The owner of Mingyue Island has a refined face, with a beard on his chin, giving people a feeling of peace of mind, without the self-dominated dominance of Chu Yuan, and making people feel good to get along with.

But if it underestimated the strength of Mingyue Island Master because of this, it would be a big mistake.

"The owner of the island is the fetish of this friend who saves Miss Yu."

Lu Yuan respectfully.

Although he is a **** of heaven, his life was saved by the owner of Mingyue Island. Back then, he went deep into a certain Jedi and couldn't get out. It was the owner of Mingyue Island who helped him out of danger.


The owner of Mingyue Island nodded slightly and said, "My friend, if you can come to my Mingyue Island, you should be clear about some of the little girl's situation. There have been many strong people who have come, but they have all failed, including the existence of being as powerful as friends. "

He could see that Chu Yuan was extremely strong, and he was the only one who was the master of a country.

"Since I have come, there is a way I can save it." Chu Yuan said lightly: "Let the female practice the ninefold divine calamity, and the fifth calamity failed. Although there is no ashes, but the soul and the law of heaven are broken. I have one thing that can be restored. As before, there are no hidden dangers."

"What, can make the little girl return to her original condition!"

The owner of Mingyue Island was shocked.

He had never asked for her daughter to recover completely, as long as she could recover from a deep sleep. Chu Yuan's words were too shocking.

"I never do anything unsure."

Chu Yuan took out the healing potion for a long time, and said indifferently: "Take it, believe it or not."

"If this is true, my friend is my great benefactor. I don't know what my friend needs?"

Mingyue Island Master stared at the healing potion that was as bright as emerald.

"Infinite Hengsha, all you have infinite Hengsha." Chu Yuan said.

"It turned out to be for Blessed Hengsha. The amount of Blessed Hengsha I control is extremely large. Although it is a material, it is more valuable than a heavenly artifact, but as long as it can save the life of the little girl, this is nothing."

Mingyue Island Master said, "Lu Yuan, how trustworthy are his words?"

"It should be credible. The multiverse is like a cloud, and such a powerful existence has something to demand."

Lu Yuan thought, and then sighed: "Even if you are not credible, you still have to believe it. The lady has been sleeping for too many years, and she has relied on you to continue her life on the basis of the Dao of Heaven. How many powerful existences have come, they can only continue their lives, and cannot be completely restored. Now there are only dead horses as living horse doctors."

"Daughter, being a father must not let you suffer the same bad luck as your mother!"

The owner of Mingyue Island is firm, "Friends, please wait here for a while, if it is really useful, I will offer you both."

"I'm not in a hurry."

Chu Yuan watched Mingyue Island Master enter a room.

"Friend, please come here." Lu Yuan hurriedly entertained Chu Yuan.

Inside the house.

Lying there was a girl looking like a girl.

She lay there quietly, like a sleeping beauty, as if dead. This is the daughter of Mingyue Island Master, Mingxue.

Mingyue Island Master has only this only daughter, who was born to his Taoist companion.

"Daughter, being a father will definitely wake you up. For you, father is willing to pay any price."

The owner of Mingyue Island looked at his daughter lovingly.

He picked up the healing potion for a long time, and gently transported it into Mingxue's body with mana, very cautiously, as if he was afraid of destroying a piece of ceramics.

The emerald-like crystal light is permeating.

It was only after a few breaths that Mingxue actually opened her eyes. She felt the return of a powerful force, and said in doubt: "Father, shall I live?"

"Really useful!"

The owner of Mingyue Island thought it would be a long time, but he didn't expect it to be so short, so he quickly said: "Xue'er, check your own situation carefully, as long as you wake up, it doesn't matter if you can't practice."

Mingxue nodded.

She opened her eyes for a dozen breaths.


Mingxue said in surprise: "What's the matter, I have no hidden dangers at all. Back then, when I crossed the sky, my soul was broken, the laws were broken, and I was about to fall. This is an injury that is almost impossible to repair."

"Sure enough, he didn't lie to me!"

A small tube of the potion healed Ming Xue's injuries that could not be repaired for hundreds of millions of years, and the owner of Mingyue Island also noticed Chu Yuan's unfathomable depth.

"Who is it?" Mingxue asked.

"Father doesn't know much about him, he only knows that he is called Shenwu, for the immeasurable Hengsha in my hand. I gave him what he wanted, and I want to thank him for my father!

Naturally, he would not have the idea of ​​relying on accounts, and it would not be good for him to rely on accounts as powerful as Shenwu.

"Mingyue Island Master, is what I said is true."

Chu Yuan saw Mingyue Island Master teleporting, and behind him there was a woman with a gentle expression.

"Miss!" Lu Yuan said in surprise.

"Hahaha, my friend, you are the savior of my little girl, you are worthy of nothing."

Island Master Mingyue is in a very good mood, he hasn't laughed for many years.

"He is my savior!"

Mingxue looked at Chu Yuan, she was also a strong one. She had cultivated to the fourth calamity of the Nine Layers of Divine Tribulation. At this moment, she quietly looked at Chu Yuan with an aura like a deep sea. Sitting there, she was a giant pillar propping up the universe.

Very strong, very powerful.

"Friend, this is the immeasurable Hengsha you need."

The owner of Mingyue Island took out Blessed Hengsha.

"This is Wuliang Hengsha!"

Chu Yuan took it, and every grain of immeasurable constant sand was as sparkling as a diamond, the size of a grain of rice, and extremely heavy, and the inside was actually like a small universe.

And the owner of Mingyue Island gave enough a small pile.

This transaction was very cost-effective, and Chu Yuan used a half-day healing potion that was not worth mentioning to him in exchange for so many Boundless Hengsha.

There are so many that are enough to build heavenly warriors.

"Well, this transaction has been completed, and I have other important things, so I will stay soon."

Chu Yuan was very satisfied.

"My friend, I'm leaving so soon. I have to give a banquet to thank the **** emperor for saving my little daughter's life. From now on, you will be my friend of Mingyue Island. I will definitely help if you have anything."

The owner of Mingyue Island has the heart to make friends with Chu Yuan.

Strong and mysterious, who doesn't want to make friends.

Maybe in the future, the owner of Mingyue Island still needs Chu Yuan's help.

"I do need the help of Mingyue Island Master."

Chu Yuan thought, said.

" I can help if I can."

Mingyue Island Master smiled.

I need his help.

"It's not a troublesome thing. I'm collecting all kinds of treasures, so I want to use the channels of Mingyue Island to obtain some divine things. I will come up with various **** pill essence stones."

Chu Yuan saw that Mingyue Island was powerful, and having such a friend was very helpful to him.

"It turns out that it is such a small matter. My friend wants to trade, and there is something good for me on Mingyue Island. I will fully support it."

The owner of Mingyue Island laughed loudly, "Lu Yuan, have a banquet, today I will entertain Shenwu."

The conversation between the two was extremely enjoyable. When Mingyue Island Master was communicating with Chu Yuan, he also discovered that this transaction was extremely beneficial to him, and the pill that the other party took out made him very excited.

"I will leave first."

After Chu Yuan and Mingyue Island Master had a good talk, they merged into the void and disappeared.

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