can wake up Xiang Shaolong, but why is there no effect?


He glanced at the blood mist in void, and his face was full of suspicion. Could it be that these blood mist were working?

Dong Zhengyan shouted: “Lu Xingchen, don’t delay anymore, quick go!”

It’s so weird here that he doesn’t want to stay longer.

“What about him?”

Lu Xingchen frowned.

He, of course, refers to Xiang Shaolong.

Dong Zhengyan said, “Just whatever you want, just don’t drag everyone down.”



The voice has not fallen.

Another painful scream sounded.

Everyone hurriedly looked and saw the screaming man, who was the woman previously attacked by Xiang Shaolong.

I saw the woman, as before Xiang Shaolong, half-knelt on the ground, holding her head tightly with both hands, an extremely painful look.


A line of horrible to see blood quickly rose on her face.

Looking at this scene, everyone present was trembling!

Qin Feiyang also looked at that woman, but suddenly it seemed like something was found, and she looked up towards that woman’s head.


He glanced down and looked towards the heads of others, said solemnly: “Nothing wrong!”


Everyone looked towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang said: “Their changes are related to these blood mists.”

“Blood mist?”

Everyone was shocked.

“These blood mists can penetrate our Sea of ​​Consciousness, erode our sanity, and drive us crazy.”

“When you look at her head, a trace of blood mist penetrates her top of the head.”

“It’s not just her now, our sanity is also being eroded by the blood mist.”

Qin Feiyang.

Everyone looked towards that woman, and indeed a blood mist kept infiltrating the top of the head, but it wasn’t obvious, so I didn’t find it before.

Shen Long said: “Will we also become like them?”

“definitely will.”

“Just because she and Xiang Shaolong had the lowest cultivation base, so they went crazy before us.”

Qin Feiyang.

As soon as this remark was made, immediately was in chaos and everyone was in danger.

“Senior Brother Qin, you must help us.”

“I don’t want to die!”

“I kneel for you, I give you kowtow …”


Wu Yan and Xu Yang ran to Qin Feiyang, knelt directly on the ground, and begged.

“Senior Brother Qin, we will kneel down for you, and we will also give you kowtow. Please show mercy and save everyone.”

Seeing this, in addition to Dong Zhengyan several people, others also knelt down, their faces full of despair.

If the exit is ahead, they will definitely not ask for Qin Feiyang.

But now there is no shadow of the exit. Who knows how long to stay here?

And these blood mists are still flowing into their top of the head continuously, and they will always follow the footsteps of Xiang Shaolong two people.

and so.

Qin Feiyang is their only life-saving straw right now.

“jié jié ……”

It’s too late, it’s fast!

At last the woman stopped screaming and sneered, her hair shed, her eyes bloody, as if the devil from hell rushed towards the crowd.

at the same time.

Two more people went crazy, and after suffering painfully, they rushed to the people next to them, like one hungry wolf!


Dong Zhengyan cursed, took an action quickly, and directly ended the life of the three people.


He turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, said solemnly: “Although I don’t want to help them, they are really pitiful now. Why not help them again?”

“Pitiful people must be hateful.”

Wolf King coldly snorted.

Dongfang Wuhen sighs: “Everyone is from Ling Prefecture, why do you have to do it so well?”


Wolf King slightly stared blankly, immediately extremely angry and smiled.

Dongfang Wuhen frowned, but ended up losing with a smile: “I talked a lot, sorry.”

Because of this situation, he did not dare to offend Qin Feiyang and Wolf King.

“Sorry can do it?”

Wolf King sneered.

“What do you want?”

“Like them, kneel and apologize to you?”

Dongfang Wuhen said.

Wolf King pupils vicious glint flickered, and it looked like he was going to make a move directly, but Qin Feiyang stopped it, sound transmission said: “Don’t be with him nonsense.”

Then he looked towards Wu Yan and the others, saying: “Ancient Castle, I won’t let you in, but for the sake of Dong Zhengyan’s plea for you, I can let Wolf King take you to the road. It is death, then it depends on your luck and fortune. “

Dong Zhengyan nodded and said: “This is also good, Wolf King is fast, and your chances of survival are also great.”

“Just like this?”

Wu Yan and the others were disappointed, but even if they had grievances, they dared not show them.

Because Dongfang Wuhen’s words just now have angered Wolf King and Qin Feiyang.

If they dare to say more than half a word, Qin Feiyang and Wolf King will certainly not take them, and there will be no hope at that time.

And now, there is at least a silver lining.

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