"You really have to sell a million sacred stones!"

This person also widened his eyes. He was just trying, but he didn't expect to succeed in the end.

"Hey, with this huge sum of money, I can buy a lot of medicines. It is enough to cultivate to the Supreme Five Heavens. Now I stay in this Valkyrie City to retreat. There, I got one that suits me best. Something!"

The person's eyes were all around, and there were many greedy people staring at him.

He didn't plan to leave either, anyway, these people didn't dare to do anything in the Martial God City.

And he also knew that the other party apparently discovered that his pile of things was really valuable, and the value absolutely exceeded a million sacred stones.

But he didn't care, because he couldn't use it as rubbish.

"Go to retreat."

The man went straight into the inner city.

"I wanted to kill him halfway, but he was smart enough to go straight into the inner city, no hope."

These people shook their heads.

"His Majesty."

The God of War turned and entered a temple, "The minister has brought back what your majesty wanted."

"Other things are indeed a pile of rubbish, and only this piece of metal is the most valuable."

Chu Yuan's national fortune incarnation appeared.

His thoughts swept across the piece of metal.

Suddenly, in a tyrannical impact, countless rays of death that could easily kill the Supreme God appeared, intertwined with dense lines, which are the words of Heaven.

The Word of Heaven is not restricted to a certain form, it is the understanding of Tao.

"What a strong power!" God of War was shocked and said, "This should be some kind of inheritance."

"Yes, this kind of inheritance is called the light of death. It contains a strong imprint. Comprehending the inheritance will make it easy to cultivate to the great deity. However, it also has drawbacks. Accepting the inheritor will hardly become a **** of heaven in the future.

Chu Yuandao.

When his mind swept across the entire Valkyrie City, he collided with this piece of metal and discovered the strangeness.

"It's also very powerful, after all, how many people in the world can become heavenly?"

It is very cost-effective to exchange a million **** stones for a heritage that can become a great deity.

As for these shortcomings, it is even less worth mentioning, how many people have cultivated to the great master is already the limit.

Heaven and God don’t even want to look.

"Leave the inheritance in the sacred dynasty, and everyone in the sacred dynasty can go and see who is lucky enough to receive the inheritance.

Chu Yuan said: "God of War, must be good at discovering treasures. The larger the city, the more people will come here. Some treasures even some people don't know what it means, such as this time."

"The minister knows that in the future, the minister will ask someone to look for inheritance."

The God of War watched Chu Yuan's incarnation dissipate, with a sharp expression: "The order goes on, and the second auction will be held in a month."

"What, Shenwu is holding an auction again? It's only a few days ago, how many treasures they have for auction?"

"It's true, I heard, this time there are more treasures than last time, don't miss it."

"It's not to be missed. Last time I was so close to be able to take what I wanted, but unfortunately I was photographed halfway, walk away, let's go to Valkyrie City now!"


The news that the auction will be held again has caused a lot of shocks among the strong.

Sure enough, after the auction in January, it did not disappoint, and the things Shenwu took out were really amazing.

"My Lord Ares, although the auction ended successfully, something happened."

Wang Xing Dazun hurriedly said, "Someone has just auctioned off the treasure from my Martial God City. After leaving, he was intercepted. This is not an isolated case. According to my manual report, dozens of cases have occurred. This is a premeditated case. Targeted."

"Knowing that normal competition can't fight me, I use this method of stealth killing. Although the killing is very common in the blood mine area, this kind of large-scale and purposeful will cause panic."

The God of War is murderous.

Someone is already secretly making a trip. They don't compete with you on the face, but they deliberately rob and kill, let everyone know that they have the life to buy them in the Valkyrie City, but they have no life to take them out.

If this continues, who dares to come in the future?

Of course, God of War didn't feel strange, after all, the existence of War God City did touch the interests of many people.

"My lord, how should we deal with it, this kind of secretly cold knife is more difficult to deal with?" Wang Xing said anxiously.

"Why, go, release the news, and hold the third auction. This is a big auction. As long as you dare to do it, there will be tails exposed. I want to see who is targeting."

The **** of war is like a pin of the sea god.

"Is this Valkyrie City crazy? Just after holding an auction, I can't wait to hold the third one in a row, and it's still a big auction. This is not for other giant cities around to survive."

"Crazy, must be crazy!"

"Even if you know they are crazy, how can you deal with it?"

More people gathered in Wushen City.

"Humph! This Valkyrie City is too arrogant, because they have no more people in their auctions in the past few months, and we are all attracted by them. If we go on for a long time, we will not become a deserted city? How can the sect gather resources?"

Someone from a huge city came here with a gloomy face.

"Don't worry, it is not our family that he offended, but many. I have already learned that some people are dealing with them secretly. There are so many ways to deal with them. Not only on the surface, we will wait quietly now. ."


There must be chaos.

The God of War stood coldly in a piece of time and space, and behind him were many murderous soldiers.

"The time is up, Gu Xuan, you lead a team from the west, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Gu Ze, you lead a team to the east, Ye Yun, you lead a team to the north, go and protect the customers who consume in Wushen City. Without seeing blood, these people don't know how to be afraid."

He gave the order.

A large number of soldiers set off.

"This time I spent all of my net worth, and finally auctioned a drop of Heavenly Dao God's blood. I can't stay here for a long time. Someone must have been eyeing me. Some people are deliberately robbing and consuming it in Martial God City!"

An old man, whose cultivation base reached the supreme peak, was on his way quickly.

Although he knew that he might encounter a robbery, but the treasures at the auction made him unable to refuse.

"kill him!"

Although he ran fast, some people were faster than him. Suddenly, hundreds of people appeared in front of him and killed him directly.

"Dare to spend and die in Wushen City!"

A middle-aged man turned out to be a great master, holding a blood knife.

"People of the Remnant Blood Alliance!"

The old man's face paled instantly.

He had heard of the people of the Remnant Blood Alliance. It was an extremely cruel bandit organization in the Tianxue Mine. Their leader had a long-term power, and therefore they were rampant.

The Great Master definitely had the strength to kill him.

"I have no grudges against you, don't force me to fight you hard!"

The old man roared, already burning his divine body.

"Haha, your biggest original sin is to go to the Martial God City to consume. Hey, if the robbery killed you, we will drill into this vast sky blood mine or leave directly. What can he do with us?"

The leader of the remnant blood alliance didn't care.

But just when he started to deal with the old man, a big golden hand grabbed him, and he broke his body directly.

"It's just a Taoist comprehension 10%, the weakest great deity dares to be presumptuous.

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