Qi Tomorrow has become a plane used by the Dragon God to nurture the strong.

Pregnant Dragon Land.

The most core area.

There is an ancient dragon city here, huge and winding, connected to look like an ancient dragon, and in the heart of the dragon, the fluctuations here are the most violent, producing an unconcealable vision.

Gang wind and thunder, sky fire torrent.

The origin of the endless world is like a waterfall, rolling down.

This is actually an extremely huge dragon egg, with a grayish aura and dense dragon patterns. It is madly swallowing the energy that enlightens tomorrow, and the colors have turned into various chaotic forces.

This dragon egg is sucking too fast, there is a strong life fluctuation, and it breeds life against the sky.

"It swallows the fierce energy and reverses the law of heaven and earth into chaos. Ninety percent of the energy of the entire pregnant dragon land is supplying this dragon egg. This is to nurture and cultivate the entire energy of tomorrow."

Chu Yuan was attracted by this dragon egg when he passed by the pregnant dragon land.

His eyes were piercing through everything, as if breaking open the eggshell, he saw a dragon, breath of chaos, it seemed to be a chaos dragon egg, gestating the chaos dragon.

"If this dragon egg is born, it will become a god, and it will be extremely terrifying."

Chu Yuan guessed it instantly.

of course.

He is not surprised.

This is cultivated with the energy of the core source of Qi Ming, in order to destroy the behavior of the day, regardless of the cost.

"Anyone dare to spy on my dragon pregnant ground!"

Suddenly, an angry roar shook the sky, and the sky cracked. A golden dragon with a length of one million feet shot out its own dragon claws and suppressed Chu Yuan.

Chaos Dragon Egg is the core treasure of Pregnant Dragon Land, and it is absolutely forbidden to be spied by others.

Not even a glance.

"Huh, a golden dragon."

Chu Yuan lifted his eyelids and watched the dragon claw slay. He retorted with a palm of his hand, and the power of destruction thundered.

The golden dragon suddenly felt that he was about to explode, and the scales on the dragon's claws were also shattering.

Another divine dragon appeared, this is the sky dragon representing the sky.

His dragon body is even bigger, like a mountain in the sky, playing the dragon clan secret technique, rushing with great power, and killing fiercely.

Two heavenly gods of the dragon race!

Just because Chu Yuan spied the Chaos Dragon Egg, he shot it directly, thinking about the importance of this dragon egg.

"court death!"

Chu Yuan did not dodge, the emperor's divine fist, the emperor's domineering.

Boom, the power of Qi swallowing mountains and rivers and Tianlong fiercely confronted each other, centering on one person and one dragon, the vitality swept out crazy.

The dragon roared.

The dragon city shone and shone, sheltering the dragon egg.

"Good Tyrant Lie's power. I belong to the Tianlong clan. My strength is so powerful that I can't suppress him. Who is this person, but anyone who dares to break into the pregnant dragon land will be the enemy of my Long Shentian."

Tianlong was shocked, and the huge Longyan stared at Chu Yuan.

"Who is that person? My Dragon God Heaven and the two Dragon Gods were unable to suppress him!"

"Hmph, no matter who it is, those who spy on the dragon eggs should be damned. My dragon is the most powerful race in the multiverse!"

"Even if we are all dead, the dragon egg can't have problems!"


Many dragons are roaring in anger.

"You Long Shentian are overbearing."

Chu Yuan's voice was cold, and the temperature around him dropped.

"Leave my pregnant dragon land quickly, or you will pay a huge price!"

Tianlong also knew that Chu Yuan's strength was difficult, and the sound of the dragon roared, extremely shocked.


Chu Yuan smiled, he teleported suddenly, came in front of Tianlong, slapped it with a palm, and the great destruction technique swept across, instantly destroying the storm, crackling, and bombing wildly.

"Great Destruction!"

Longyan was shocked that day.

"I'll help you!"

The golden dragon flew, billions of golden lights flew out of the dragon shadows, his dragon claws were extremely sharp, and his mouth roared: "Also dare to make trouble in my pregnant place, you are provoking my dragon god!"

"The Hand of God!"

Chu Yuan was also a little angry.

He was lazy at first.

He patted the hand of God, the momentum was bigger than that of the Golden Dragon, and it was directly suppressed on the Golden Dragon.

With a bang, he slapped him to the ground fiercely, then plunged deep into the ground, imprinting a dragon-shaped mark.

"The dragon is fighting wild!"

Tianlong uses all kinds of dragon fighting magic techniques, the dragon body is twisted, and the dragon claws are constantly grabbed, which is the most primitive means of fighting.

The sky fell apart.

Where Chu Yuan scanned his eyes, it cracked.

The emperor's anger turned into a palm that burned all things, and directly grabbed the dragon's body of the Tianlong.

This flame is too violent.

Strong as Tianlong, at this moment there was a painful sound.

"This is Qi Tomorrow, not your Dragon God, you are too presumptuous in front of me!"

After Chu Yuan's giant flame hand grabbed the dragon's body, the fighting style was extremely violent, grabbing him and smashing it on the ground.

The countless dragons looked stupid, when did the dragon gods of their dragons become so weak.


Tianlong roared in shock, he felt that he did not have any resistance in front of this person. He was a powerful dragon **** with a earth-shattering existence.

However, Chu Yuan ignored his roar.

The space is condensing, just like an origin, exploding, causing countless pieces of scales on this Tianlong body to be blown up, making it bloody.

But Chu Yuan was still firmly in control here.

"Let go of him!"

The Golden Dragon was also angry and wanted to rescue, but couldn't save it at all.


That ancient dragon city, the combined dragon body suddenly radiated divine light, and a phantom of the ancestor of ten thousand dragons appeared, without words, it directly slammed into Chu Yuan's hand.

This collision, although Tianlong was inevitably created, was also saved.

Tianlong and Jinlong quickly returned to Dragon City.

All dragon races have contributed their own strength at this moment to maintain this phantom.

The power of the phantom became more and more real with the instillation of power, and the ancient dragon might swept over, and the dragon claws of Rutian fell against Chu Yuan, and the power was not comparable to the golden dragon and the heavenly dragon.

Chu Yuan looked indifferently.

A huge black hole formed around him, the power of the phantom fell, and it slammed, and it disappeared without causing any fluctuations.

"He shattered the guardian power of Long Ancestor!"

Tianlong stared at the longan~www.ltnovel.com~ hateful, we continue to instill strength! "

Jinlong roared.

With strong energy, Long Ancestor seemed to descend from the Dragon Realm, and in the depths of the Dragon City, there was also a terrifying force surging.


Chu Yuan frowned slightly. This must be the guardian of the power left by the dragon ancestor of the Dragon God Heaven. The dragon and the golden dragon also learned well that day, knowing that they were not Chu Yuan's opponent.

He instilled strength into the guardian of Dragon City.

"This is my lesson to you."

Chu Yuan also knew that he was not afraid of Dragon City's guardianship, but even if he made a move, he couldn't break the guardianship. The crazy bombardment just now made him feel better.

Directly under the hateful gaze of the billions of dragons, he left the pregnant dragon land as if there were no dragons.

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