Ye'ertian Taoist indeed left resources for his own recovery in case of any unexpected events.

However, in the days of hell, he couldn't do without the state of the Great Abyss of Burial, there was no way to get it.

"If Ye'er Heavenly Dao God is restored to strength, my subordinates will have a true Heavenly Dao God's combat power, which will be extremely effective in suppressing the empire or fighting for us."

Chu Yuan thought about it.

Ye'ertian Dao God is too powerful.

He is also very curious about the days of hell, the most chaotic day in the multiverse, it seems that he must go to see it.

"Ding! The current branch line has been released, making Ye'ertian Dao God reshape his body."

The system branch is coming.

"Ye'e, I will let you reshape yourself."

Chu Yuandao.

"I have a chance to recover!"

Even if he knows that even if he recovers, he will be controlled by others, but Ye'ertian Taoist God still expects himself to have the power of his peak period.

Only then have the opportunity to plan other.

"The Great Abyss of the Burial World also belongs to the territory of the dynasty. I will leave this space. Here, there are many treasures. After returning to the dynasty, we must open up the channel connecting this place. But this is simple. Flowing by national luck."

Chu Yuan returned to Cheng Xuan where they were.

"See the emperor!"

In fact, it was only a short time before Chu Yuan returned from suppressing Ye'ertian Taoist God, and they were still in the temple.

"It's you, in these long years, command the army against me!"

Ye'e made a gloomy voice, and his twisted form appeared in the soul bead.

"Yeertian Taoist God, you are not dead yet!" Cheng Xuan was startled, and then calmly said: "But depending on your current state, you are half dead, and you have been suppressed by the emperor."

"Well, Ye E has surrendered to me now."

Chu Yuandao, he would not pay attention to the grievances of the ancient times, and said: "Cheng Xuan, follow me back to the gods, you should also see the outside world."

"With the emperor, the obstacle of the abyss is nothing!"

Cheng Xuan respectfully.

"Finally I can leave this dark place." Ye'ertian howl.

In the great abyss of burial, the laws of heaven are intertwined and disordered, and it is better than Cheng Xuan to leave.

However, Chu Yuan was not afraid at all, he slammed into it, and the powerful force shattered the barriers.

"I'm about to leave the chaotic area of ​​Heavenly Dao!" Ye E said.

But at this time, Chu Yuan suddenly stopped. He looked at one place and suddenly slashed a palm. At this time, the time and space were twisted and burst like a marijuana pattern, and then burst into chaos.

"What happened!" Cheng Xuan said in surprise.

"Come out, I don't need to say more, the heavenly gods from the gods."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

"Isn't he dead yet!"

Ye'ertian Taoist screamed.

"A powerful existence, you are indeed powerful. You can discover where I am. There is a great power in your body, familiar and strange."

Bright divine light descended from a strange time.

This is not a person, but a huge lake with thousands of miles in length. The light is bright and dazzling, and there is a ring of purple divine thunder on the outer layer, shining indefinitely.

"The long river of heaven!" Ye'er Tiandao said: "Zi Chen is you, you are not dead!"

"Ye'er, even if you haven't died, how can this **** die?"

Wanli Lake actually condenses into a huge human face, which looks very strange, and the smile that appears is even more hideous and terrifying.

"You have a power that makes me feel terrible. You can't leave alive."

"What a big talk, Zi Chen, I can see that although you are not dead, you are not in a good state at the moment. Your body has been destroyed, and even your soul has collapsed and is difficult to gather. It is just a foreign soul. In the long river of heaven, it appears to be broken!"

Ye'ertian Taoist **** saw the weirdness, "God Emperor, his strength can't be displayed!"

"You talk a lot of nonsense."

There was the wrath of God in Zi Chen's voice.

He was indeed miserable back then. The Heavenly Dao God of Human Realm Heaven was too terrifying. If it weren't for several other gods to bear and share the power of destruction, he would completely dissipate.

There was a deep hatred on Cheng Xuan's face.

The biggest opponent that the lord encountered back then was Zi Chen, otherwise, relying on Ye'ertian Dao God and them, how could it be possible to let him fall.

"A bunch of trash, none of them have cultivated to the heavens."

When Zichen Tiandao looked at Cheng Xuan's group of people, he was looking at waste.

"No wonder that there is no one who ran out of the Great Abyss of Burial. It turned out that you were doing the blame. You hide yourself. Whoever dares to go out will kill them directly, leave them here, and fight to the death of my subordinates!"

Ye'ertian Dao God suddenly realized: "You hope that the Heavenly Dao God will appear, and then you can directly kill and swallow him when he is most weak, so that you can restore your strength and return to the Gods and Heaven."

"You know too much." Zi Chen's tone was cold.

"Haha, you can't leave at all. With the help of the chaos of the heavens, you can keep your heavens going. I just know a lot. What can you do with me, I can remember that you used my things back then, and now you don’t. Chance!"

Ye'ertian Dao God laughed loudly, very annoying.

This time, Zi Chen wanted to wait for the moment Chu Yuan was about to break out, and suddenly launched a destructive blow, but he did not expect that Chu Yuan's perception was so keen that he immediately discovered his existence.

He couldn't see through this person at all.


Cheng Xuan looked at Chu Yuan, "I would like to be a forerunner for the emperor, and see what trap Zi Chen has set!"

"No need to."

Chu Yuan was very calm, looking at Zi Chen and said, "All your conspiracies can't hide from me. I also know your conspiracy, just to gather the power of chaotic time and space, the destruction of the heavens, and deal with me."

"You are really amazing, you are not like Ye'er as a waste."

Since he was seen through, Zi Chen didn't hide it anymore, saying indifferently: "This **** sees how you break the game. It's okay if you keep it or not, but you want to leave. The destruction of the heavens can't resist you. Haha, see who can beat the others. !"

"I didn't intend to consume you, so I will send you to annihilation!"

Before an instant, Chu Yuan released a light that was not weaker than Zi Chen. He took a step forward, shaking time and space, clenching his big hands, as if holding the sun, moon, time and space.

"I want you to suffer the same pain as mine!"

Zi Chen's heart is already violent storms, dazzling divine light, a huge purple golden light wing appeared in the long river of heaven, and suddenly fanned, there are countless sharp light blades, forming a space-time blockade. Cut to Chu Yuan.

"Zichen God Wing!"

Ye'er Tian Dao God roared: "Your Majesty, this is Zichen’s Heavenly Dao artifact. It is extremely powerful and hateful. He wants to block us and not allow us to leave. Damn, damn, the gods of the gods are a group of despicable and shameless guys. !"

He was really angry.

Because as soon as Chu Yuan left, he would be able to take him to Hell Heaven and retrieve the treasures he left behind.

But Zi Chen was blocking the way.

"Be angry, the more angry the better, the happier I will be when I see your anger!"

Zi Chen was mad, it was difficult to recover himself, and his mind was twisted long ago.

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