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Qin Feiyang looked towards Third Peak.

Guo Feng is King of Third Peak and should be in a top Cave Mansion.


He turned into a stream of light and flew towards the mountain summit.

“Mu Zuzong?”

“What is he doing at our Martial Artist Mountain Range?”

Disciples encountered along the way, all looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.


After a while.

Qin Feiyang stopped in front of the mountain summit of Third Peak, glanced at the top row of Cave Mansion, closed his eyes, and sensed carefully.

He sensed the aura of many people, and it was basically 9-Star Battle Ancestor.

But only, did not feel the aura of Guo Feng.

Not here?

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow and expanded his search.

at last.

On the other side of his Third Peak, a familiar aura was sensed, and his eyes opened.


He flew around Third Peak to the other side, looking at the most central Cave Mansion.

Guo Feng’s aura is here!


Qin Feiyang stepped in front of Cave Mansion and was preparing to enter, but at this moment, a familiar silhouette hurried out of Cave Mansion.

It’s Guo Feng!

When Qin Feiyang was seen standing in front of Cave Mansion, Guo Feng expression was not stared blankly.

But immediately following.

He gloomy down with a face.

Because he knew the purpose of Qin Feiyang’s visit.

“long time no see.”

Qin Feiyang greets affectionately.

“What are you doing?”

Guo Feng frowns saying.

“Installing silly?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, said with a smile: “I haven’t seen you for a long time, so I thought about visiting you.”

Pretend to be stupid, so will he!

“Visit me?”

“You will be so kind?”

Guo Feng sneered.

“You make me sad.”

“Although I am not a good person, I can still be regarded as a person who keeps his promises.”

“For example, you’re harassing Chu Xuan, but I’ve always kept my mouth shut.”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.

The implication is already obvious, if you continue to play silly, don’t blame him for becoming hostile ruthless.

Guo Feng complexion sank, there is an amazing cold light passing deep in the pumps.

But he said nothing, took out an iron case and threw it to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang grabbed the iron case, then opened the lid, and saw a cluster of Pill Fire lying quietly inside.


He cut his finger and dropped of blood recognizing master.

He did not close it until the blood contract was completed, confirming that it was Grade 6 Pill Fire.

“I have given you everything you want, and I hope that you can talk.”

Guo Feng said solemnly.

“It depends on my mood.”

Qin Feiyang smiled and turned away.

“Although unbridled!”

“It won’t be long before I take advantage of it and take it back!”

Looking at Qin Feiyang’s back, Guo Feng’s eyes flashed a cold rays of light, then turned into a stream of light, and swept towards the deeper mountain range.


Qin Feiyang turning one’s head glanced at Guo Feng in doubt, and then flickered into Ancient Castle.

fatty and the others are all cultivation.

Qin Feiyang didn’t bother them, looked towards Specter Snake Sovereign, and said, “You go and watch Guo Feng.”


Specter Snake Sovereign looked at him suspiciously.

“This person is definitely not going to give up, so I need to have a clear grasp of his every move.”

Qin Feiyang.

“This guy is really not one drop of water can leak out.”

Specter Snake Sovereign in the dark mumbled.

The longer you spend with Qin Feiyang, the more terrifying it feels.

But terrifying is not Qin Feiyang’s means, but his meticulous temperament and mind.

Qin Feiyang waved and sent Specter Snake Sovereign out of Ancient Castle.

And with Specter Snake Sovereign out, he is also assured of 120.


He took out 3 clusters of Grade 6 Pill Fire.

One of the Grade 6 Pill Fire is a relic of Pei Changfeng.

The other two clusters were given to him by Guo Feng.

It can be said that Underworld Demon Flame can be promoted to Grade 7, Guo Feng contributed.


Underworld Demon Flame engulfed 3 Pill Fires in succession, and aura skyrocketed!

fatty and the others, were awakened by this aura.

Looking at Underworld Demon Flame at this moment, they all have a look of dreading in their eyes.

Because the Underworld Demon Flame now brings them a very strong threat.

“Little Qinzi, how does brother feel, Underworld Demon Flame faintly has a sacred might?”

Wolf King was surprised.

“The grade of Pill Fire corresponds to our cultivation base.”

“Grade 1 Pill Fire, equal to Martial Artist.”

“Grade 2 Pill Fire, equal to Martial Master.”

“And Grade 7 Pill Fire is equal to Battle Saint, which is equivalent to a sacred relic, which naturally contains a sacred might.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Wolf King looked dumb, and said, “So, now this Underworld Demon Flame is enough to kill a 9-Star Battle Ancestor?”

“Not one, but a group.”

“As long as the Underworld Demon Flame is revived, no matter how many 9-Star Battle Ancestor come, it is a dead end.”

Qin Feiyang.

But when he had just finished speaking, he suddenly saw a trace of suspicion.


Wolf King asked in amazement.

Qin Feiyang didn’t answer, closed his eyes.

Ever since Specter Snake Sovereign’s departure, he has been peering into Specter Snake Sovereign’s inner thoughts.

He did this not to prevent Specter Snake Sovereign, but to want to know immediately what Guo Feng was doing through Specter Snake Sovereign.

This may sound incredible, but it can be done.


After Specter Snake Sovereign traced Guo Feng, some thoughts must be born in his heart.

And he can indirectly gain insight from Specter Snake Sovereign’s inner thoughts, what is Guo Feng doing at this time?

In other words.

Specter Snake Sovereign is a medium for conveying information.

Just before, he knew from the inner thoughts of Specter Snake Sovereign that Guo Feng had asked Guo Yun to meet somewhere.

And, what is it like to plot?

“You continue cultivation, I’ll go out.”

After a while.

Qin Feiyang eyes opened, and after saying a word to fatty and the others, he hurried away from Ancient Castle.

The exposed Ancient Castle will actively fall.

Therefore, where he appears now, it is within a jungle of myself, Fang Shanyu.

He glanced all around, then converged aura, and swept away in the direction that Guo Feng had gone before.

Not a moment.

He walked away from the Martial Artist Mountain Range and appeared in front of a mountain.

Then he swept up the mountain, stood at a commanding height, and looked ahead.

But when I saw the mountains and trees in front, there was no way to find Guo Feng.

“How did you come?”

But just then, a cold voice entered Qin Feiyang’s mind.

“Specter Snake Sovereign?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly slightly, looked down, and saw a green light and shadow in the jungle of myself.


Its whole body is green, and even its eyes are green. If it is mixed with leaves and grass, it will never be found.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “I don’t trust you, so just follow along.”


“You come here less often.”

“I think you’re questioning this Sovereign’s ability.”

Specter Snake Sovereign looked at him unhappyly.

“I question who I am and I will not question your ability!”

Qin Feiyang helplessly said.

Specter Snake Sovereign coldly said: “I ’m not with you nonsense, this Sovereign is also going to report back to you …”

Qin Feiyang didn’t troublesome either, and waved his hand: “No need to report, let’s lead the way, I’d like to see, what exactly are they planning?”

“You don’t have to report it, do you know fortune telling?”

Specter Snake Sovereign was startled.

“I don’t know fortune telling, but I can see what you think.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.


Specter Snake Sovereign looked dumbfounded, mumbled: “That’s it.”


It turned around and took Qin Feiyang into the jungle below and flew forward.

Flying out of a distance, Specter Snake Sovereign suddenly sounded transmission: “I said, can you stop peeping at the thoughts in this Sovereign, and feel uncomfortable.”

“I’m not peeping tom.”

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes.

“I think you are!”

Specter Snake Sovereign paused, turning one’s head glaring at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly said, “Okay, I promise you, I won’t peep at your thoughts in the future, right?

“This is almost the same.”

Specter Snake Sovereign smiled smugly and continued to lead the way.

Looking at Specter Snake Sovereign, Qin Feiyang was very depressed. Who is the master?

How do you feel that this master has no prestige at all?

of course.

It is also because he usually does not have a master’s shelf and never threating and bribing, so Yan Wei and Black Dragon Snake Vicious Beasts will give up and follow him.

If it were changed to another attitude, it is estimated that everyone would have rebelled long ago.

In fact, this is a way of life.

You are good to others, and others will naturally reciprocate you.

About 20 interest.

Specter Snake Sovereign took Qin Feiyang to the edge of the jungle, stood behind a bush, and looked forward.

Not a distant place, there is a lake.

The lake is about 1000 zhang or so. The water is clear and sparkling.

There are overgrown weeds on the lake shore, one meter high enough, and obviously few people set foot here.

On a piece of bluestone by the lake, there is a silhouette, which is Guo Feng.

He turned his back to Qin Feiyang and Specter Snake Sovereign, glanced down at the lake, wondering what he was thinking?



A silhouette descended over the lake.

It was a purple clothed youth, with a tall, straight-bodied figure, bright eyes and bright teeth.

“You came.”

Guo Feng finally looked up, looking towards purple clothed youth.

The purple clothed youth is King and Guo Yun of Second Pagoda.

Guo Yun nodded, in front of Guo Feng, frowns saying, “What’s the matter so eager to find me?”

“Mu Zuzong finally came.”

Guo Feng said solemnly.

Guo Yun eyebrow raised, “Give him it?”

Guo Feng gloomy: “I have no choice but to give him Pill Fire.”

“Isn’t it all caused by your own hands? Why go to Chu Xuan for nothing?”

“Her family is just a little Tribe and has no value at all.”

Guo Yun angered.

Guo Feng also had a hint of anger in his eyes, saying: “Everything has happened, what meaning do you say now?”

Guo Yun said, “I’m just reminding you to be cautious in the future.”

Then paused, and said, “Anyway, I have finally put this Mu Zuzong flat. Although I lost 2 clusters of Grade 6 Pill Fire, it is still worth it. Now all you have to do is get Pei Yu as soon as possible.”

“not necessarily.”

Guo Feng shook his head.

“What do you mean?”

Guo Yun frowned.

Guo Feng said: “Mu Zuzong is a little greedy. I am afraid he may use this to blackmail me even if he does not blackmail me. If by any chance he told Pei Yi one day, then our efforts will be wasted. . “

Guo Yun’s eyes sank slightly and he asked, “What do you mean?”

“Kill him, trouble will completely vanish!”

Guo Feng’s cold light flashed.

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