The years are calm.

But this is the peace that can only be achieved by having strong strength.

Although the black-haired old man screamed arrogantly when he escaped hundreds of years ago, Jue Wutian's revenge has never come.

Because they know that starting the war is their freedom, but when it ends is beyond their control. Facing a huge empire like Shenwu, they dare to start a war casually, and the price cannot be afforded.

The struggle of spirit is very happy.

But the price is too great, and a person who has no injuries is not qualified yet.

And his Heavenly Dao cannon has already built five, mainly because the materials are too rare, even if he launches multiple channels to collect it, it is not so easy.

"The Great Artillery of the Heavenly Dao is a strategic resource, and all kinds of materials about the Heavenly Dao must be collected, so as to plan ahead."

Chu Yuandao.

"Half a day to the limit."

With the growth of the empire's luck and long-term cultivation, Chu Yuan also reached the limit of a long time.

"Use the seal power to use the seal of eternity, although the heavens and gods are hard to kill, but they can be sealed!"

Chu Yuan outlined the chains with both hands, forming the power of the eternal seal.

During the long years of cultivation in the empire, he was also studying various methods of divine passage.

"Practicing in the empire will not become a **** of heaven."

Chu Yuan held a document in his hand, "Wuliang Hengsha, Mingyue Island."

The most difficult material to find for making Heavenly Dao soldiers is this Blessed Hengsha. Chu Yuan spent a lot of time investigating and found that there are many Blessed Hengsha on Mingyue Island.

"There is still tomorrow."

Chu Yuan looked at the details of Qi Ming.

Tomorrow is also thirty-three days, but that is a long time ago.

They belonged to the Human Sovereign. With the defeat of the Human Sovereign, almost all the gods of Qiming Tiandao fell, and their heavens were also shattered, falling into the deep dimensional time and space.

Originally, Gu Yuantian was worse than them, the sky collapsed and ceased to exist.

But the goddess Yanran did not die, she returned, and Qi tomorrow became an extremely tragic day.

"Qi Tomorrow was really miserable. The Emperor was defeated, and countless strong men divided up their inheritance like evil wolves. Their gods have fallen, leaving only an empty shell, which is still being sucked by countless people."

Chu Yuan shook his head.

Winner or loser is the law of heaven and earth.

The winner rules everything, and those who lose will be severely punished.

It can be said that after the defeat of the human emperor, those on his side had no good end, the collapse of the collapse, the decline of the decline.

"This is the fate of the loser."

Chu Yuan had sharp eyes.

He doesn't want to be a loser.

"Passing through Mingyue Island, I got those immeasurable Hengsha to build the Heavenly Dao cannon, and then I went to Naqi to see tomorrow. Perhaps we can find the resources to make me a Heavenly Dao God."

Chu Yuan left Shenwu directly.

Mingyue Island is in his northwest direction, which is completely opposite to going to Hell Heaven.

He knew that in the retreat of the gods, he could never become a **** of heaven, and chances would not fall from the sky, but would be seized.

It's a long road.

Fortunately, Chu Yuan was strong, and he shuttled continuously, but it still took several years to see Mingyue Island.

"Is this Mingyue Island?"

Chu Yuan is standing in the multiverse.

He looked forward. Although Mingyue Island was an island, it was actually a huge plane universe, larger than the destruction of the main city.

Mingyue Island is shrouded in the faint radiance of God, and there is a moon rotating around the island, extremely beautiful and peaceful.

"The very peaceful Mingyue Island is like a paradise in the universe. It is said that Moon Island is very peaceful. The owner of Mingyue Island is an ancient power. He is powerful and is also a powerful force in the multiverse."

Chu Yuan observed Mingyue Island, "Quiet and peaceful, but this tranquility is due to the strength of the Mingyue Island owner to suppress it. Without strength, it will be plundered. This is the law of survival."

He also saw that Mingyue Island was in the shape of a moon, but it was actually a very special kind of magic weapon that could destroy the world.

Yin and yang are opposite each other.

There are great dangers in tranquility.

He walked into this Mingyue Island.

It feels different from other places.

Mingyue Island is prosperous, and there is no fight here. Everyone is friendly. It is precisely because of the good reputation of Mingyue Island’s owner that many powerful people have gathered to rely on him and maintain peace.

"The peaceful years are the most rare."

Chu Yuan went directly to the main city of Mingyue.

The main city of Mingyue is not majestic, but a kind of unique beauty. The moon shines against each other, planting many sacred trees that emit radiant light.

"It is rumored that the name of Mingyue Island was taken by the Taoist companion of Mingyue Island Master. He and his Taoist companion rose from a cosmic plane, and watched the sunset and moon rise in their plane."

Chu Yuan said: "Unfortunately, the Taoist companion of Mingyue Island Lord fell while breaking through the Heavenly Dao Divine Tribulation.

This is a very poignant love story.

When the Mingyue Island owner built Mingyue Island, he dressed up according to the love of his Taoists.

Although the owner of Mingyue Island doesn't like fighting, anyone who provokes him will also let people know how terrible he is.

"Go and meet the Mingyue Island Master."

Chu Yuan didn't conceal himself, and went straight to the core of the main city of Mingyue.

"My friend, this place is the retreat of Mingyue Island Master. You can't trespass."

Someone immediately stopped Chu Yuan.

"I am here to see your Mingyue Island Master."

Chu Yuan's magnificent aura spread out.

"There is a powerful presence!"

An old man immediately stepped out of time and space, saw Chu Yuan, felt this powerful aura, and was shocked, saying: "Friend, who are you, I am Lu Yuan, I don’t know what you can do with Mingyue Island Master. ?"

He could see that Chu Yuan didn't come to make trouble, but that something really came to find the owner of Mingyue Island.

"Just call me Shenwu. I learned that Mingyue Island Master is collecting various treasures in the multiverse in order to save his beloved daughter. It is precisely that there is a god-defying medicine in my hand, and I want to exchange something with Mingyue Island Master."

Chu Yuan smiled lightly.

He didn't come to make trouble this time, so he was naturally calm.

"You have a treasure to save Miss!"

This Lu Yuan was shocked With the strength of this magical weapon, he would naturally not have a target, and immediately said: "If so, Mingyue Island Master will definitely thank you very much!"

"Lu Yuan, let this friend in."

It was the voice of Mingyue Island Master.

"My friend, we went to see the owner of Mingyue Island. After a long time, many people said that they could save the lady, including the gods of heaven, but they all failed. The owner of the island is about to become discouraged."

Lu Yuan politely took Chu Yuan into a piece of time and space.

Time and space changes.

There is no prosperity in this time and space, but it is very ordinary. In a bright moon, there are green mountains and green waters, clear streams passing through, and there are a few very ordinary houses.

And this is the retreat of Mingyue Island Master, everything is very simple.

"Mingyue Island Master."

Chu Yuan saw a middle-aged man.

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