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at last.

Wu Jian flew to Qin Feiyang.

“Are you scared?”

“Otherwise, why not move?”

“But it’s too late to be afraid now, and this is the consequence of daring to oppose me.”

“Qilin Battle Fist!”

He sneered in the dark, one fist bombarded at Qin Feiyang.

The illusory shadow of one Fire Qilin growled out of Wu Jian’s fist, exuding aura like a world extinguishing.

This is also a Perfect Battle Art!

“The consequences of doing it right …”

Qin Feiyang was silent, but his eyes were full of sarcasm.

He really didn’t know where this person found the confidence and dared to say such things.

Qilin Battle Fist is coming!

That powerful imposing manner earth-shattering, even void, is shaking and twisting violently!

Just then, Qin Feiyang moved.

The tightly clenched hands lifted sharply, and two dazzling golden lights bloomed out.



Wu Jian was blown out on the spot, mouth spouting furious blood, and his face was incredible.

It all came too suddenly, too fast, and the people below didn’t know what was going on.

But Wu Jian felt deeply.

Just as Qin Feiyang raised his hand, his Qilin Battle Fist turned against him and ran back to himself.

Giving back to the other way, what is Battle Art?


Qin Feiyang succeeded in a blow, and then caught up instantly, crossing Wu Jian behind him.

“Your biggest mistake is to suppress the cultivation base to challenge me, and now I will send you back to the West!”

In the eyes of Qin Feiyang, the Murderous intention flickered. Before Wu Jian reacted, the right hand was like a blade, submerged into Wu Jian’s sleeveless garment, and grabbed Wu Jian’s heart.


The fatal crisis made Wu Jian shivered and yelled.

At the same time as the roar, the suppressed cultivation base burst out.

But on the eve of the imposing manner, Qin Feiyang cold and severe smiled, the five fingers shrank sharply, and Wu Jian’s heart shattered on the spot!


A scream screamed through the sky.

The same scream also hit people’s eardrums and shocked everyone’s soul!

“Wu Jian is dead?”


Everyone watching this scene, stupefied, the stormy seas in their hearts, can’t calm down for a long time.

Head Pagoda Lord and the others are also shocked!

The whole process of Qin Feiyang take action was almost just in a blink of an eye, they were too late to stop.

too fast!

All didn’t expect, Qin Feiyang’s means was so fast, terrifying!

Even more didn’t expect, it would kill Wu Jian directly.

“it is good!”

The fatty in the crowd was also taken aback, but after returning back to his senses, immediately seemed to be chicken blood, and roared excitedly in the dark.

In the face of countless giants, and even in the presence of Qilin Tribe Chief, he ruthlessly killed Wu Jian.

These courage, these means, are worthy to be his boss, only to be his idol!

Pill Pagoda, plunged into a deadly stillness.

Qin Feiyang withdrew his arm and drenched with blood on his hand, while Wu Jian fell down weakly.

life fluctuation has disappeared.


angry roar, breaking deadly stillness.

Qilin Tribe’s Chief suddenly stood up, rushed into the air, and held Wu Jian in his arms.

Watching Wu Jian already dying, he immediately made a substantial murderous aura.


He looked up suddenly, staring at Qin Feiyang, like one wild wild beast with red eyes and blood.

Qin Feiyang looked indifferent, took out a white gown from heaven and earth bag, and wiped the bloodstain on his hand. Indifferently said: “I never accept others’ challenges easily, but as long as I accept, only one person can survive. “


Everyone was shaking.

The slightly thin silhouette, in their eyes at this moment, is like a majestic Dayue, and the shore is incomparable.

“I admit that this is a child, right, but isn’t it too hard for you to start?”

Qilin Tribe Chief was furious.

Killed his son without saying, unexpectedly dare to be so unbridled? It can’t be angered.


“Don’t naive, I’m not obliged to let go of someone who provoked me again.”

“You can only blame him for overestimate one’s capabilities.”

“It is also a wake-up call for some people with bad intentions, arrogant arrogant. Not everyone in this world will spoil you and let you like their parents.”

“This way of the world is cruel!”

Qin Feiyang smiled indifferently, throwing away the clothes that wiped the bloodstain, and then stepped on the high platform and walked to Gongsun Bei.

Gongsun Bei glanced at Qilin Tribe Chief, and looked towards Qin Feiyang, frowns saying, “You’re making things big.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “You didn’t say you couldn’t kill before the duel.”

Gongsun Bei expression paused, said with a bitter smile: “It’s still my fault to put it that way.”

“You’re right, I’m right, it’s him.”

“He shouldn’t have jumped into trouble at such an important ceremony.”

“You have to pay the price for doing the wrong thing.”

Qin Feiyang.

Hearing these words, Gongsun Bei was unable to refute for a while, and he couldn’t help but look towards Head Pagoda Lord.

“Sir Head Pagoda Lord, please be fair to children.”

“And Sacred Pagoda Sir Pagoda Lord, your child is your Direct Disciple, can you watch him brutally killed?”

Qilin Tribe Chief looked at Head Pagoda Lord and purple clothed married woman sadly shouted.

purple clothed married woman frowned.

Frankly, she is also very dissatisfied with Qin Feiyang’s approach.


For some reason, she couldn’t blame Qin Feiyang.

As for Head Pagoda Lord, his head was silent, and no one knew what he was thinking at the moment?


Wang Su opened the mouth and said: “The old man believes that Mu Zuzong did nothing wrong, because if he changed to old man, old man would do the same.”


purple clothed married woman turning one’s head looked towards Wang Su, expression is full of dissatisfaction.

Wang Su turned a blind eye, and said differently: “Wu Jian, although innate talent is outstanding, is too ignorant.”

“What are you doing now?”

“Now it’s Head Pagoda Lord in accept as a disciple!”

“We old guys don’t dare to talk nonsense. He is indicative of a unexpected unexpectedly dare to jump out and make trouble?”

“The old man would ask, is this courage lent to him?”

“Actually we all know that he is jealous of Mu Zuzong.”

“It also shows how narrow his mind is …”

Speaking of which.

Wang Su couldn’t help smirking, saying, “Such a person, difficult to become a big tool.”

Qilin Tribe Chief angered: “Old Wang, how can you help outsiders speak?”

Wu Jian is a discipline of a purple clothed married woman.

The purple clothed married woman is the daughter-in-law of Wang Su.

So from the perspective of Qilin Tribe Chief, they are all one family, and Qin Feiyang is just an outsider.


“Sorry, in the eyes of old man, whether it is Mu Zuzong or Wu Jian, it is the disciple of Head Pagoda. There is no distinction between inside and outside.”

Wang Su expressionlessly said without giving Qilin Tribe Chief any face.


Qilin Tribe Chief was furious.


But it is at this time.

The silent Head Pagoda Lord, with a slightly raised brow, glanced up at everyone, saying, “This is indeed Wu Jian’s fault, and I can’t complain about Mu Zuzong.”

“of course.”

“Mu Zuzong misses the friendship of same sect, and there is something wrong. When the ceremony is over, the true body will punish him for thinking.”

“And that’s it.”

Head Pagoda Lord finished speaking to Gongsun Bei nodded.

Gongsun Bei understood it, handed the teacup in his hand to Qin Feiyang, and secretly thought: “See? No, Head Pagoda Lord is obviously favoring you. Don’t let Head Pagoda Lord down in the future.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, took the teacup, turned and walked in front of Head Pagoda Lord, bowed, “Sir, please use tea.”

“Also called Sir?”

“Why are you brat so unknowing?”

Gongsun Bei scolded.

Qin Feiyang stared blankly and bowed again: “Master, please use tea.”

“it is good.”

Head Pagoda Lord smiled comfortably, took the teacup, put a sip in his mouth, and placed it on the tea table next to it.

Gongsun Bei said with a smile: “Now take the Third Step and take the test of Sir Head Pagoda Lord.”

Head Pagoda Lord waved his hand: “It doesn’t matter what the test is, because a long time ago, the true body tested him.”

“Already tested?”


“Why don’t we know?”

Everyone was hearing this, and they were all shocked by 10000 points.

Head Pagoda Lord looked towards Gongsun Bei, saying: “Explain to them.”


Gongsun Bei nodded.

Then looked towards the giants of Tribe, and the disciples that surrounded them all, “I believe that everyone is very confused now, why does Sir Head Pagoda Lord say this?”

“Actually, Sir Head Pagoda Lord gave Mu Zuzong the biggest test.”

“The test is that as long as Mu Zuzong can break through to Battle Saint within 2 years, Sir Head Pagoda Lord will accept him as a discipline.”

“As a result, Mu Zuzong broke through to Battle Saint in less than a month.”

Gongsun Bei said.

“It turned out to be the case.”

People suddenly realized.

It turned out that Mu Zuzong had been settled long ago, now this ceremony, but it’s just walking through the field.

Everyone also looked towards Wu Jian by sympathy.

If this Wu Jian is still alive, I’m afraid I will spit blood when I hear Gongsun Bei’s words!

Seeing this situation, Qilin Tribe Chief gloomy glanced at Qin Feiyang, opened the transmission gate, held Wu Jian, didn’t even say a greeting, and left without turning back.

Qilin Tribe’s High Priest also quickly followed along.

“Live it.”

The Chief and High Priest of the other major Super Tribes, looking at the dissipated transmission gate, have a hint of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune in their eyes.

If Wu Jian is in trouble, Qilin Tribe Chief can come out and stop, Wu Jian will not lose little life.


As a father, he not only prevented, but also supported.

So Wu Jian’s death was partly responsible for Qilin Tribe Chief.

For the departure of the two people, Gongsun Bei and the others on the platform did not respond much.


Head Pagoda Lord got up.

Everyone thought that he was leaving, and he was ready to give it away.

But not.

Head Pagoda Lord glanced at everyone present, said with a smile: “There is one more thing, the true body will be announced here in person.”


“Personally announced?”

“It must be a remarkable thing.”

Everyone in the dark mumbled.

Head Pagoda Lord glanced at Qin Feiyang and Wang You’er, and said, “I believe Mu Zuzong and Wang You’er, everyone has heard about it.”

People are nodded.

As soon as this happened, it was already a big scandal.

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