After the God of War broke this person, there was an extra ball in his hand, twisting the roaring soul.

"I have seen the lord!"

The old man had seen the army of the Valkyrie City, and when he saw the God of War, he easily smashed a great body. He was also timid, and understood that this was a great figure in the Valkyrie City.

"You don't need to be polite, you are a guest of my Valkyrie City. If you encounter a robbery, the **** will naturally protect you."

The God of War said with majesty.


Gu Xuan led the team over and said coldly: "I led people to kill a hundred forces that were working on our city, but I also found a problem. Behind them, there seems to be a force supporting them. I haven't checked it yet. come out."

"Perhaps searching his soul can learn more."

The God of War frowned: "But I am not proficient in the Great Soul Art. Although your Majesty can, you can't let your Majesty handle everything."

"Let me come, I have some research on the soul search."

Gu Xuan, wearing the armor of the gods, shone a divine light on his soul.

But before he had time to search, the soul was exploded.

"Self-destroyed." God of War stared.

"There is a problem. To be precise, this soul has long lost its self-awareness and has been controlled. It is equivalent to a soul servant. Forcibly searching for the soul will cause collapse, and this remnant blood alliance is a big bandit force. "

Gu Xuan speculated: "That is to say, someone deliberately plundered outside with a soul servant, and can control the Great Lord. This power is not simple."

"Investigation must be strictly investigated. I don't believe that they have no clues. If they do, they will show their feet. If they are not eradicated, it will be difficult for the Valkyrie City to gain a foothold!"

The God of War led the team back to the Valkyrie City.

The massive search began.

"A few days ago, someone secretly made a move on the Valkyrie City, but the strong men in the Valkyrie City attacked and killed most of them, even the remnant blood alliance was destroyed, and they are vigorously searching for who is behind it!"

With Wushen City as the center, hundreds of millions of areas fell into great turmoil.

"I found some news. I heard that the fierce brutal alliance leader is actually a soul servant. Who is the one who controls him? The Valkyrie City also issued an announcement. Whoever provides valuable clues will get great reward."

Many people are talking.

"God of War, sure enough, someone has come to provide information."

Gu Xuan smiled, and brought a woman who was no better than a heaven.

"I have seen the lord!"

The woman immediately knelt down, her beautiful face, but now she was sullen and hated, and said: "My lord, I know who is behind the Remnant Blood League. I have seen the leader of the Remnant Blood League enter the Thirteen Cities Alliance, which is the Remnant Blood League. Destroyed my sect, only I survived, and I ask your lord to destroy them!"

"Thirteen Cities Alliance?"

God of War knows something about these thirteen cities alliance.

It was formed by thirteen powerful forces in the Tianxue Mining Area, and opened a giant city larger than the City of Sunshine. Each of them sent a great master to guard.

It can be said that it is a giant in this area.

But the emergence of Shenwu, the first impact was their status.

"Nothing can be seamless. The manpower I sent out before has many signs pointing to them. Now it seems that there is no problem. It is they who did it in secret. Except for them, they would have the courage to not sleep."

Ancient Xuan Dao.

"I'm brave enough, I really think my Shenwu is muddled, knead it at will?"

The **** of war iron-blooded domineering, said: "It is very good for you to provide this news. You have the right of permanent residence in the inner city of the **** of war. This is a reward for you."

The woman kowtows her head quickly to thank.

"Gu Xuan, don't waste time anymore. I sent troops to destroy the thirteen cities. They won't be destroyed. No one is afraid. They just killed the biggest force in this area!"

"I'm waiting for this early bird, it's fine, it's delivered."

His burly body stood up from the **** seat.

The 13 cities are huge, and they have always been the center of this area and the strongest power.

They built a city together.

Wushen City wants to be a holy land, and it is them who directly impacted.

In a temple, thirteen **** seats appeared, sitting with thirteen figures, all of them were the cultivation bases of great deities, and thirteen city masters were jointly managing major affairs.

"Now, the Valkyrie City is crazy and is looking for the messenger behind the scenes. Although we have made it concealed, there is no impermeable wall in the world. Sooner or later, we will find the head of my thirteen cities."

An old man in white frowned.

"Huh! Check it, let him check it, it doesn't matter if we find it on our heads, don't they dare to act on my Thirteen Cities? They said long ago that they would directly destroy them, but now we seem to be afraid of them."

A fierce-tempered grandmaster said: "Now that we are well, others will ride on our heads to pretend to be a blessing, and we are actually still discussing countermeasures here ridiculously, and we have eliminated one hundred."

"Yang Wei, Wushen City is not so easy to deal with." Someone said.

"You are afraid, I am not afraid, don't forget, there are 13 clans behind us. Although there are no gods, there are not a few great lords. Together, they can't beat them?"

This Yang Wei's humanity.

"You have thirteen clans behind you, don't you think they have no power behind them? This gathering is to discuss countermeasures."

Some people are very dissatisfied with Yang Wei's popularity.

"Fear of the head and tail, UU reading can't do anything in the end. This negotiation is meaningless. You can talk slowly. Don't find me for other things. If you want to fight, I will naturally come."

This Yang Wei patted the table and left.

"Yang Wei, you sit down for me and just pat the table casually, what kind of style is it?"

An old man who has not spoken is obviously the leader of Thirteen Cities. He coldly said: "What anxious? If the Valkyrie City dared to do it, we should fight, and we will be waiting for them to cope with the changes. reaction."

"Luo Xuan is right. I don't believe that they really dare to do anything. This fight will hurt both sides!"

"Yes, the Thirteen Cities join forces. I am not afraid, unless they have a real God of Heaven, but how rare is the God of Heaven, how can it appear here, so we are invincible."

"Don't be too optimistic."


The leaders of these 13 cities are clamoring.

"Also, after knowing the threat posed by the Shenwu, the deity has notified the clan and asked Luo Tian to come over. Are you still worried about him?"

Luo Xuan smiled.

"Luo Tian is here!"

"Haha, we are fearless if he is there!"

"Yes, with the strength of the Great Lord Luo Tian, ​​this Martial God City can no longer be arrogant. The Luo family is worthy of being the strongest clan of my thirteen families, with profound background."

After knowing that Luo Tian had arrived, they were not worried at all.

"Well, you guys, go ahead and do your thing, my thirteen families are based here, and I have experienced countless storms."

Suddenly when Luo Xuan was talking.

Thirteen outside the city.

The horrendous destruction of artillery fire accurately bombarded this temple, tearing the surrounding restrictions and razing countless buildings.

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