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Qin Feiyang not only didn’t answer, but pushed away the red clothed woman, immediately took out a Detoxification Pill and threw it into his mouth.


This tea is poisonous inside!


He took Detoxification Pill, but he didn’t get any better.

Even poison had spread all over him, heading towards the heart.

The corners of his mouth began to turn purple, and his consciousness was dissipating.

“What venom, is it so scary?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

To know.

He served Detoxification Pill of five Pill Marks.

Even things that are extremely posionous can have a relief effect.

“Young Master, what’s wrong with you?”

red clothed woman Anxious 10000 points.

“Give me the teapot!”

Qin Feiyang is weakly shouted.

The red clothed woman glanced at the teapot, and then at Qin Feiyang, a terrifying thought creeping up in her mind.

She didn’t dare to hesitate anymore, and immediately followed, grabbing the teapot and sending it to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang also grabbed the teapot and poured his head up into his mouth.

The red clothed woman immediately scared the country turning pale.

She had thought that this tea was poisonous inside.

Usually, in this case, they are looking for a method of detoxification, but this person unexpectedly continues to swallow poisonous tea, isn’t this bringing about one’s own destruction?

But she didn’t know that Qin Feiyang did this just to find a way to detoxify.

Because Qin Feiyang doesn’t know, what is extremely posionous in this tea?

So he had to figure this out before he could think of something to detoxify.

He drank the poisonous tea while trying to maintain that last consciousness, savoring the taste of the tea water carefully.


But in the end.

There was a trace of despair on his face.

In this tea, he didn’t taste any smell except the taste of the tea.

In other words.

This extreme posionous is colorless and tasteless. Unless you find someone who is poisoned, it is impossible to know what it is.

“Say it!”

“What poison did you have!”


He grabbed the red clothed woman’s neck and shouted with red eyes.

“I do not have!”

red clothed woman shook her head, panic to the extreme.

“You brought tea, isn’t you who?”

Qin Feiyang 5 means more and more force, red clothed woman is about to suffocate.

He has a good opinion of red clothed woman, but didn’t expect to hurt him behind.

“I really don’t, please believe me.”

The red clothed woman shook her head violently, her eyes full of tears, feeling full of feeling wronged.

“Isn’t she really?”

“So who is that?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

But extremely posionous and aggressively eroded his mind, making him unable to think seriously about it.

“it’s me.”

But this time.

A sneer sounded.

Long Aozi pushed through the door, with a cruel smile on his face, and said, “How about? The Venom of Blood Killing Scorpion is OK!”

“Blood Killing Scorpion!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes shook.

He is no stranger to this venom. At the beginning of the Dragon and Phoenix Building, Guo Feng wanted to use this venom to harm him. Detoxification Pill could not be lifted at all.

Once taken, it will be fatal.

This person is really vicious!


He would also like to thank Long Aozi.

Because if it wasn’t for Long Aozi to say it, he wouldn’t have thought it to death, it was the venom of Blood Killing Scorpion.

Blood Killing Scorpion’s venom, though terrifying, was not fatal to him.


He happens to have an antidote!

This antidote is exactly the venom of Blood Soul Spider!

The last time he dealt with Guo Feng, he had a lot left, now he put it in heaven and earth bag.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

After learning that it was the venom of Blood Killing Scorpion, he immediately looked for it in the heaven and earth bag.

Long Aozi looked at him curiously without worry.

Because he didn’t believe that Qin Feiyang would have an antidote.

three breaths over.

Qin Feiyang’s last trace of consciousness is also about to dissipate.

He has even sensed the death of Aura.

at last!

He found the jade bottle containing Blood Soul Spider poison, pulled out the stopper without the slightest hesitation, and poured his head up into his mouth.


Two extremely posionous collisions in his within the body, causing severe pain to sweep the whole body, let him die better than living, miserable howl again and again.

“what’s the situation?”

The screams alarmed the people outside the auction house.

People were surprised.

“what happened?”

“Why did my brother scream suddenly?”

Young Master Hao and Wang You’er also heard it. Simultaneously looked at it, immediately got up, and darted to the lounge where Qin Feiyang was.


In the lounge!

Long Aozi looked at Qin Feiyang’s painful look at this moment, and then looked at the jade bottle held by Qin Feiyang’s hand, and his eyes were stunned.

Wouldn’t it really be the venom of the Blood Soul Spider?


“He didn’t know that I would poison him, let alone that I was using the blood poison of Blood Killing Scorpion. How could it be possible to prepare an antidote in advance?”

“I must be thinking too much.”

“But in order to avoid night long dreams, kill him as soon as possible.”

Long Aozi mumbled, with a murderous intention flashing in his eyes, immediately one fist patted at Qin Feiyang’s head.

poison has not been cleared, how can Qin Feiyang fight back now?

Not even a little resistance.

Seeing that Long Aozi one fist was about to fall, the red clothed woman suddenly stood in front of him, quickly raised her hand, and one fist patted it.


Qin Feiyang is drinking.

The red clothed woman has only Battle King’s cultivation base, and Long Aozi is also Battle Sovereign. How could she be Long Aozi’s opponent?

In doing so, simply is to die.

Now, although he has no resistance, it is easy to deal with Long Aozi.

But it was too late.


Two people one fist shot together, a terrifying devastating qi wave, immediately swinging away!

The seats, coffee tables, desks, bookshelves, including those books, shattered in an instant.


Red clothed woman spit out blood, and her arm shattered on the spot.

The whole person flew upside down in an instant, crashing into the wall behind, and a loud noise banged out of the wall.

“Young Master, this thing is really with me it doesn’t matter.”

The red clothed woman fell in the corridor, looked up and spoke to Qin Feiyang, and then one fell to the ground, the corners of her mouth kept bleeding, life and death unknown.

“Why is this?”

Qin Feiyang secretly sighed.

When Long Aozi appeared, he already knew that poisoning had nothing to do with this red clothed woman.

“Nosy smelly bitch, wait for the next deal with you!”

Long Aozi was furious, glaring at the red clothed woman, and continued to kill Qin Feiyang.

At this time.

Young Master Hao and Wang You’er have arrived, but there is still a short distance from the lounge.

Seeing Qin Feiyang’s appearance, two people complexion greatly changed, shouted in unison: “Give me a stop!”

It also released sacred might at the same time, and pounced on Long Aozi.

But Long Aozi turned a deaf ear, and the murderous intention in his eyes was stronger than before.

“You think you can kill me, do you have that ability?”

Qin Feiyang pupils are also sharp-eyed murderous intentions.

This person has repeatedly harmed him by 3 and has hit his bottom line!

He thought about it.

Specter Snake Sovereign appears.

Qin Feiyang shouted: “Mut him out!”

Specter Snake Sovereign immediately looked towards Long Aozi, the long and narrow snake pupils, revealing the dreadful cold light.

When Specter Snake Sovereign appeared, Long Aozi also felt a strong sense of crisis, and turned without thinking and began to flee.

But it is too late.

After all, he only has the cultivation base of Battle Sovereign.


Specter Snake Sovereign suddenly broke the sky, like a sharp arrow, passing instantly through Long Aozi’s lower abdomen.

Blood, immediately splashed out!

Long Aozi planted his head on the ground, covering his belly with miserable howl, and his face was deformed with pain.

“Brother, is there anything wrong?”

Young Master Hao finally ran over, squatting beside Qin Feiyang, and asked with concern.

“Blood Killing Scorpion’s venom, nothing.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and stood up with the help of Young Master Hao.


But hearing the venom of Blood Killing Scorpion, Young Master Hao directly shivered and turned pale.

Last time at the Dragon and Phoenix Building, he had personally experienced it. The taste can only be described as ‘better die than living’.

And Wang You’er almost scared even the soul.

She glanced at the red clothed woman and Young Master Hao, said solemnly: “Who is the poisoned man?”

Qin Feiyang looked towards Long Aozi, said with a sneer: “Can anyone else beside him?”

“courting death !”

In Wang You’er’s eyes, there was a surge of murderous intention. He stepped forward and stepped on Long Aozi’s head.

“do not!”

Qin Feiyang quickly shouted.

But it is too late.

Wang You’er dropped, with a click, Long Aozi’s head exploded like a watermelon, flesh flew, and he was killed on the spot!

Watching this scene, Qin Feiyang and Young Master Hao swallowed.

This woman is too cruel!

Really can’t provoke it!

Wang You’er coldly snorted and said: “This scum should be killed as early as the city gate.”

Young Master Hao frowned, saying: “The words are good, but what should Shen Feiyun do when they get into trouble?”

“Noisy, I’m afraid he won’t succeed?”

“Not to mention that this was originally his son’s courting death, and he can only blame him for teaching his son.”

Wang You’er domineering.

Young Master Hao looked towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang groaned and said, “It doesn’t matter to kill, anyway, there is that red clothed woman to help me testify, go and see how she is doing?”

Young Master Hao nodded, walked to the side of the red clothed woman, reached out and touched the pulse of the red clothed woman, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, said solemnly: “Not good.”

Qin Feiyang looked down and asked, “Are you dead?”

“Not dead, but the heart was shattered and not far from death.”

Young Master Hao.

“Damn badard!”

Qin Feiyang was so angry that he quickly took out a Heart Protection Pill and a Healing Pill, both five Pill Marks, and said, “Submit her quickly.”

If the woman really died, he would feel guilty.

the first.

He misunderstood the woman.

2nd .

The woman was in danger to save her.

Young Master Hao grabbed the medical pill and thrust his brain into the mouth of the red clothed woman.

“what happened?”

And it is at this time.

A middle-aged man ran over anxiously.

It was the same man who taught Long Aozi.

He ran into the lounge and looked at the scene in front of him, his face suddenly changed.

Young Master Hao eyebrow raised, and asked, “Who are you?”

“I am the Pavilion Lord of Azure Sea City Business Pavillion.”

The middle-aged man answered, immediately said: “What happened before? How did Long Aozi die here?”

Young Master Hao said suddenly, “It turns out you are Fu Xiong.”


Middle-aged man stared blankly, looked at Qin Feiyang three people, his body trembled abruptly, and said, “You are …”

Young Master Hao said solemnly: “We are who is not important, what is important is how do you plan to handle this?

“what’s up?”

Fu Xiong was confused.

Young Master Hao said, “This Long Aozi poisoned my brother’s tea and was also the venom of the Blood Killing Scorpion.”


Fu Xiong turned pale.

Young Master Hao said, “You 10000000 don’t say, this is your business Pavillion it doesn’t matter.”

“What do you mean?”

Fu Xiong was confused.

Qin Feiyang and Wang You’er also looked at Young Master Hao suspiciously.

Isn’t the poisoned person Long Aozi? How could it be related to Business Pavillion?

Young Master Hao looked towards Qin Feiyang, asking, “Is this pot of tea brewed by Business Pavillion staff and delivered in person?”

“I don’t know if she made it herself, but I can confirm it by sending it in person.”

“However, she should have made it herself.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Is that right?”

“She made it herself and sent it in person. How could Long Aozi have a chance to poison?”

“So I guess, either this woman was bought by Long Aozi, or someone else colluded with Long Aozi and made hands and feet in the place where the tea was made.”

Young Master Hao.

Qin Feiyang thought about it, nodded and said: “It seems to make sense.”

Fu Xiong expression panicked and quickly waved: “No, no, no one at my Business Pavillion can do this, it must be for other reasons.”

Young Master Hao glanced at the red clothed woman and said, “Well, let’s wait until she wakes up.”


Fu Xiong nodded, immediately turned and looked towards the guards around the undistant place, and said, “Go and tell Shen Feiyun to come and lie down.”


A guard answered respectfully, and hurriedly turned away.

Fu Xiong secretly wiped cold sweat, then looked towards Qin Feiyang three people, flattering smile and said, “Young Master, miss, why don’t we go to the room next to you for a while?”

Young Master Hao said, “No, just let us move some seats for us.”

“it is good.”

Fu Xiong responded quickly, then looked towards those staff members, and said angrily, “What are you still doing? Go ahead! Also, tell the auction house people that today’s auction ends here, don’t all gather here , What to do. “


All guards and staff turned and ran.

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