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But Wu Yan and the others don’t know, and even if they hide their grievances in their hearts, Wolf King is reluctant.

“Little Qinzi, you unexpectedly helped them. Is there something wrong with your mind?”

Wolf King in the dark sound transmission, a little angry.

Qin Feiyang said: “Wait a minute and go first.”

Wolf King raised an eyebrow, leaped from Qin Feiyang’s shoulders, rolled up the crowd, and started the Sky Evasion Step, galloping forward.

As for Xiang Shaolong, it was also obliterated by Lu Xingchen ruthless.

Gallop for a moment.

Wolf King sound transmission: “Speak now, why should you help them?”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought: “I am selling Dong Zhengyan a favor.”

“What do you mean?”

Wolf King is puzzled.

“Did you not hear?”

“I said just now that it was for Dong Zhengyan’s help that they interceded.”

“In other words, now Dong Zhengyan owes me a favor indirectly.”

Qin Feiyang.

Dong Zhengyan this person, although he has resentment against him, behaves brightly, and he is worthy of deep friendship.

of course.

He may not gain anything by doing so.

However, he didn’t force it, and in the end what happened would depend on God’s will.

Wolf King glanced at him without complaining, taking everyone as fast as lightning.


After more than ten breaths, another person went crazy.

Dong Zhengyan asked, “What to do?”

Wolf King said without looking back: “Kill it!”

Dong Zhengyan frowned, one fist smashed the man’s head.

As for the body, it was thrown directly into the blood mist.

“How far is this exit?”

“Go on like this, not only them, but we may also hard to avoid calamity.”

Shen Long was panicked at Qin Feiyang several people sound transmission.

what! ! !

As time passed, those Battle Sovereign went crazy one by one.

Not to hunted breaths.

Except for Battle Ancestor like Qin Feiyang, there are only Wu Yan and Xu Yang two people, and they still keep their senses.


Although they haven’t gone crazy yet, they are already going crazy!

Because all the crazy people were directly obliterated by Dong Zhengyan several people, it can be said that they were merciless.

This scares them.

Because the people who are still alive, the two of them have the lowest strength, and maybe the next moment will go crazy.

The crazy ending will definitely be obliterated by Dong Zhengyan several people like everyone else.

“Where exactly is this damn exit?”

two people nearly going mad.

“jié jié ……”


Another laughter sounded.

Dong Zhengyan several people instinctively looked towards Wu Yan two people, and the murderous intention flashed.

They thought it was two people who went crazy.

It turns out that two people have not lost their minds.

So the question is coming, who is the laughter coming from?

“jié jié !”

I haven’t waited for the people to return back to his senses.


More than one person is laughing, there are many!

These ridiculous laughter come from the left and right 2 side, just like the devil is in a crafty smile, people can’t help scalping!

Sou! ! !

Next moment.

One after another white silhouette, swept from the blood mist on 2 sides and rushed towards Qin Feiyang and the others.

These people are covered with bloodshot horrible to see, cruel and blood-thirsty through blood-red eyes, like a group of hungry wolves.

A quick glance at Qin Feiyang several people found that there were more than 100 unexpectedly.

And the clothes on the chest are embroidered with different characters.

They are Feng, Yu, Kun and Chang.

These four words each represent a state.

Feng, representing Feng Prefecture.

Yu stands for Yu Prefecture.

In other words, these all are the people of the 4 Great Prefectures.

“so much?”

Watching these people appear, Wu Yan two people immediately eyeball glared.

“Senior Brother Qin, please, let’s go to Ancient Castle!”

“I swear, I won’t have any more objections with what I say later.”

The defense of two people broke down completely, begging for Qin Feiyang.

“Don’t make a noise!”

Qin Feiyang coldly shouted, looked towards Dong Zhengyan and the others, said solemnly: “Don’t be entangled with them, go!”

Wolf King doesn’t care about anything, only responsible for taking them on the road, Qin Feiyang and the others are responsible for defending the enemy.

Fortunately, those who lose their minds are not strong and have not affected them.

But the group chased them frantically.


Even Qin Feiyang was irritated.

Because it’s been so long, the export is still missing.

Can’t help but even start to wonder, is there an exit here?

Or do we have to use other methods to make the export worldly?


Probably past hunted breaths.

With a painful sorrow, Xu Yang finally went crazy.

“help me!”

He held his head and shouted at Qin Feiyang’s exhaustion, his face full of despair.

Qin Feiyang was silent.

Since entering the inner palace, this person has repeatedly plot against him, came to Nine-Nether Yellow Spring, and has repeatedly jumped out of trouble.

When this kind of thing happens, people who are kind-hearted will also kill their hearts.

Even more how, he Qin Feiyang is not a kind-hearted generation.

Seeing Qin Feiyang indifferent, Xu Yang immediately despaired and shouted, “You bastard, wild species, I swear, because a ghost will not let you go!”

“Can you say that again!”

Qin Feiyang suddenly turned one’s head with a bit of cold light in his eyes.

“Bastard, wild species, your whole family must not die!”

Xu Yang growled.

What is he afraid of until now? Anyway, dead end.

“it is good.”

“I save you!”

Qin Feiyang stepped forward and sent Xu Yang directly to Ancient Castle.

See you.

Wu Yan starred blankly, what’s wrong with this person?

Xu Yang scolded so viciously, unexpectedly rescued him, is there a masochist?

the thoughts got to this point.

Wu Yan also yelled at Qin Feiyang: “You wild bastard, some kind will come to kill me!”

Qin Feiyang said, “Okay, I can save you too.”


Wu Yan stared blankly, immediate expressing boundless happiness, this guy is really a masochist.

if i had known earlier, why bother to ask him and just scold him.

Qin Feiyang really did it, with a big wave, sent Wu Yan to Ancient Castle.

“what’s the situation?”

Dong Zhengyan several people simultaneously looked, unknown why.

I am afraid that only Wolf King knows what Qin Feiyang wants to do.

Qin Feiyang didn’t say much, turned around and landed next to Wolf King, and said, “Continue!”


Wolf King laughed.

But before the words landed, mutation emerged!

The blood mist of all around disappears at a speed visible by naked eye!

No mistakes!

Is disappearing.

And disappeared out of thin air!

“What is this?”

Looking at this scene, several people were horrified.

When the blood mist disappeared, several people looked towards the rear, and they were surprised to find that those who lost their senses in the 4 Great Prefecture were also gone.


Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.



Wolf King jumped up and drew a paw in Dongfang Wuhen’s face.

Dongfang Wuhen was beaten on the spot, angrily: “What are you doing?”

Wolf King asked, “Does it hurt?”

Dongfang Wuhen’s face turned dark, and he shouted, “nonsense, should I give you a slap?”

“no, I’m fine.”

Wolf King hurriedly pawed, said with a smile: “Since you can feel the pain, it means that it is not an illusion now.”

“that’s true!”

Dongfang Wuhen is nodded, but then angered again: “Don’t try to change the subject, this slap will not let you fight for nothing.”

Wolf King jumped over Qin Feiyang’s shoulder, digging his nostrils, said differentially: “It didn’t work for nothing, at least now we know that everything that happened is true.”

Dongfang Wuhen immediately became angry with blue smoke.

Wolf King laughed and said, “So unhappy, should you call back?”


Dongfang Wuhen stepped forward, raised his arms, and fanned at Wolf King.

Wolf King casting sidelong glances by Dongfang Wuhen, said: “brother won’t fight back, but there will be consequences …”

As soon as he heard the 2 words of consequences, Dongfang Wuhen’s arms were immediately stiff and he did not dare to fight any more.

“Why not fight?”

“Come on, brother is waiting!”

Wolf King lightly looked at Dongfang Wuhen, and the conempt in expression was undisguised.

Dongfang Wuhen has an iron complexion.

It’s not a fight, it’s not a fight, it’s a time if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off!

“Is it right to have a quarrel in front of so many of us?”

It is at this time.

A crisp voice sounded, breaking the deadlock here.


Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, looking in the direction of the sound, I saw a group of people gathered more than two hundred meters away.

There are ten three people in total. There are men and women, and the temperament revealed is quite extraordinary.

Among them are six people, with a rich character embroidered on the chest.

Another 7 people had a Yu character embroidered on their clothes.

Apparently from Feng Prefecture and Yu Prefecture.

And, it’s all Battle Ancestor!

Feng Val’s valiant woman is also among them.

The woman saw Qin Feiyang and looked with a smile: “Brother Qin, we have met again.”


“We are destined.”

Qin Feiyang laughed and started looking at the environment around all around.

The place where I am now is also a black plain of Barren, but the blood mist is very light, and the visibility can reach 5 more than a hundred meters.

The woman asked, “Brother Qin, do you know where this is?”


Qin Feiyang wondered and looked again towards the woman.

The woman did not answer, turned around and aside, then waved, and the other 2 people also gave way.

When a group of people gave way, Qin Feiyang and the others immediately pupil shrank.

Behind a group of people, stood a stone tablet!

The stone tablet is 2 meters high, one meter wide, entire body black, exuding cold aura.

On the stone tablet, three horrific characters are engraved.

——Bridge of Helplessness!

Several people looked at the stone tablet, and stormy seas surged in their hearts.

It used to be the gates of hell, but now it is Bridge of Helplessness. Is this road really a hell?

And behind the stone tablet, there is really an old stone bridge.

The stone bridge can be more than 2 meters wide, like a dark python, meandering and extending to the end of Heaven and Earth.

There are no railings on both sides of the ancient bridge.

The whole gives a cold and mysterious feeling.

The woman from Feng Prefecture asked, “Brother Qin, this Bridge of Helplessness is a legendary existence. It is secretive. Would you like to follow us?”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, said with a smile: “It’s okay to go with my peers, but I’m afraid of being calculated by someone!”

“Brother Qin can rest assured that although we are competitors, we conceal such despicable acts of others. We Feng District and Yu Prefecture cannot absolutely do it.”

Woman talking with a smile.

Feng Prefecture and everyone else in Yu Prefecture also had friendly smiles.

Dongfang Wuhen sound transmission said: “Junior Brother Qin, they must be planning something, not to be confused by their appearance.”

Qin Feiyang groaned a little, secretly thought: “Let’s go over and talk.”

The entire group took off, walking towards the woman and the others.

The woman and the others also smiled.

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