"Let's go in first!"

Destroyed, decayed, the two heavenly gods took the lead, and they took the lead.

But just as they entered, a force of disaster and doom erupted, as if condensed into the **** of disaster, and wanted to attack all the strong who came in.

"Hmph, I have known for a long time that with your difficult character, you will not honestly let us in, but how can the great master fail to figure out your next hand!"

The God of Destruction Heaven sneered, and he took out the Destruction Rune.

The decaying **** of heaven also took out the abyss rune at the same time.

The two dominant forces stimulated together.

Although the back hand left by the God of Eunan is very powerful, after all, these are the power of two **** masters, and they are isolated and returned at once.

The abyss swallowed the disaster.

And destruction also destroyed Eunan.

"This is the strength of the master of hell. No one can shake their status. They control the master of hell, and the strongest master of **** is the **** of hell. His methods are already called good luck!"

Even if Ye'e is a **** of heaven, he has great awe of the master in hell.

"The eighteen masters of **** exist in the early days of hell. They represent the balance at the bottom of hell, the will of hell. It is very difficult to fight the masters in hell, and they are invincible in hell."

Tu Meng said lightly: "This is another level of existence."

"Let's go in and take a look."

Chu Yuan glanced at Tu Meng.

Although the lord of **** is mysterious, this dream is obviously also very mysterious.

Ignoring this awkward power, he walked in one step directly. What made his eyes narrow is that the time and space he entered is empty, but there is no trace of treasure in front of him.

Destroying the **** of heaven, the decaying **** of heaven also frowned.

Inferring from the previous disaster aura, they can be sure that the God of disaster left behind.

"Don't worry, bad luck must have laid a back hand, and it is likely to play a game with us."

The green light in the eyes of the decaying **** of heaven was very calm.

"Look at the situation here first." Chu Yuan said.

"Shenwu, you are here too!"

At this moment, someone from the outside world suddenly came to Chu Yuan's side, and it was Meng Tianhe: "It is rumored that this is the place where the God of Eunan sits and transforms. The God of Heaven is extremely terrifying and powerful. He once fought with a god-level existence. !"

He said nothing about Soul Jinquan.

Of course he didn't know that there were skulls under the golden spring of soul.

And this shows his cleverness.

Treasures that do not belong to him will never be asked.

"I am also very interested in the God of Eunan," Chu Yuan responded.

"No one knows what the situation is now. The two **** masters have sent people over. Let's watch the changes first."

Meng Tianhe nodded.

He knew that Chu Yuan was very strong, and it was good to be friends with such an existence.

About half an hour passed, the endless aura of misfortune was condensing out, as if to cast some curse.

"How many tens of thousands of years, has anyone finally stepped into the place of sitting in this seat?"

An ancient voice resounded.

"It's a troubled voice, what tricks is he going to play!"

Destroying Heavenly Dao God glanced fiercely.

"Don't worry, the disaster is dead, this is just the sound of the heavenly way he left behind, listen to what he said first."

"This seat has left a lot of treasures here. This seat knows that there must be 18 strong people who dominate under your command, but there is no problem. This seat is dead, and these things have no effect on me. Play a game."

With the sound of disaster, time and space suddenly split, and six black marks appeared and danced

"This is the mark left by this seat. The black mark means that you can enter the corresponding six temples. Inside, this seat has left a heavenly artifact and a lot of resources for the cultivation of the heavenly god."


In six directions, six black palaces suddenly appeared from the void.

Suddenly, the strong people present all looked greedy.

According to Ernán, there is a heavenly artifact in every black palace, but it is destined to be obtained by only six powerful ones.

"This misfortune is dead, and I still play these tricks!"

The God of Destruction Tiandao didn't care about the six black palaces at all. He was instructed to bring back the most precious treasure of Ewan, and it was also in the most mysterious main temple.

At this time in the main temple did not appear.

"It must be hidden in time and space, I am not interested in playing with him slowly!"

At the moment when the **** of heaven was destroying the time and space of this slab, the **** of rotten **** stopped him, "Don't make a move, there is still something to say."

"Haha, is there someone who can't wait anymore? If you want to force a shot, the ordinary gods can't destroy it. Of course, if your master does it, you can."

The God of Eunan sarcastically said: "However, if the master wants to act strongly, this space and time will be destroyed, and all the treasures left by me will also be destroyed along with the prohibition of the heavens of this seat, so if you want to seize it, just follow me. The rules of the game come."

"The master can't do it. Only when the six palaces are opened first can the main temple appear!"

Destroying Heavenly God's eyes flashed.

He grabbed it with a big hand, and there were several heavenly gods in front of him blocking him. With a bang, they were all blown to the sides, and shouted: "Go away, these two temples belong to the original god!"

"These two seats belong to the original god."

The decaying **** of heaven said with a gloomy smile.

"What, there are only six palaces, you just take four, isn't it too overbearing!"

"We don't want the main temple left by the God of Eunan. Although you are under the ruler, don't force us to do it with you!"

"Although you are strong, we are not weak!"


The **** of heaven was furious.

There are only six, and destruction and decay will directly occupy four.

That is, the four heavenly artifacts are owned by others, and only the last two are left, and they will face a lot of competition from the strong.

This is too difficult.

"You are qualified to negotiate terms with us?"

Destroying Heavenly Dao God disdainfully said: "Don't say there is a master, even if you don't have a master, you are not the opponent of the gods together. If you don't want to delay time, even one will not be left for you."

He also knows.

If he and the rotten heavenly gods want to occupy all, it will definitely cause all the heavenly gods to counterattack in this piece of time and space.

And the great ruler is disdainful of surrendering status to fight for a few artifacts of the heavenly path ~ www.ltnovel.com~ unless it is the ultimate treasure left by the **** of the heavenly path.

"You don't want to grab it, the last two palaces don't belong to you anymore."

The decaying **** of heaven smiled gloomily.

"Huh, you are ruthless!"

Although the **** of heaven was present there were many and powerful, but he also knew that he was the most powerful **** of destruction and decay.

"Your Majesty, we?"

Ye E looked at Chu Yuan.

Without the divine emperor's instructions, he could not act without authorization.

"Do it."

Chu Yuan's power was vast and broad, and the moment the Great Devouring Technique was operating, a black mark had already flown towards him.

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