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“It’s too crazy!”

Long Aozi was flushed with red eyes and trembling.

He doesn’t have much wealth, but know that there is a City Lord Mansion behind him!

City Lord Mansion is in charge of the entire Azure Sea City, not to mention rich nations, but at least here, apart from Business Pavillion, no one dares to say that he can compare wealth with City Lord Mansion.

Even if the other party is the Direct Disciple of Head Pagoda Lord, it is impossible to have this financial capacity.

“2 100 zero 200000000!”

Long Aozi bid.

This is no longer his personal problem, it is about the reputation of the City Lord Mansion, face!


Qin Feiyang corner of the mouth lifted, and casually added 10,000,000,000.


Long Aozi couldn’t help it anymore.

His 200000000 additions all felt too exaggerated and too generous, but the other party unexpectedly repeatedly increased the price by 200000000.

This simply is shaming him in undisguised!

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “If you are upset, add 10,000,000,000 10,000,000,000!”

“Do you excite me?”

“Okay, I am fulfilling you!”

“I’d like to see, how capable you are!”

“40,000,000,000 !”

Long Aozi’s gloomy’s voice came out.


“But next, I see how you are going to take it.”

“Not much, 100,000,000,000.”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.


Wang You’er and Young Master Hao suddenly stood up, staring at Qin Feiyang in horror, and the eyeball was about to fall out.

The people outside the auction house were also stupefied, and they couldn’t return to God in half a ring.

Even the white clothed married woman on the high stage was incredible.

Not much 100,000,000,000?

Although Sacred Artifact is priceless, when Business Pavillion puts it on the auction, it never wants to make money. It is purely for personal gain, so the highest price in Business Pavillion history is 50 billion left and right.

However now.

Unexpectedly doubled!

Take action so arrogant, what is the origin of this youngster?

She didn’t know Qin Feiyang’s identity yet, so she was puzzled.

Long Aozi was completely crazy, and he directly increased the price to 100,000,000,000, which obviously made him embarrassed.

“how about it?”

“Is it okay?”

“If it doesn’t work, don’t force it.”

Qin Feiyang said slightly with a smile.

Long Aozi didn’t answer.

100,000,000,000, to be honest, has far exceeded his expectations.

If it continues, I’m afraid his father won’t let off easily him.

But if we just stop, we won’t know how many people will laugh at him behind.

“100,000,000,000, does anyone have a markup?”

The white clothed married woman asked, looking towards Long Aozi’s VIP lounge, with a glimmer of expectation in her eyes.

Long Aozi’s character, she understands.

It is said that the silk pants are a little too high for him, at all it is an arrogant arrogant stupid, maybe he will really work with this person.

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “This price, I believe in Azure Sea City, few people can afford it, just announce the result!”


“But he does have arrogant’s capital.”

People mumbled.

On the one hand, they all felt a little upset when they heard Qin Feiyang’s words.

Because Qin Feiyang is talking about Azure Sea City.

In other words.

Even they are included.

But on the other hand, they are unable to refute, because the other party does have the right to despise them.

Let’s talk about Long Aozi.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his hands slumped together, his eyes spitting with anger.

He was feeling that his self-esteem was trampled by ruthless.

A face is distorted.

“1000 Zero 200000000!”


He clinched the teeth, growling.


He has reached the limit and dare not continue.

In other words, this is his last fare increase.

In fact, he is betting.

If Qin Feiyang didn’t raise the price, he would win and get a little face back.

But if Qin Feiyang continues to raise prices, he will lose out.


Young Master Hao frowned, looked towards Qin Feiyang whispered: “Brother, Saint King Ship is Sacred Artifact, but we don’t have to do it, or let it go!”

“If that’s it, I’m afraid some people will laugh at me forever.”

Said Qin Feiyang, glancing at Wang You’er as he spoke.

Wang You’er eyebrow raised, saying: “Can you stay away from that eccentric?”

“I’m just telling a fact.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.


“Hurry up and get married, lest you fight all day.”

Young Master Hao helplessly said.


Qin Feiyang and Wang You’er were almost at the same time, facing Young Master Hao shouted, their eyes were full of badness.


“I’m nosy, keep going.”

Young Master Hao pouting.

He can see that when these two people are fighting, the others must not go for peace, otherwise they will definitely cause a show of anger.

“Are there no price increases?”

“It seems I won.”

Seeing Qin Feiyang hesitant to speak, Long Aozi muttered to himself, and finally pulled back a city.

“110 billion.”


Before he could take this breath away, Qin Feiyang’s voice sounded again, echoing throughout the auction house, for a long time.


Long Aozi went mad immediately, and one fist smashed the French window in front.

People at the auction house couldn’t help watching him sympathetically.

But the more so, the more angry he became, and the more he hated Qin Feiyang.

However, it seemed that he was afraid of the white clothed married woman on the high platform. He didn’t make a move here.

“Forget it, let’s see!”

He uttered a harsh word, then turned and strode away from the VIP lounge.

“Congratulations to Little Brother for bidding on Saint King Ship.”

“Come here, send it to Little Brother.”

The white clothed married woman also announced the results immediately.


Before that, the red clothed woman who received the Qin Feiyang three people quickly walked up the high platform, took Saint King Ship from the white clothed married woman, and returned to the same way.

“Below, we are auctioning the second item.”

“This is a Dragon Flame Grass with 10,000 years and a starting price of 3,000 Gold Coins. The price increase must not be less than 100.”

The white clothed married woman took out a whole body with a crimson medicinal ingredient, introduced it a little, and then proceeded to auction.

“Dragon Flame Grass!”

Qin Feiyang glanced at that strain of medicinal ingredient, and the expression was quite surprised.

Dragon Flame Grass is also a rare medicinal ingredient, and refining Nine Revolutions Dragon Blood Pill also requires Dragon Flame Grass.


Just as he was about to bid, a knock on the door rang.

“Come in.”

Qin Feiyang.

The door opened, and the red clothed woman, holding Saint King Ship, came in.

Qin Feiyang glanced casually at Saint King Ship, then pointed to Wang You’er next to him, said with a smile: “Just give her.”


red clothed woman

It took more than 1000 100000000, unexpectedly just give it to others?

“The rich’s World is hard to understand.”

Red clothed woman in the dark mumbled, respectfully handed Saint King Ship to Wang You’er.

Wang You’er froze instead.

Sacred Artifact is definitely a Supreme Treasure for anyone below the Battle Emperor.

Originally she was just nothing serious, but didn’t expect Qin Feiyang now to her.

She glanced at Qin Feiyang, frowns saying, “Aren’t you afraid I own it?”

“It’s nothing more than a Sacred Artifact.”

“Of course, if you are really unhappy, when you go back, you will convince your parents and your grandfather to let them lift our engagement.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Wang You’er expression froze, angrily, “Scoundrel, am I just that annoying?”

She should have been glad to hear that.

Because she didn’t want to marry Qin Feiyang.

But now, I don’t know why, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Qin Feiyang said: “It’s not annoying, it can only be said that we have different personalities.”

Looking at Qin Feiyang’s unsalty expression, Wang You’er’s anger didn’t hit him in one place, and said, “Relax, I don’t look down on a stinky man like you, and wait to return to the divine pond And I will immediately convince them. “

“Divine City!”

red clothed woman’s eyes trembled.

These three people unexpectedly came from Divine City. No wonder even Shen Feiyun did not dare to blame.

But the relationship between these two people seems a little complicated?

But as a wise man, know what to do and what not to do.

She looked towards Qin Feiyang, and asked with a smile: “Young Master, is the bill now, or will we check out later?”

“Now, take me to a quiet place.”

Qin Feiyang got up and said.

Because his Gold Coin is basically on fatty, and fatty is now far from Divine City, he has to avoid Young Master Hao and Wang You’er and let fatty send money over.

“Okay, follow me.”

Red clothed woman nodded, turned around and took Qin Feiyang out of the VIP lounge, and then walked down the corridor.

Not a moment.

Two people stopped in front of a room.

The red clothed woman pushed open the door, and there was a lounge in it, which was simple in arrangement.

A coffee table.

A desk.

One bookshelf, and 4 seats.

“Young Master please.”

red clothed woman stepped aside.

Qin Feiyang walked in, looked around at 4 places, turning one’s head and looked at the red clothed woman said with a smile: “You wait for me outside.”


red clothed woman stared blankly, what is this person doing?

mysterious and secretive.

But in the face of customer requests, especially now that I also know that Qin Feiyang is from Divine City, I dare not refuse.

“That line.”

“I’ll make a pot of tea for you.”

red clothed woman said with a smile.

“it is good.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

After the red clothed woman turned and left, Qin Feiyang immediately closed the door and took out the crystal stone.


The illusory shadow of fatty appeared.

Qin Feiyang said: “at once send me 110 billion Gold Coin.”

“so much?”

fatty was shocked, and he couldn’t get back to half a ring.

Qin Feiyang glared at him and urged: “No time with you nonsense, hurry up.”

Fat said, “You have to tell me, where are you now?”

“I’m in Azure Sea City.”

After Qin Feiyang said it, he gave the coordinates here.

Three breaths can’t.

Fat landed in the lounge by the air, and said, “What are you doing here?”

“What else can you do? Of course, go to Azure Sea.”

Qin Feiyang helplessly said.

fatty frowns saying: “Then 110 billion, why did you use it?”

Qin Feiyang in a few words.

“Is there anything wrong, and a Sacred Artifact is just given to Wang You’er in vain? Are you wastrel?”

fatty immediately angered.

But complaining is complaining, Gold Coin has to give it.

After all, all of this wealth was made by Qin Feiyang, who was at best a steward.

Sorted out 110 billion Gold Coin, put it in an empty heaven and earth bag, and threw it to Qin Feiyang, then asked: “Would you like me to help?”

Azure Sea was dangerous, Qin Feiyang went alone, and he was a little bit relieved.

Qin Feiyang thought about it and shook his head: “It’s not needed now, but it may be needed in the future, anyway, you can always wait for my news.”

“it is good.”

Fatty nodded.


At this time.

The knock on the door sounded.

“Young Master, are you alright?”

The red clothed woman’s voice followed.

Qin Feiyang looked towards fatty: “quickly go!”

“Be careful yourself.”

Fat whispered a word, opened the transmission gate and turned in.

When the transmission gate dissipated, Qin Feiyang sat at the coffee table and looked at the door of the room, “Come in!”

The red clothed woman pushed in, holding a delicate tray with a teapot on it, and the tea smelled.

Qin Feiyang put the heaven and earth bag given to him on the coffee table, said with a smile: “Gold Coin is all here, please check it out.”

The red clothed woman looked at the heaven and earth bag, lowered the tray, first poured tea for Qin Feiyang, and then grabbed the heaven and earth bag to check.

Qin Feiyang also picked up the teacup and tasted it slowly.

Time one breath passes.


Qin Feiyang stiffened, looking down at the teacup in his hand, his eyes full of suspicion.

Next second.

His arm trembled, and the teacup fell to the ground and shattered.

At the same time, he twitched frantically, foaming his mouth, and his face quickly turned black!

“Young Master, what’s wrong with you?”

Red clothed woman found this scene, immediately dropped her heaven and earth bag, ran to Qin Feiyang, and asked eagerly.

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