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“I heard that the person playing the zither is an absolute beauty. Young Master Hao comes daily to please her.”

“But no one is sure whether it is absolute beauty.”

“Because no one has ever seen her true appearance.”

“Maybe this Young Master Hao has seen, but not necessarily.”

Mu Qing secretly thought.

“So mysterious?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“Very mysterious.”

Mu Qing nodded, immediately said with a smile: “I said, I can only assist you. As for how to approach Young Master Hao, it depends on your ability.”

“Of course I also believe that, depending on your ability, it is easy to do this.”

After that he added another sentence.

Qin Feiyang laughed, finally took the wine glass in front of him and tasted it by his mouth.

“Really good.”

He was nodded, then drank, and got up and said, “Let’s go, take us to Business Pavillion.”


Mu Qing expression stared blankly, sound transmission said: “Aren’t you supposed to go to the Young Master Hao?”


“These two words have never been in my dictionary.”

“Because it’s always been someone who comes to me.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said, and then turned and walked towards the gate.

Mu Qing hurriedly said, “What about this wine? It can never be wasted?”

“Idiot, don’t know what to take away?”

Fat glanced at him scornfully, holding 2 jars, and flew towards Qin Feiyang.

“This wine really can’t be wasted.”

Yan Wei grinned, grabbed a jar of wine, and stood up.


Mu Qing stunned, cursing: “It’s really boring.”

no way.

He could only hold the last bottle of wine, got up to the counter to check out, and then chased towards the three people.

People coming, people going on the streets.

Mu Qing asked, “Did you think about it, and how to suck up to someone with him?”

Along the way, everyone who smelled the wine couldn’t help shining his eyes.


Qin Feiyang shook his head.


Mu Qing looked at him questioningly.

“Young Master Hao, as the son of Head Pagoda Lord, getting everything one wants, and want to get closer to him, how can you say so easily.”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him.

Think about it.

“He does not lack anything, but there is one thing that must be fatal to him.”

Mu Qing said with a smile.


Qin Feiyang asked.

“Gate of Potential!”

Mu Qing said with a laugh.

“Gate of Potential …”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, his eyes flickered.

The sky of Central Divine Kingdom, ten thousand li, is cloudless and blue.


There is no snow or hot sunshine here, just like the warm season, it is very comfortable.

The mountains and rivers are also showing a vibrant scene.

Divine City is located in the very center of Central Divine Kingdom, like King of one supreme, worship in all directions.

Beyond Divine City, there is a vast mountain range, which is surrounded by large and small Tribes.

Among them, the Ten Great Super Tribes of Central Divine Kingdom are built around Divine City. Each Tribe is very large, with no less than 5,000,000 clansman, and each has its own Totem, which dominates the party.

In the south-east direction, there is a majestic mountain from Divine City ten thousand li.

This place is called Qilin Mountain Range!

In the mountains lies an ancient Tribe.

Compared to the Tribe of Nine Great Regions, this Tribe can be described by colossus.

It occupies an area of ​​100 li or so, tall buildings stand tall, imposing manner.

The city wall on Tribe 4 is more like a black python, exuding cold air.

This is a city.

In front of the main gate of Tribe, there is a plain.

In the middle of the plain, stands a white stone tablet up to several hundred meters.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a giant sword towering into the sky.

On the stone tablet, there is a Fire Qilin Totem, which is alive, like a real Qilin, sealed here!

Even a faint sense of Divine Beast’s might.

Below Totem, there are 4 large letters of fire.

——Qilin Tribe!

Like a silver hook with a hook, vigorous and powerful!

That’s right!

This is Qilin Tribe.



An old man wearing purple clothed, descended above the giant tablet.

“Qilin Tribe Chief, come once to see the old man!”

purple clothed old man faintly spoke, but the voice spread all directions.


The voice has not fallen.

A silhouette rushed out of Tribe.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing a white long coat, half-white and half-black hair, showing a vicissitudes of life.


He is the Chief of Qilin Tribe.

When he saw the purple clothed old man, he pulled back and flew to the purple clothed old man and bowed, “I’ve seen Sir.”

The purple clothed old man said: “Tell you bad news, your son Wu Xiao has been killed by Qin Feiyang.”


Qilin Tribe Chief is stiff.

The purple clothed old man was deeply sighed and said, “For this matter, old man is sorry, and I ask you to change your grief.”

“Wait a minute.”

Qilin Tribe Chief waved, and some reactions failed, saying, “Don’t you say, take my son to your Mu Family? How could he die?”


“The old man is going to take him to my Mu Family.”

“But just as the old man was preparing to summoning and asked someone to pick him up, Qin Feiyang and his associates suddenly appeared and killed him ruthlessly.”

“This matter is also caused by old man, old man should apologize to you, sorry.”

Purple clothed old man Having said that, he saluted the Chief of Qilin Tribe Chief.

Qilin Tribe Chief said, “What about Qin Feiyang? Did you catch him?”


“He slipped away, and now my myself is unknown.”

“This little bastard is too cunning, and my Mu Family is powerless!”

purple clothed old man helplessly said.

Qilin Tribe Chief squinted his hands and yelled, “Damn bastard, I will never let him go!”

“Don’t worry, we won’t let him go. When we find out his whereabouts, the old man will promptly notify you.”

purple clothed old man said.

Qilin Tribe Chief arched: “Many thanks Sir, I will also send someone to investigate.”

purple clothed old man nodded, then opened a transmission gate and turned away.

“Qin Feiyang …”

“Wait, don’t shatter your body for 10000 segments, I Wu Yuncheng swore no one!”

Qilin Tribe Chief gnashing teeth with piercing murderous intention in his eyes.



Divine City Southwest.

Ten thousand li, there is also a towering mountain range.

This mountain range is called Heavenly Scorpion Mountain Range!

And here, there is also a colossus, Heavenly Scorpion Tribe!

Inside Tribe, there is a great palace inside.

A middle-aged man, sitting on the throne, and standing next to a skinny old man.

“Do you recognize them?”

Middle-aged man pointed to void, asked asked towards old man.

I saw void in front, there are 4 illusory shadows.

If Qin Feiyang several people are here, they can be recognized at a glance, these 4 illusory shadows are exactly what they look like now.

The old man glanced at 4 illusory shadows and shook his head, “I don’t know, what’s wrong?”

“Ming’er just gave me a summoning, saying that the four people were in the Dragon and Phoenix Building in Divine City, and publicly humiliated him, let me investigate the origin of the four people as soon as possible.”

Middle-aged man.

“Humiliate him?”

Old man stared blankly, shaking his head and saying, “I think it must be this brat, take the initiative to provoke others!”

middle-aged man expression said with a bitter smile: “I can’t hide anything from you.”

“Seriously, Chief, you really need to discipline him, or it will cause me a disaster in Heavenly Scorpion Tribe sooner or later.”

Old man.

“I know.”

“But you also understand Ming’er’s character.”

“Although the flames are somewhat unbridled, he knows who can provoke and who cannot provoke.”

“What you call is a disaster, and it certainly doesn’t exist.”

middle-aged man said with a smile.

old man nodded, said: “Okay, I’ll go investigate, you also good to talk about him, now we Forgotten Continent, made by Qin Feiyang not even the chickens or the dogs are left undisturbed, all major powers are also in the dark takes the opportunity to make a mistake, no mistakes can be made! “

“I understand. I will tell him when I have time.”

Middle-aged man nodded.

“Success, then I’ll go first.”

The old man finished, and turned away.

“Qin Feiyang …”

“Dare to fight against Pill Pagoda and Mu Family. What is your origin …”

Middle-aged man murmured, his eyes were full of curiosity.


Divine City!

The pattern of Divine City is similar to that of Perfect City in Ling Prefecture.

Divided into Four Great City Districts and Central City District.

Central City District is naturally home to Pill Pagoda.

Four Great City Districts are east, south, west and north.


Northern City Disctrict, a certain street.

Qin Feiyang four people stood in the crowd and looked at a towering building in front of them.

This is Business Pavillion!

And Business Pavillion, the power in Central Divine Kingdom is also huge.

It can even be said that it is not inferior to Ten Great Super Tribes.

Each city has Branch Pavillion, including the Four Great City Districts of Divine City.

And Central Divine Kingdom is not only a city of Divine City, but also other cities.

But it’s a little far from Divine City.

“Hey hey hey, four of you, don’t stand there? How else would anyone come in?”


A displeased voice sounded.

I saw 2 black clothed guards in front of Business Pavillion, and it was one of them.

“Say us?”

Fat slightly starred blankly, looked towards those 2 guards, pointing to his nose, and asked.


“It’s all about you.”

“If you don’t come in, don’t stand in front of our door and prevent us from doing business.”

said two people impatiently.

For a moment, to-and-fro’s eyes fell on the four people.


fatty screamed, and said, “Are you blind? Didn’t you see us all standing on the street, how could it hinder you?”

“I manage the streets of Business Pavillion all around.”

“Don’t nonsense, hurry up.”

Two people waved in disgust.

“I have a bad temper.”

Fat stepped in front of the door of Business Pavillion and said wildly: “Since we say we are in the way, I really want to stop it.”

“Come here, I drive here, and I plant this tree. If you want to pass here, you have to stay and buy money.”


He looked at the crowd and sipped.

no doubt.

Those who wanted to get in and out of Business Pavillion were stopped.

“Is this person sick?”

“Unexpectedly dare to make trouble in Business Pavillion?”

“Wait, at once there will be a good show.”

People stopped, someone whispered, someone both hands crossed near chest, a smile of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune on their faces.

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