Tu Meng's true body is unknown, his strength is unknown, his purpose is unknown, and his purpose of approaching Chu Yuan is also unknown.

Everything about her is unknown.

But Ye'e had deeply felt her strangeness.

She wanted to appear in front of the **** of heaven, whoever appeared in front of it.

The power of heaven is extremely strange.

"You didn't tell me the truth." Chu Yuan said.

"I must have secrets, but the **** emperor can hide even greater secrets. If the **** emperor wants to know, you can exchange secrets with me."

"I am not interested."

Chu Yuan looked at her.

"It seems that my secret has no value in the eyes of the **** emperor."

Tu Meng's tone is a bit lonely.


Just as Ye'e was about to speak, he suddenly felt extremely violent fluctuations in vitality, and his expression changed: "What's the matter, there are so many fluctuations in the vitality of heaven, they seem to be bombarding somewhere, and the power is transmitted here. coming!"

"Want to know? I can tell you."

Tu Meng smiled: "It is the remains of the God of E'nan that have been discovered. The two masters of Abyss Destruction have sent their own gods, and there are more gods who do not belong to the two masters."

"What, God, God!"

Ye'e's face changed.

He knows too much about the God of Eunan, he is famous and is definitely a great existence.

"God emperor, the God of Eunan Heaven is an existence in the ancient times, and his strength is the strongest God of Heaven in the Hell Heaven before the ancient times, second only to the 18th ruler, it is possible to become the 19th ruler, But I don’t know why, it seems to offend other masters, and still get treasures that make the masters crazy. Later it is said to have fallen."

Ye E explained: "Tu Meng, has anyone discovered the location of the fall of the God of Eunan?"

"Are you asking me? I can tell you compassionately."

Tu Meng smiled and said: "Because of the fighting between the two heavenly gods, the place where Eunan sits unexpectedly appeared. They are still bombarding that space. The specific situation is unknown. It’s not always the case that comes up on the initiative.

"Divine Emperor, shall we go and see?"

Ye'e was also moved: "That is the existence second only to the Domination. He is too strong, and may have left a lot of treasures."

[Option 1: Explore the fall of the God of E'nan, get 50,000 Fate Points, and cast the God Golden Core x1. 】

[Choice 2: Don’t explore the E'nan God’s fall, get 50,000 Fate Points, Healing Potion of Heaven’s God x1. 】

"It's kind of interesting."

Chu Yuan wanted to leave the ancient ruins, but suddenly these great relics appeared, and said, "Go, go and see with me."

"Ding! The host makes choice one, gains 50,000 Fate Points, and casts the God Golden Core x1."

They went immediately.

However, this Tumeng was also following them. He didn't know what she was making. Chu Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to her. It was not the real body, and one was destroyed, and another appeared.

This woman is difficult to deal with.

Perhaps from her mouth, some ancient secrets can be drawn out.

Numerous powerhouses, as well as the great venerable tens of thousands, appeared in the ancient ruins.

There are dozens of gods of heaven alone, and with the passage of time, more masters continue to gather from afar.

This is also normal.

After all, the God of Eunan is one who can become the master of **** in just one step.

If he left behind the treasure, how precious would it be? Enough to drive some gods crazy.

In this space.

There is a breath of vitality, seeping out, it is bad luck, it is extinction.

"The **** emperor, there is the strongest person led by Destroy Domination, called the Destroying Heavenly Dao God, and over there is the strongest person led by the Abyss Domination, called the Corrupting Heavenly Dao God."

Tu Meng introduced.

She appeared as an avatar, and it didn't look like she was hunting for treasure.

"They are all very powerful and ancient gods."

Ye'e nodded.

The abyss, the time of destruction is too old, almost in the initial stage of hell.

His subordinates have absolute allegiance to them.

He has also heard of it.

It seems that the God of Eunan caused himself to be killed because of some treasure.

"God emperor, the situation is still unknown. The treasures left by the gods of E'nan Tiandao have not yet appeared." Ye'e said, "Look, they are bombarding a certain piece of space. We might as well wait first."

"I feel that there is a powerful seal in time and space, so I will watch the show first."

Chu Yuan would not help them bomb time and space either.

at this time.

A burly and tall, staring at the front like the mansion of the Destroyer God, he is the Destroyer God of Destruction Lord, and said: "Rotten, it seems that the Abyss Lord has also sent you to take the relics of the God of Destruction.

"Didn't the Destruction Lord also let you come?"

A **** of heaven, is an old man, he exudes a decadent aura, which makes people very uncomfortable, "That is a treasure that even the ruler is tempted, but it is a pity that the disaster was too greedy in the past, otherwise it will not die. If there are relics, the abyss Domination is inevitable."

"The same goes for the Destroyer."

The God of Destruction Heaven said coldly: "Open this space and time first, and whoever can get it depends on our own strength. These people should not be worried."

"I have no opinion."

The two extremely powerful heavenly gods know that opening up time and space is the most important thing.

"Huh! Although the God of Eunan is strong, he has fallen, and the seal he left can't stop us!"

Boom! Destroying Heavenly Dao God blasted out with a fist, it was a terrible destructive force, time and space were shaking violently, this kind of huge power, Heavenly Dao artifacts could be directly destroyed by him.

"This destroys the God of Heaven, and the strength is even stronger!"

The rotten gods are jealous.

His power is not strong, it is so strong that it is his decadent way.

He did not destroy the destructive power of the Heavenly Dao God. A deep green vitality fell like a pool of green poisonous mud.

Zi La Zi La, when time and space encounter his power, no matter how strong the restriction is, it will be corrupted.

"These two heavenly gods have represented the top of my **** heavenly gods."

Ye E looked at them.

Although powerful, but not afraid of them, he is certainly not an opponent, but it is not so easy to run and want to keep him.

"Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ It is too difficult to kill a **** of heaven. Their **** of heaven exists in the multiverse. If it weren't for a battle that swept through the day, it would be impossible for the **** of heaven to fall in large numbers."

Tu Meng also said.

"But the God of Heaven is not incapable of beheading." Chu Yuan said lightly.

"Divine Emperor, if you want to kill a certain heavenly god, Tu Meng can help you."

Tu Meng smiled.

Just when the three of them were communicating, they destroyed the two decaying gods and led the team and bombarded them continuously. After several hours of attack, the seal of time and space was opened.

"Henan God of Heaven is really powerful, and the seal left behind has blocked God of Heaven for such a long time."

Ye E exclaimed.


At this time, the Shattered Heavenly Dao God and the Decaying Heavenly Dao God made sounds at the same time, and they looked at a broken time and space.

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