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“kill me?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

This Guo Feng courage is not small, unexpectedly thinking about coming to shovel him out.


Guo Yun heard that, and was lost in thought.

After a while.

He looked up towards Guo Feng, said solemnly: “According to clansman of our First Pagoda, this Mu Zuzong is very strong, and Pei Yi values ​​him, I’m afraid it will not be easy to get rid of him.”

“I certainly know this.”

“But we can come soft.”

Guo Feng said.


Guo Yun was suspicious.

Guo Feng said, “After a few days, I went to feast him, offered him a good show, and then took the opportunity to poison me at the wine table.”



Guo Yun frowned.

Guo Feng said: “I know this method is a bit mean, but it doesn’t matter to people like him.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

Guo Yun looked at him and expressed some hesitation.


“And I already figured out what poison to use.”

Guo Feng nodded and said.

“What poison?”

Guo Yun asked.

“Blood Killing Scorpion’s Venom!”

Guo Feng spoke word by word, and his cold light surged.

Guo Yun pupil shrank, and looked horrified at the venom of the Blood Killing Scorpion.


Two people conspired again and left.

Specter Snake Sovereign asked, “Qin Feiyang, what is Blood Killing Scorpion?”

Qin Feiyang said: “It is a poison 10,000 years ago, very terrifying.”

“How terrifying?”

Specter Snake Sovereign is curious.

Qin Feiyang said: “Detoxification Pill cannot be lifted, and once poisoned, three breaths will die!”


Specter Snake Sovereign.

In this world, unexpectedly there is Detoxification Pill, the venom that cannot be lifted?

Specter Snake Sovereign asked, “So what are you going to do?”

“I didn’t want to deal with them anymore, but they were too discreet and unexpectedly thought to come to me.”

“And it’s still so vicious.”

“That being the case, then this time, I will remove them all and let the Heavenly Scorpion Tribe disappear completely!”

Qin Feiyang said, with a sharp murderous intention in his tone.

Specter Snake Sovereign asked, “So you’ve thought of a solution?”


Qin Feiyang shook his head.


Specter Snake Sovereign stumbles.

It’s ridiculous to say such a big word without even thinking about the response.

Qin Feiyang lowered his head and groaned.

Specter Snake Sovereign also discreet’s silence.

One breath breathes away.

Hundred breaths passed, Qin Feiyang’s eyes flashed a radiance.

“I got it?”

Specter Snake Sovereign asked quickly.

Qin Feiyang nodded, a cold and severe smile appeared in his eyes.

With a wave of his hand, fatty appeared out of thin air.

As soon as fatty came out, he said impatiently, “What are you doing? Fat Master is going to retreat.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed.

It seems that after learning about the benefits of Purple Gold Dragon Blood, fatty has become anxious.

“Retreat after you finish this.”

Qin Feiyang.

“what’s up?”


Qin Feiyang said: “Help me find a spider called Blood Soul Spider.”

“Blood Soul Spider?”

Fat slightly stared blankly and asked, “What’s the use?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Blood Soul Spider is also an extremely posionous thing 10,000 years ago, even stronger than Blood Killing Scorpion.”

The fatty pupil contracted and said, “What are you looking for?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Of course to dissolve the venom of Blood Killing Scorpion.”

“What do you mean?”

The more fatty I hear, the more puzzled.

“Although the venoms of Blood Soul Spider and Blood Killing Scorpion are enough to kill people, if they are swallowed at the same time, they will kill the toxicity.”

“in short.”

“The venom fusion of these two poisons is tantamount to antidote.”

Qin Feiyang explained.


fatty and Specter Snake Sovereign looked at each other in blank dismay, is it legal fight poison with poison?

fatty frowns saying: “Where is Fat Master looking for this Blood Soul Spider?”

“If I want to know, why should I come out for you?”

Qin Feiyang gave him a big white eye.

fatty pursed his lips, helplessly said: “Well, I’ll go to Li He first and ask.”

He said he opened a transmission gate and left.

When the transmission gate dissipates, Qin Feiyang looked towards Nether Snake Sovereign, said with a smile: “Let’s go, let’s find the key person.”

“What key person?”

Specter Snake Sovereign was suspicious.

“A man enough to crush anyone.”

Qin Feiyang pupils radiance flashed, changed into clean clothes, and then opened a transmission gate.

Specter Snake Sovereign puzzled glanced at him, then narrowed his body, turned into a stream of light, and hung it on Qin Feiyang’s index finger.

The color of the skin also quickly turns white to silver without any impurity.

At first glance, Qin Feiyang looks like wearing a beautiful ring.

Qin Feiyang raised his hand and shook his index finger, nodded said with a smile: “Your ability to change colors is really good.”


“But it is envious.”

Specter Snake Sovereign proudly said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled, converged aura to the extreme, and entered the transmission gate.

Next moment !

He descended on a street.

On the streets, pedestrians stand shoulder to shoulder and the river flows endlessly.

Just in front of him, there was a restaurant with a dragon and a phoenix.

It’s Dragon and Phoenix Building!

Although it’s only morning and it’s not time to dine, there are a lot of people going in and out of the restaurant.

Qin Feiyang put his clothes together and strode into the Dragon and Phoenix Building.

“Young Master Mu, really a rare customer!”

“What have you been doing lately and haven’t come to my Dragon and Phoenix Building for so long.”

A waiter immediately greeted, said with a smile, nodded.

For the waiter of Dragon and Phoenix Building, Qin Feiyang is also an acquaintance.

“Busy cultivation, no time.”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile.

Waiter blushed with shame said: “Young Master innate talent is so good and still working so hard, it really calls us mediocre people ashamed!”

Qin Feiyang laughed.

The waiter asked: “Is the Young Master sitting in the lobby or going to the elegant pavillion?”

“Just in the lobby!”

Qin Feiyang.

“Well, Young Master follows me.”

The waiter snorted, turned and took Qin Feiyang and ran towards a free dining table.

There are already many guests in the lobby.

When I saw Qin Feiyang, there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

When Dragon and Pheonix Wine was auctioned last time, Qin Feiyang overwhelmed the crowd and won the top spot, but finally gave the opportunity to Young Master Hao.

Since then, it has been talked about in Dragon and Phoenix Building.

So they all want to see, what’s so special about Qin Feiyang?

And for all of this, Qin Feiyang is always at ease.

He sat at the table and looked towards waiter said with a smile: “Give me a pot of Dragon Wine, just a few special dishes.”


waiter nodded, immediately arranged.

Qin Feiyang looked up towards uppermost layer, why is there no zither sound today?

Not a moment.

The waiter came with a pot of Dragon Wine and 3 dishes.

Qin Feiyang looked back and looked at the waiter and asked, “Why didn’t your family play the zither today?”

Waiter said suddenly: “It turned out that the Young Master came for my family’s lady, but the time has not yet come.”


Qin Feiyang stumbled.

The waiter was clearly misunderstood, and he just asked casually.

“Young Master is slow.”

The waiter set up food and wine, smiled, and turned away.

Just before the waiter left the foot, a young man next door glanced at Qin Feiyang with an immediate light, stood up immediately, twisted the jug, held the wine glass, walked across from Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “Brother Mu, can Sit down and talk? “

Qin Feiyang glanced at him suspiciously and reached out with a smile: “Yes, please sit down.”

The young man sat next to Qin Feiyang and twisted the jug to pour Qin Feiyang. “Brother Mu, I have been confused for a long time.”

“what’s up?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

The young man poured the wine, lowered the jug, and whispered, “What was the answer you made last time?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, shaking his head said with a smile: “But it is only an answer that is significant, why is the brother so persistent?”

“Maybe in Brother Mu’s eyes, this is just a trivial matter, but in our opinion, it is a very incredible thing.”

young man wry smile.

“Yeah, Miss Dragon and Phoenix Building, proud and mysterious.”

“Thinking about these years, I don’t know how many people have tried hard to see Fang Rong, but they have been turned away.”

“Even Young Master Hao can’t impress her.”

“So getting her approval is not easy.”

The other guests beside me couldn’t help but sigh.

Qin Feiyang glanced at these people, and there was a scorn in the depths of the pumps.

Isn’t it just a woman, is it necessary?

He couldn’t figure out, what are these people’s brains pretending to be all day long?

The young man put down his glass and arched sincerely: “Brother Mu, I really hope that you can solve the doubts in our hearts.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, saying: “It’s not a secret, it’s okay to tell you. The answer I made is that since ancient times, kings have been fortunate, and most of all are ruthless Emperor’s Family.”

“Since ancient times, kings have been fortunate, most of them are ruthless Emperor’s Family …”

Everyone was immediately lost in thought.

They remember that painting that had mountains and rivers, 100 dawning names, Vicious Beast, and slaughter …

At high altitude, there is a Five Clawed Golden Dragon suspended, looking at all this indifferently …

“I understand.”

“Since ancient times, the symbol of every king is Five Clawed Golden Dragon …”

“So the Five Clawed Golden Dragon represents the King …”

“The mountains and rivers, Li Min 100, slaughter, represent everything in the world.”

“The Five Clawed Golden Dragon is looking at it all at a high altitude and indifferently, which reflects 2 words, ruthless.”

“Since ancient times, kings have been fortunate, but most of all ruthless Emperor’s Family. This sentence fully explains the true meaning of that painting!”

“Brother Mu is truly brilliant, unexpectedly I can think of this answer, and I admire myself.”

That young man said with a smile.

Others also understand that they have paid admiration to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled.

didn’t expect an answer, unexpectedly can cause a sensation.

He held up his glass and was about to drink it, but at that moment a loud laughter rang out from the door.

“Ha ha.”

“What’s wrong today, so lively so early?”

The voice has not fallen.

A brocade youth entered Dragon and Phoenix Building.

Behind, there was a large group of young men and women.

These people, the male’s majestic appearance, and the female’s youthful appearance, are all dressed in Chinese clothes with extraordinary temperament.

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