There is a flow of people everywhere in Valkyrie City.

However, although there are many people and there are many strong people, no one dares to make trouble.

The group of iron-blooded guards wearing black armor in Wushen City are not soft-hearted, and anyone who dares to make trouble will be killed.

"Oh my god, you see, these shops actually have a large number of supreme divine pills, and the quantity is extremely diverse. I have searched for this kind of elixir for millions of years, but I haven’t found it. I found it in Valkyrie City!"

"It's not just that you want the Ziying Divine Pill. Look at this Fund Building Pill. The top Supreme Divine Pill can be used to build the foundation of the Supreme God."


There are so many things in the shops in Wushen City, which is dazzling.

This is also natural, as Chu Yuan killed how many existences and plundered how many treasures in the vast sea days, just taking out some will make people stunned and surprised.

"Haha, great, I finally broke through the **** trial of the Valkyrie City and became a member of the Valkyrie City!"

A supremely powerful man walked out of a **** vortex, laughing.

"Brother, if you are so happy, you will become the guard of others. From now on, you will listen to other people's orders everywhere. With your strength, you can go to any sect and become a well-paid elder."

Some people are puzzled.

"You don't understand this. If you can become a guard, you will have safety in the blood mine area. The annual treatment is too good. When there is nothing wrong, you can practice with peace of mind. We can use the internal price for those pills. Buying, or in exchange for contributions, is too much cheaper. It is free to fight alone, but it is too dangerous and tiring, and it’s easy to rely on the Valkyrie City."

This humane.

"Yeah, it feels good to be backed by powerful forces." Someone nodded.

"But the assessment of the guards of the Valkyrie City is too difficult. I entered a place called the Blood Trial. With my strength, I almost lost."

This humanity: "There is also the most core Valkyrie Legion. Once it becomes a member of the Valkyrie Legion, the treatment will be ten times as much as it is now, but the Valkyrie Legion is too difficult to assess, and all of them must have strong strength."

"Becoming the Valkyrie Legion can be regarded as a member of the Valkyrie City. The price is to become the people behind the Valkyrie City. But for some people, this is a good thing."

Many people nodded.

A few days later, the first auction began.

There are so many treasures and the specifications are also very high.

The treasures that appeared in it made many great lords very excited, and those few drops of Heavenly Dao's essence and blood were auctioned for sky-high prices, and it ended successfully.

Once the fame became famous, many people came here admiringly.

After the auction ended, many people did not leave, but stayed in the Valkyrie City.

However, although there is no need to pay the city fee in the outer city, it is necessary to pay the blood **** stone to stay in the palace of the outer city.

The charge is not high, and many masters will not lose face and sleep on the street.

"My Lord Ares, we got a lot of Heavenly Blood God Stones in this auction, plus the various fees charged. This amount is too staggering. It's equivalent to looting the treasures of these people."

A great master reported.

He is called Wang Xing.

"The God of Wucheng wants to form a perfect cycle, and the things he has excavated in the mining area cannot be left behind. After all, some forbidden areas have treasures from before the ancient era. This blood spirit has already done it, and I want to report to your majesty."

He came to one of the most majestic places in the inner city.

In front of him, there was an ancient altar on which stood an ancient statue of a god.

"Your Majesty, this auction was held perfectly. The Valkyrie City can be regarded as famous in the blood mine area on this day. Here are the various income and expenditures of this time. Please read it."

God of War respectfully said.

"Very good."

A power comparable to the God of Heaven is surging, the gods are shining, and the real Chu Yuan seems to have appeared in the Martial God City, saying: "I don’t worry about the matter to you, and the recruitment of the Martial God Army cannot be left. There are too many gathered here. How strong is to gather the strong for the gods."

The development of a sacred dynasty is not to close the country, but to be open to all rivers. Chu Yuan welcomes these people to join the sacred dynasty.

Just like thirty-three days, huge and majestic, I don't know how many strong people will be attracted to join them.

Their great elders are all calculated in 10,000.

"The minister understands this." The God of War nodded.

"For the next two months, you will need to hold an auction every month. The third one will show the temptation that the great master can't refuse, and it will be held once a year in the future."

Chu Yuan gave his order, "I want to make the Martial God City a holy land in the Tianxue Mine, trade holy land, cultivate holy land, hold various trials, and discover the genius of the strong!"

Chu Yuan's vision is very broad.

How strong is it and how big it is.

Undoubtedly, the current Shenwu has this strength.

"In addition, if anyone wants to make their own transactions in the Valkyrie City, I welcome them."

Chu Yuan said again.

This is his purpose.

Outsiders come to do business and use their treasures to flood their Valkyrie City.

And once you meet what you need, you can immediately send people to collect it to take the lead.

The benefits of building a holy city are too many.

"This trick is very good. The Martial God City must provide enough shelter. We welcome both scattered people and sects." The God of War burst into killing intent: "But whoever dares to destroy, the minister will let them die without a place to be buried! "

With the issuance of new orders, the entire Valkyrie City became more lively and prosperous, as if it had become a holy place.

Although Chu Yuan was not in the Martial God City, he existed as long as there was a place where he believed in Shenwu.

His mind felt the entire Valkyrie City.

Suddenly an inexplicable breath made him think, and immediately said: "God of War, UU Reading Outer City North Street, there is a sacred object, I will trade things over."

"Your Majesty's order, can it be that who has unearthed some incredible treasures?"

The God of War was also taken aback, his majesty's order, he dare not care.

An ordinary middle-aged man, just the cultivation of the Supreme Three Heavens, he placed some things in front of him, waiting for someone to sell it.

"These things of you are just tattered, and you dare to charge high prices. It's really unpopular."

Someone looked at the middle-aged man's booth, and the stuff on it was indeed very tattered, but it did have an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

"Don't forget it, huh, this time I risked my life and death to go to an ancient forbidden area. The treasure excavated there is probably related to a certain **** of heaven. Look at this metal plate, there is a **** of heaven on it. Words are likely to carry some kind of sentiment."

This middle-aged man is not in a hurry, he believes in people with knowledge.

These things of him are too old, with the power of the epic of the era, and they have not decayed for so long, there is only one reason, that is, there is the law of heaven and god.

"The big shots of Valkyrie City are here!"

Everyone was shocked and saw a black armored army, in front of it, there was a tall and burly man.

"Your Majesty said it was him." The God of War stepped forward, swept the goods in front of him, and said directly: "How many divine stones do you have?"

"Hundreds of millions."

The middle-aged man stammered, and suddenly realized that he was wrong, and quickly said: "No, I was wrong. I don't need money. If the adults want it, then take it all."

"Millions of Heavens Blood God Stone, don't you worry, my Wushen City's rules of doing things will not take you for nothing."

The God of War directly gave him a million sacred stones and left with the things.

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