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“Last night, Old Wang came to the true body late at night to discuss how to solve this?”

“After all, Wang You’er is a girl. If such a thing happens, if it is not resolved in time, it will definitely affect her reputation.”

“And after our discussion, we finally thought of a way to have it both ways.”

Head Pagoda Lord said with a smile.

“Having it both ways?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, eyes full of expectations.

Now his biggest headache is this problem. If there is a way to have it both ways, it will undoubtedly help him.

“Elder sister, do you know what the solution is?”

Young Master Hao asked secretly.

“I was just wanting to ask you!”

Wang You’er whispered.

Young Master Hao stared blankly, Wang You’er unexpectedly did not know.

He looked towards Head Pagoda Lord and Wang Su. What exactly did these 2 Old Guys think?


Head Pagoda Lord turning one’s head looked towards Wang Su, sound transmission said: “Old Wang, before I say it, you think about it, it is too late to regret it now.”

Old Wang said: “That’s it, nothing to think about, let’s say!”

“it is good.”

Head Pagoda Lord nodded, facing the crowd again, saying: “After discussions between true body and Old Wang, it was finally decided that since they are in love with each other, it would be better to complete them, now true body will marry them for themselves.

“what the hell ?”

Qin Feiyang expression for a while.

How didn’t expect, two people came up with this approach.


This is too outrageous, right?

Young Master Hao’s look was also wrong.

Wang You’er looked stupefied at Head Pagoda Lord and Wang Su.

The crowd all around was also tumultuous.

Everyone was full of envy and jealousy.

Just became the Direct Disciple of Head Pagoda Lord, and was once married at once.

It is also the granddaughter of Old Wang.

This guy is too lucky!

Who dares to offend him at Head Pagoda after this?

Head Pagoda Lord looked towards Qin Feiyang and Wang You’er, said with a smile: “you two, no opinion!”


Two people spoke at almost the same time.


Head Pagoda Lord frowned.

Wang Su, purple clothed married woman, purple clothed man, raised his eyebrows without any trace.

At the same time.

Wang You’er looked towards Qin Feiyang, angrily: “I can marry you. It is a blessing that you can’t repair in 8 lifetimes. What’s your opinion?”

“Thank you.”

“But what a blessing I can’t bear.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

“Scoundrel, you don’t bully intolerably.”

Wang You’er gnashing teeth.

“I am bully intolerably?”

“I tell you, I don’t want to care about you, otherwise you will be more embarrassed.”

Qin Feiyang.


Wang You’er shivered with anger, looked towards Head Pagoda Lord and Wang Su, saying: “I don’t agree.”

“You must not act willfully!”

Wang Su shouted.

“Grandfather, this is my personal business, why can you help me make the decision?”

“Besides, have you ever asked Father and Mother for their opinions?”

Wang You’er airway.

“We have agreed too.”

purple clothed married woman.

The purple clothed man followed nodded.

“you guys……”

Wang You’er pointed at the three people, her face was full of unbelievable, unexpectedly given her lifelong events like this?

“You are too hasty, have you ever asked me?”

“I’m not your pet.”

“In short, I disagree!”

Wang You’er turned his head, his eyes turned red, and he felt very wronged.

“I don’t agree.”

Qin Feiyang.

This is simply acting willfully!

Head Pagoda Lord four people looked at each other in blank dismay, all overwhelmed.

This was a great event, but didn’t expect 2 people involved to be willing.

“hmph! ”

“It’s impossible for you.”

After a while.

Wang Su snorted from nose, it seemed that he was so determined to get two people married.

“Then I’ll die!”

Wang You’er was angry, tears came out.


Wang Su suddenly got up, glaring at Wang You’er, shouted: “Even my words dare to rebel, do you want to rebel?”

Seeing this, the purple clothed married woman got up quickly and comforted: “Father, you calm down, let me talk to her.”

“What to say?”

“It’s so decided, there is no room for negotiation!”

Wang Su said.

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “Old Wang, I know what you’re doing, but it’s too funny.”

“shut up!”

Wang Su glared.

Qin Feiyang frowned, but eventually chose to remain silent.


Purple clothed married woman walked to Wang You’er and whispered: “You’er, in fact, I and you father, I can’t bear to give you to Mu Zuzong, but now there is no way!”

“Yes, if you and Mu Zuzong are not married, you will definitely be joked in the future.”

“In fact, after all, this is all caused by you, and you have to accept our arrangements.”

The purple clothed man also came to persuade.

Wang You’er anxiously said: “But he and I simply don’t have feelings, and he doesn’t deserve me.”

“Emotions can be cultivated slowly.”

“When I got married with your mother, didn’t you have no feelings? But how good are we now?”

“As for whether he deserves you …”

“Father admits that he is indeed not worthy of you now.”

“But as long as he is willing to work hard, with his ability and innate talent, there will be something to do in the future.”

purple clothed man said with a smile.

Seeing father and mother have made up their minds, Wang You’er couldn’t help feeling despair.

“What’s the matter?”

“Head Pagoda Lord married, unexpectedly refused?”

People looked at Qin Feiyang in puzzlement.

Wang You’er disagrees and makes sense, after all, the family backround is there, but what is Mu Zuzong’s right to refuse?


Such a good thing, others cannot ask for it!

“Qin Feiyang, forget what I said to you?”


A familiar voice sounded in Qin Feiyang’s head.

He raised an eyebrow, and Yu Guang glanced at Miss Dragon and Phoenix Building, sound transmission said, “You are not invited today, isn’t it just for this?”

“Or else?”

“I don’t have that many free time.”

Said Miss Dragon and Phoenix Building.

“What the hell is it?”

Qin Feiyang’s face was gloomy.

Miss Dragon and Phoenix Building said: “The reason is simple. By marrying Wang You’er, you can get higher status, better resources, and more trust.”

Qin Feiyang exasperated: “You want me to use her!”

“You are just a passer-by at Forgotten Continent. What does it matter if you use her?”

Miss Dragon and Phoenix Building differently said.

“Can passers-by take advantage of others’ feelings?”

“I really didn’t expect that you were unexpectedly this kind of person.”

“I tell you, I can’t do this.”

“Although I can do whatever I can to achieve my purpose, I cannot deceive others’ feelings.”

“Because it will ruin Wang You’er’s life, she is just a simple woman. I don’t want to drag her into this muddy water.”

Qin Feiyang resolute and decisive, there is no room for negotiation.

Miss Dragon and Phoenix Building could not help but frowned.

For a time.

Pill Pagoda, once again plunged into a deadly stillness.


Miss Dragon and Phoenix Building looked towards Head Pagoda Lord four people, said with a smile: “Although I am an outsider and not qualified to express opinions, I still cannot help but want to say 2 words.”

“You said.”

Head Pagoda Lord four people looked towards her.

“This kind of thing cannot be forced, otherwise both sides will not be happy in the future.”

“I can’t seem to think of a compromise.”

“Get engaged, wait until they develop a relationship, then talk about marriage.”

Said Miss Dragon and Phoenix Building.


four people looked simultaneously, then lost in thought.

Halfway past.

Head Pagoda Lord looked towards Qin Feiyang and Wang You’er, asking, “What do you think?”

“Is there any choice for Disciple?”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

Unless he didn’t want to get Heavenly Astral Flame and five colored crystal stone, he denied nodded consent.

Wang You’er has no choice.

Because she was afraid that if she continued to resist, maybe grandfather and her parents would let her marry Qin Feiyang now.

But just get engaged, there will be opportunities in the future.

Head Pagoda Lord said with a smile: “Since there is no opinion, then Gongsun Bei, at once prepare 2 engagements.”


Gongsun Bei responded respectfully, turned around and walked to a tea table, and took out the paper pen and ink.

Not a moment.

Two wedding deeds came out.

Gongsun Bei then took 2 marriage deeds and handed them to Head Pagoda Lord, Wang Su, and Wang You’er’s parents, one after another to view.

“no problem.”

purple clothed married woman nodded, then looked towards Qin Feiyang and Wang You’er, said with a smile: “you two come and see!”

The two people stepped forward, took a wedding deed, and looked at it seriously.

The general content is that today, under the testimony of Head Pagoda Lord, Mu Zuzong and Wang You’er set an engagement, wait for the time to mature, and then hold a marriage ceremony …

Head Pagoda Lord: “If you have no objections, write your names.”

Wang You’er glanced at Qin Feiyang, directly scratched his fingertips, and pressed a blood fingerprint on 2 wedding deeds.

Qin Feiyang frowned, also pressed 2 fingerprints.

This also means that the engagement of two people is officially in effect.

Wang Su finally smiled, looking at the two people and saying, “You two of these two marriage deeds, one of you, keep it safe.”

As long as there is a marriage deed, it is a matter of time for two people to get married, and no one can run away.

“hmph! ”

Wang You’er was coldly snorted, and he threw the marriage contract into heaven and earth bag, and said to Qin Feiyang sound transmission: “Come to Holy Land at night.”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, vigilantly: “What?”

“Look at your virtue, are you afraid I’ve eaten you? I tell you, I’m not interested in you.”

Wang You’er looked at him dismissively and took out the transmission gate.

“That’s good, because I’m not interested in you either.”

Qin Feiyang relaxed.

Hearing this, Wang You’er was very unhappy about liberation, but was almost angry.

“You wait for me!”

With a rude remark, she prepared to leave the transmission gate.


However, at this moment, the purple clothed married woman sitting on the seat suddenly trembled, followed by a spit of blood.


Everyone looked towards her in suspicion.

“Mother, what’s wrong with you?”

Wang You’er also immediately ran up and asked anxiously.

But the purple clothed married woman didn’t answer, ignored Head Pagoda Lord and the others, and closed her eyes.

Next moment !

She snapped her eyes opened, looked towards Head Pagoda Lord, surprised and angry, and said, “someone erased the blood contract I left in Heavenly Astral Flame!”


Head Pagoda Lord complexion greatly changed, immediately opened the transmission gate, and swept in like lightning.

The purple clothed married woman, Wang Su, and the purple clothed man, also followed the Head Pagoda Lord and swept into the transmission gate.

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