One thought becomes a god, one thought becomes a devil.

Gods are also demons, and demons are also gods.

It is a **** or a devil only between their thoughts.

Zi Chen's body and soul collapsed, and the long river of heaven was in confusion, and the years could not see the possibility of recovery.

He was already crazy and wanted to destroy all the living creatures he saw.

"Crazy, he is crazy, these self-proclaimed gods, gods and spirits, are scarier than demons and crueler than hell, they are just a bunch of lunatics!"

Ye'ertian Dao God screamed.

His pure-blooded **** creatures are not as crazy as Zi Chen.

Because he would beg for mercy when he faced a crisis of death, knowing the beauty of living.

But this Zi Chen would not, even if he ruined his heavenly course and erased all traces in the world.

"Haha, let me bury them all!"

Zi Chen didn't want to live a long time ago. In this state, he was better off living than dead.

"I will bury you in the endless abyss."

At this moment, Chu Yuan's expression was terribly cold. He stood in the space, and countless light blades rolled towards him, each of them could destroy the ordinary Great Venerable, but he was lofty.

Great Devouring Technique...This level of power is directly swallowed.

Chu Yuan was extremely quiet. He didn't want to waste time on walking with a crazy Zi Chen. He stepped out one step at a time, smashed the force of the mountains and the sea with one palm, and the stormy waves swept past.

"Who do you think you are!"

The long river of heaven covered Chu Yuan's power at once, time and space were chaotic, and the world suddenly became chaotic, and a variety of rays of light were converging, and several types of heavenly powers were pouring toward the lake.

"this is!"

Ye'er Tian Dao Shen said in shock: "The power of many heavens and rivers, the battle of the year, the fall of the gods, their heavenly powers are scattered in this space, crazy entangled together, you are gathering them together, Crazy, you will be forever if you do this!"

Of course he could see that such a chaotic power would certainly bring Zi Chen an irreversible destruction, but it would also increase his strength in a short time.

"The original **** is long gone."

Zi Chen didn't care.

"If you want to die, I don't want to die with you!"

Ye'ertian Dao God roared.

"Haha, the lord of heaven who has cultivated to the heavens and gods, you have fallen to the slave of others, what is the meaning of living like this, Ye E, I am helping you, out of his control, and we will die together!"

Zi Chen screamed frantically, and then sighed forever: "This war that has been entangled for hundreds of millions of years should also be ended."

Huhu.. In the midst of the violent wind, circles of divine lightning were devastating, and his long river gathered too much destructive power, condensed into a huge twisted body.

A strong danger came in an instant, and Zi Chen completely used destructive power.

"There are two ways of life and death, you take the way of death, I will make you perfect!"

Chu Yuan stood in the chaotic time and space, unmoved, he turned around and hit, and the emperor's hegemony instantly confronted Zi Chen.

He is not afraid of all kinds of destructive power surging on him.

If Zichen is the sea of ​​destruction, then Chu Yuan is the Dinghai Shenzhen. He slapped his big hand forward, crashing, and shattered like a long river of heaven.

Zi Chen's divine wings were fanning wildly, and every storm was mixed with extremely fierce wind blades.

"Destroy it, destroy it together!"

Zi Chen was mad, and all kinds of crazy forces blasted together.

"A **** who has long lost himself."

In Chu Yuanba's peerless world, every time he took a step, he blasted a punch, and the power of the master was immortal and immortal, and the river of heaven was tumbling violently.

Heaven and earth are annihilated...

With one move, the long river of heaven is bursting, and time and space are all in chaos, because the annihilation of heaven and earth turns into the most primitive chaos.

"Divine Emperor, his power is too strong!"

Ye'ertian Dao Shen was stunned and deeply awed. Even at his peak, he would not be an opponent.

"I want to die with you!"

Zi Chen hadn't reported the hope of recovery long ago, and the huge river of heaven was rolling towards Chu Yuan, covering him in, launching a killer move of all destruction.

Boom! The emperor is domineering, and Chu Yuan's image is extremely tall.

His icy eyes were fixed on the long river of heaven, and the frozen gate was activated. When the long river was frozen, time and space were stagnant, making it difficult to flow.

"The emperor has frozen the power of the law!" Cheng Xuan said in fear.

"The soul is shaking."

The invisible soul fell, and the Zichen soul contained in every place in this long Hanoi experienced intense turbulence.

"Although you have the power comparable to the God of Heaven, you are not a real God of Heaven. It is impossible to destroy me without paying the price!"

Zichen Changhe condensed a distorted giant face, and in an instant, a greater destructive power came, and even his heavenly artifacts were burning and ruining, only in exchange for stronger power.

"Divine Emperor, you can't fight him hard!"

This kind of madness, Ye'ertian Dao Shen felt that even if he was at his peak, he might be dragged into the water and cursed the bastard.

"Are you scared!" Zi Chen said.

"There is nothing I fear."

However, Chu Yuan still stood still, the gate of the seal appeared, and as he urged him, an infinite mountain descended on the long river. The terrifying power seemed to suppress a person on a mountain.

The Seal Gate is getting bigger and bigger than the long river of heaven.

"Seal!" Zi Chen exclaimed: "You want to seal my power, no, you can't do it!"

His power was too violent, and ordinary heavenly artifacts couldn't suppress it.


The seal gate is different.

This is an extremely special portal that connects to the origin of the seal, and will show even stronger power as Chu Yuan becomes stronger.

The soul of Ye'ertian Taoist also fluctuates fiercely, how fierce this Tiandao River is violent, but in front of this portal, any turmoil has lost its effect and was suppressed by all.

Obviously, the God Emperor didn't use all the means to deal with him before.


Although Zi Chen's power was fierce, he did not have his own soul and body after all, and he was completely dependent on brute force, unable to exert the original power of the gods.

"Seal of Heaven!"

Huh! The door of the Sealed Door opens!

Chu Yuan was standing in front of the Sealed His Great Swallowing technique worked to the limit at this moment, that is, seeing the sealed river of heaven, like a waterspout being sucked into the Sealed Gate!

"No... if I die, don't be sealed by you!"

Zi Chen is not afraid of complete destruction, but is afraid of sealing.

Chu Yuan ignored his rage, and with a big hand, as if he was grabbing something, the long river flew up and flew towards the sealed gate.

The overall situation is set!

The Heavenly Dao God in Zi Chen's state is not Chu Yuan's strength at this moment at all. He is sealed within the Sealed Gate, then there is no possibility of getting out, and can only be ravaged by Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan retains a big role in his long river of heaven, which has gathered many powers of heaven and god.

Give fire!

And Zi Chen Shenyi also fell into Chu Yuan's hands.

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