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Looking at the unbridled trance, the infantly arrogant fatty, Mu Qing’s mouth was fiercely drawn, secretly thought: “Brother Qin, wouldn’t you stop him?”

“Why stop?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

Mu Qing said: “This is Business Pavillion. People who make trouble here will not end well.”

“You have to remember a bit.”

“It wasn’t us who made trouble, it was they who picked it first.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

He is also very puzzled.

Where they stand now, it’s about a dozen meters from the gate of Business Pavillion.

How could such a wide distance prevent him from doing business with Business Pavillion?

It’s clearly looking for differences!

He always has a style, you respect me one foot, I respect you one zhang.

But if he seeks something, he is not afraid of it.

Yan Wei whispered: “How do I feel, they look down on us?”


Qin Feiyang and Mu Qing stared blankly, looked towards the two black clothed guards, and scanned the crowd all around.

They found that their faces were more or less disdainful.

“I understand.”

“It must be because we look too ordinary now.”

“Especially you Mu Qing.”

“Look at you, dress like this, change to me, and stand in front of my door, and I will drive you out.

Yan Wei helplessly said.


Mu Qing said suddenly, “So, am I a little too low-key?”

“What do you think?”

Yan Wei rolled his eyes.

Divine City’s status here is equal to Imperial Capital of Central Divine Kingdom.

The people here, even if they do n’t help, will be well-dressed.

It looks like this guy, dressed like a beggar.

of course.

It’s not that Mu Qing’s current image is really stingy and terrible.

The clothes on his body, although somewhat old, were fairly clean.

But compared with the dress of other people, it is really no different from beggar.

“A low profile can also cause trouble?”

Mu Qing was upset.

He went into Divine City in such a way that he didn’t attract attention.

No matter what, unexpectedly had the opposite effect.



He landed next to the fatty, blocking the door alongside the fatty, and unbridled, “If I don’t create a big disturbance today, my name will be written down Young Master.”


Fat surprised, immediately clutching Mu Qing’s shoulder, chuckled, “Fat Master found that you are not so abomination!”

“Get off, are you familiar?”

Mu Qing’s face turned black.

If it wasn’t for his heart, he wouldn’t accompany fatty to do such childish things.

“you guys……”

See you.

Those two black clothed guards are about to explode.

“How are we?”

“You Business Pavillion don’t know how to treat customers. Young Master, of course I have to teach you.”

Mu Qing sneered.


“Just like your shame, and also worthy of being my Business Pavillion guest?”

“I tell you, acquaintance at once, otherwise don’t blame us!”

The two guards said, disdainful.

“You’re welcome…”

“Then I also tell you, if you do n’t apologize to the Young Master today, do n’t want anyone to enter this door, do n’t think of it.”

Mu Qing both hands crossed near chest.

The strength of these two people is good, both are 9-Star Battle Ancestor, he is definitely not an opponent.

But he was not afraid at all.

Because now, there are three hard roles of lawlessness of law and natural morality.

Naturally it is Qin Feiyang, fatty, Yan Wei.

“courting death !”

The two black clothed guards were furious and approached at the same time, slap towards the two people.

“Do you really want to make a move?”

Fat looked cold.

“We’re not just making a move, we’re scrapping you, letting you know, in the end of my business Pavillion trouble!”

Cold light surged in the eyes of two people.

“Abandoned us?”

Fat eyes blinked slightly.


A terror of pressure emerged suddenly.

But not fat, it’s Yan Wei!

sacred might like a waterfall, give the imprisonment to the 2 guards in an instant.

And Yan Wei take action, naturally also had the intention of Qin Feiyang.


“This unexpectedly is sacred might!”

Those 2 guard bewilderement.

all around watching the lively crowd is horrified.

absolutely didn’t expect, among these few humble people, there is one Battle Saint hidden!

“Dare to be rude to my Young Master’s friends. Even your Business Pavillion, the old man will not agree.”

Yan Wei expressionless.

At this moment, he is a pale-haired old man, but it does not affect his domineering.

“Young Master?”

“He Young Master is who?”

“Is it him?”

Everyone looked towards Qin Feiyang in horror.

This kind of thing is actually taken for granted.

Because in Divine City, many youngsters will have a follower.

These followers also have Battlehouse-level powerhouses.


Without exception, youngsters with followers are not easy to identify.

Especially these followers, or Battle Saint.

after all.

One Battle Saint, wherever it is, is Peak’s powerhouse.

and so.

It was not until then that they realized that the several people were not so poor.

For a time.

This place is caught in a deadly stillness.


But suddenly.

Each and everyone sounds a loud palm sound, breaking the atmosphere here.


Everyone looked at it, and pump immediately contracted.

I saw fat, and now I was slamming those 2 guards.

And without mercy, each slap has a strong fan on the faces of two people.


Not to five breaths.

Two people suffered dozens of slaps, screaming in pain.

A face was swollen like a pig’s head.

“We are wrong!”

“Yes, we have no eyes, you spare me!”

Two people couldn’t help crying.


“Why did you go early?”

fatty sneered, and one fist banged on the mouths of two people, two people immediately blood spout from mouth, their teeth were broken.


All around the crowd muttered.

Although it is true that two people are wrong, there is a saying that it ’s good to watch a master when hitting a dog.

These two people, anyway, are the guards of Business Pavillion, do they also have to give Business Pavillion a face?

of course.

No one dares to say anything to them, but they can change places!

But right in front of the door of Business Pavillion, isn’t it equivalent to beating Business Pavillion’s face?

What makes Business Pavillion feel bad?

fatty withdrew his arm and backed up to block the door again, said happily with a smile: “It’s cool now, apologize!”

“People who beat my Business Pavillion and asked them to apologize, your distinguished self is really powerful!”

But it is at this time.

A gloomy voice came from Business Pavillion.

“It’s steward!”

Two guard body trembling, as if seeing the awakening, looking into the gate.

Qin Feiyang also looked up and saw a black clothed old man walking slowly out of Business Pavillion.

The aura revealed by this old man is very strong, Yan Wei couldn’t help shrinking the pump, and sound transmission said, “He should be 9-Star Battle Saint.”

“so what?”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

“Step aside!”

The black clothed old man stopped behind fatty and Mu Qing, glanced indifferently at the two people, and said in a commanding tone.

“Is steward?”

“Just here, Young Master. I was just asking, how do you manage your subordinates in Business Pavillion?”

The fatty two people did not move, watching Steward coldly.

“Hit and hit, and scold and scold, are you still not enough?”

black clothed old man eyebrow raised, said.

“of course.”

“We were wounded by spirit, and it was not easy to recover.”

fatty grin said with a smile.

black clothed old man, cold light flashed, and asked, “What else do you want?”

“What do we want?”

fatty and Mu Qing simultaneously looked and smiled.

Fat said, “I want to ask, do we owe you money?”


black clothed old man shook his head.

“Then why do you have a face as soon as you show up, as if we owe you several millions?”

“You know, it’s us who are feeling wronged now.”

“And your Business Pavillion has no control. As a steward, shouldn’t you apologize to us first?”

“Or is, now your gesture is your business Pavillion hospitality?”

“If that’s the case, then I can only say that you Business Pavillion, sincere cow.”

Fat held out his thumb and admired his face.

But as long as he understands, he can see that he is mocking Business Pavillion.

black clothed old man stared.

Now he has an urge to kill.

But he knew it had to be patient.

Because there are too many people present now, if you make a move, then the image of Business Pavillion in the world will completely collapse.

Don’t think this is just a trivial matter, but the impact is very large.

“it is good.”

“The old man apologized to both of them.”

“But even if they’re wrong, shouldn’t you hit someone?”

steward endured anger, said.


“They all said they would destroy us. Can’t we fight back yet?”

“You Business Pavillion is also overbearing, is there any law, really treat yourself as a ruler of Forgotten Continent?”

Mu Qing angered.


steward frowned, looked towards those 2 guards, shouted: “What the hell is going on?”


Two people were so supportive that they couldn’t say a word in half a ring.


“You don’t know what happened?”

“What are you doing here in nonsense?”

“Come and come, Young Master will talk to you.”

Mu Qing was really angry.

He thought that Steward could see the scene just now.

Who ever thought, unexpectedly knew nothing.

This is not a cover-up, righteous and arbitrary.

This is more than shelter.

After listening to Mu Qing’s remarks, steward was so angry that he stared at the two guards, angrily: “is who gives you the power, dare to treat guests like this?”

“We are wrong.”

“We don’t dare anymore.”

“Sir Steward, please give a favor outside the law, spare us this time …”

Two people quickly knelt on the ground, kowtow begging for mercy.

“Go back and pack up again!”

Steward’s head was cold light flashed and looked towards Qin Feiyang four people, and his attitude became different instantly, archeologically: “It was an old man just now. I didn’t understand it. I blame the 4th person, but please 4 people.”

“This is almost the same.”

Mu Qing sneered.

“Yes yes yes, old man’s fault.”

Steward laughed again and again. Immediately looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “Little Brother, you apologize to old man. Can you please invite these two Little Brothers? Don’t bet at the door. After all, we have to open the door to do business.”

“Let’s go!”

Qin Feiyang waved.

Fat and Mu Qing looked at the same time, smirking and then stepped aside.

Yan Wei also put away sacred might.

“Business Pavillion is no different.”

But at this moment, a sound full of irony sounded in the crowd.

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