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“Right right right, that’s right.”

Mu Qing patted the table and laughed.

“Is it so funny?”

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes.

No one else answered.

To be precise, no one dared to answer fatty’s words, just hiding and snickering.

And no doubt.

The alluring woman was furious, her lovable body trembled, holding Guo Ming’s arm, and said, “Brother Ming, he humiliates me, and you must help me teach him.”


Guo Ming had a face, and Gloomy was about to drip water, and said, “Do you know who I am? Dare to speak to me like this?”

“Uncle does not know, and is not interested in knowing.”

“However, if you are willing to be my grandson, although you are a bit clueless, I won’t mind.”

fatty grinned, showing his white teeth, very timid.

“courting death !”

Guo Ming’s murderous aura flashed out.

“Want to play?”

Fat slowly got up, and cold light surged in his eyes.

And this time, Qin Feiyang did not stop the fatty.


But it is at this time.

A loudly shouted sounded, the waiter who had previously served Qin Feiyang four people, carrying a delicate tray, hurried over.

On the tray, there are several delicious dishes, 4 jars, and 4 sets of tableware and wine glasses.

After putting the tray on the table, the waiter looked towards Guo Ming and Qin Feiyang several people, puzzled: “What’s the matter, how can it be a good argument?”

Guo Ming said in a deep voice, “I haven’t asked you yet, how can you greet someone like this without quality?”

“I have no quality?”

“Is who just like a dog in that boast shamelessly?”

fatty smirked.

“Can you say that again!”

Guo Ming suddenly looked towards fatty, expression cold and bitter.

“So, are you wrong?”

“I feel like you’re a dog, and I feel a little too high for you.”

fatty sneer.

“It’s okay, it’s all gone.”

The waiter hurried round.

With so many people dining, the noise is so disruptive to the atmosphere!

Guo Ming said: “No, today he must kneel down and apologize to me!”

“Yes, this kind of trash can never be tolerated!”

alluring woman nodded, expression is full of disgust.


But the voice did not fall.

Fat waved directly, slap in the face of alluring woman.

A blood-red slap print emerged immediately.

alluring woman was snoring.

Unbelievable, how dare someone hit her?

All the people around, including the waiter, also froze.

The atmosphere here was so dignified.

fatty shook his hand, said with a sneer: “I never hit a woman, but you are a woman who is unassuming and can’t help it.”

“scoundrel, I want to kill you!”

alluring woman is completely crazy.

The court is wide, and she slaps her face. This is no longer a matter of shame, but a matter of self-esteem.

As if she was crazy, baring fangs and brandishing claws rushed towards the fatty.

“You’re not just an unscrupulous woman, but a mad woman.”

There was a sudden Murderous intention in fatty’s eyes.

“Aiya, what happened, so lively?”

At this time.

A strange laugh sounded suddenly.

Follow closely.

A young man, surrounded by a group of young men and women, walked into the Dragon and Phoenix Building.

This person is wearing a white gown, untained by even a speck of dust, one black hair like a waterfall, facial features are handsome, slender, and exuding a unique aura.

The young men and women who embrace this group are also wearing Chinese clothes and have an extraordinary temperament.

“finally come.”

Looking at that white clothed youth, Mu Qing’s radiance flashed.

But the cover was so good that even Qin Feiyang, who was sitting opposite him, was unaware.

As soon as the white clothed youth arrived, it was as if myriad people focused their attention on the stars, so everyone’s eyes moved on him.

And Guo Ming and alluring woman, who had been unbridled and nostalgic, went on to be honest in no time.

Among the expressions, there was undeniable respect and fear.

“It doesn’t seem to be small.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

“Young Master Hao, your exclusive elegant pavillion, the little one has cleaned it up for you, please go upstairs.”

The waiter who was still persuading previously ignored the Qin Feiyang four people and Guo Ming two people and ran to the white clothed youth, saying flattering smile.

“No need to.”

“This Young Master will do it alone.”

“However, this Young Master doesn’t want to hear someone quarrel anymore.”

white clothed youth glanced at Qin Feiyang and the others, differently said.

“Small understands that small will make good arrangements and will not ruin Young Master Hao.”

The waiter nodded, as if afraid to offend this person.

“It is best.”

Young Master Hao nodded, then took that group of young men and women, majestic went upstairs.

“You wait for me, I will never let you go!”

Guo Ming looked at the back of the white clothed youth with a jealous glance, put down a rude remark to Qin Feiyang several people, and took that alluring woman, leaving Dragon and Phoenix Building without looking back.

“So awesome?”

Qin Feiyang, fatty, and Yan Wei, simultaneously looked, and once again looked towards that white clothed youth.

What is the origin of this person, unexpectedly so prestigious?

“I tell you, it’s best to pipe down, or wait to anger Young Master Hao and his friends, you can’t finish eating and walking.”

The waiter turned and ran to the table of four people, took out dishes and jars from the tray, placed one after another on the table, and whispered several people a word, and left with the tray.

At last.

The Young Master Hao took his friend into an elegant pavillion in the uppermost layer.

The people in the hall also successively looked back, but spoke softer and quieter than before.

Qin Feiyang also bowed his head, looked towards Mu Qing and asked, “You know Young Master Hao is who?”

Mu Qing said with a smile: “Of course he knows such a famous person.”


Qin Feiyang asked.

Fat and Yan Wei looked at him expectantly.

Mu Qing did not answer, twisted a jar, and tore off the sealing paper.

A strong scent of wine, immediately.

“Good wine!”

fatty two people immediately light up.

Just smelling the wine, they felt a little intoxicated.

“Taste this wine first, it tastes great!”

Mu Qing said with a smile, got up and hugged the wine jar, and filled the glass in front of Qin Feiyang three people one after another.

Fat and Yan Wei couldn’t wait to grab the wine glass, put it on the tip of the nose and sniffed, and then placed it next to their mouths, taking a sip gently.


A flame-like heat flowed down their throats toward the lower abdomen.

Two people are shivered, with pores wide open.

“Really top grade!”

Yan Wei praised him and drank it with a glass.

For a moment, his body seemed to be burning, Bloodline sprayed, and his face was flushed.

When the wine passed, he felt that he was very smooth.

There is even a sense of fluttering.

It feels like the impurity of within the body. It was burned out by this drink in a flash, and it became a lot easier.

Mu Qing took a sip and asked with a smile: “How about, didn’t you disappoint?”

“No no.”

Yan Wei quickly shook his head said with a smile.

Fat is also intoxicated, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, saying: “Boss, you can drink a little, it’s really good.”

Qin Feiyang stared at him, turning a blind eye to the wine glass in front of him, looking at Mu Qing: “My patience is limited.”

“Why are you this person so boring?”

Mu Qing was quite annoyed.

It’s boring to have such a good wine in front of you and turn a blind eye.

“Don’t say these useless nonsense.”

“If I guessed right, you brought us here, and you didn’t really want to clean up for us holding a welcoming reception.”

“Come on, what exactly do you want to do?”

“If troublesome, I’ll just leave.”

Qin Feiyang frowns saying.

“Okay, I said I said.”

Mu Qing reluctantly put down his glass and sighed, “You alone, I can’t get along.”


“I confess that I took you to Dragon and Phoenix Building, not exactly for you to hold a welcoming reception.”

“I want you to know someone.”

Mu Qing sound transmission.

“Know someone?”


fatty and Yan Wei were surprised.

Mu Qing said: “You have seen it.”

“Have you seen?”

fatty slightly stared blankly, frowns saying, “Wouldn’t you say that Guo Ming, right?”

Qin Feiyang said: “It’s not Guo Ming, it’s the Young Master Hao.”

“Brother Qin is really smart.”

“This Young Master Hao is very big. Can you become the Disciple of the Head Pagoda Lord and hope it is all on him?”

Mu Qing secretly thought.


Fat and Yan Wei looked dumbfounded.

Qin Feiyang was also surprised, but did not show it, hiding in his heart.

Get along with Mu Qing, he will instinctively cover up his emotions.

In other words.

He didn’t want Mu Qing to guess what he was thinking.

He said calmly: “Then don’t sell off, tell his origins.”

Mu Qing sound transmission said: “Then you listen well, he is the bioligical child of Pill Pagoda Head Pagoda Lord.”


fatty and Yan Wei were stunned.

What a joke, isn’t that scary?

No wonder he was so prestigious that he turned out to be the son of Head Pagoda Lord.

Mu Qing looked at Qin Feiyang and secretly thought: “As long as you can have a good relationship with him, it is best to become very close friends, and I can guarantee that he will be able to help you by then.”

Qin Feiyang squinted his eyes.

Mu Qing’s plan is indeed good, but he is not used to working with hedonistic son of rich parents.

“I know what you are thinking.”

“He’s this person, although it’s public, but it’s not silk pants.”

Mu Qing sound transmission.

“How to say?”

Qin Feiyang.

“Everyone at Divine City knows that this person often has a word on his mouth.”

“Being a man can be unbridled, but he cannot be defeated.”

“Think about it, would someone who can say such things be hedonistic son of rich parents?”

Mu Qing said with a smile.

“I didn’t see it!”

Qin Feiyang feels unexpected.

I saw the Young Master Hao just now, and he was crowded in by many stars surrounding the moon. He thought it was a downright silk pants.

But didn’t expect, unexpectedly had this realization.

It seems that this person cannot look down on it anymore.

After a little groaning, Qin Feiyang looked towards Mu Qing asked: “How do you know he will come to Dragon and Phoenix Building today?”

Mu Qing said with a smile: “Because he will come to Dragon and Phoenix Building at this time every day, unless something is delayed.”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly and asked, “Why?”

Mu Qing points up, mysterious said with a smile: “The man playing the zither.”


Qin Feiyang looked up towards the top, puzzled.

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