Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1323: The Dilapidated Qi Ming Court

"he's gone!"

Chu Yuan looked upon leaving without a dragon like this, which was the greatest arrogance in the eyes of the dragon clan, but when he thought of his strength, he felt a sense of powerlessness.

"Recently, Kai tomorrow has become more and more restless."

An old voice came from the depths of Longcheng.

"Huh! The strength of that person is indeed very strong, but if the elder makes a move, it will be different, and he can't be arrogant!"

Tianlong said bitterly.

"I can naturally suppress him, but it is difficult to kill him. My task is to protect the Chaos Dragon Egg. Nothing is as important as the Chaos Dragon Egg."

The great elder of the Dragon God Heaven.

"In the past millions of years, Qi Tomorrow has collapsed faster and faster, so many ancient treasures have also emerged. When Qi Tomorrow completely collapses, the Chaos Dragon Egg has drawn enough energy, that is, when it is born!"

Thinking of this, Jinlong was excited.

"When the dragon egg was born, it was a world-shaking existence, becoming a great existence second only to Long Ancestor. I, Long Shentian, always wanted to be promoted to one of the 33 days."

Tianlong also said.

"Thirty-three days of promotion is too difficult. Long Zu said that there will be no major turbulence in the world, and it is difficult to promote. And my Dragon God Heaven has been waiting for this opportunity. After continuously accumulating strength, the Chaos Dragon will become a dragon. Zu's right-hand man."

That big elder said.

Indeed, thirty-three days of promotion is too difficult.

If Long Shentian dared to find a day to fight at this time, he would inevitably pay extremely huge losses, and he might even be taken advantage of by others after his vitality was severely injured.

Therefore, they are building up strength and waiting for opportunities.

If you have enough strength, you have confidence in everything, otherwise even if you are given a chance, you will not be able to grasp it.

"Probably there will be hundreds of millions of years to come and we will completely collapse tomorrow. At this time we can afford to wait! If there is a big change, it will be faster."

Tianlong and Jinlong lighted huge dragon heads.

"Long Zu wants to guard the Dragon God, and we have to deal with things here. However, looking at the recent situation, I will inform Long Zu and send more powerful people to help us. No accidents can happen here."

After the elder said, he fell silent.

"Qi Ming is in the court."

At this time, Chu Yuan had been shuttled for many days within Qi Ming.

Ancient ruins appeared in front of him, and countless buildings appeared in a huge area. This is where Qi Ming's most core heavenly center lies.

Here is like the true sun heaven in the true sun day,

However, Qi Ming Court no longer has the majesty of True Sun Heavenly Court, but appears dilapidated and barren. In Chu Yuan's eyes, this is a battlefield destroyed by war.

The fighting back then was terrible.

In the entire battlefield, countless chaotic vitality collisions, various natural disasters were staged, evolving into an extremely dangerous area.

"Qiming domain is also the biggest battlefield of the year."

Chu Yuan stepped into the battlefield.

He suddenly felt the collision of the heavens, which would never disappear, and even the aftermath of the power of God level swept away.

Qi Ming court is dangerous.

This is the center of the battle between the powers of heaven and the core of the day, and countless dangerous prohibitions are still in operation.

Over the years, how many powerhouses have wanted to open the heavens and seize the treasures, but the danger here is that the gods of heaven have been buried.

There were also existences at the dominion level of God who had entered, but in the end they were bombarded by the ban and retreated.

However, as Qi Tomorrow continued to collapse and collapse, vitality was madly plundered, and more and more relics of Qi Tomorrow's court were unearthed. When Qi Tomorrow completely collapsed, that was when the core treasure was completely unearthed.

This time is long.

"The vicissitudes of life, time and space change, and tomorrow will be glorious, and there will be times of dilapidation, eternity, what is eternity?"

Chu Yuan breathed chaotic and violent vitality, and walked into this dilapidated heavenly court.

Danger is everywhere, but with Chu Yuan's strength, he doesn't pay attention to general dangers.

He walked, not to hunt for treasure, but to feel the ruin of tomorrow.

"Well, someone who is strong has come in!"

In the distance, there was a **** of heaven wearing purple clothes. He was looking for it in the Qiming court, and he also saw Chu Yuan.

There was no fight between the two, just a glance at each other and they separated.

In general, without the temptation of treasures, the gods of heaven would not make a move.

Chu Yuan didn't go fast, he was watching this change.


Qi Ming's court was in turmoil.

He suddenly saw in a cracked abyss, a piece as large as one mile, shattered bright and bright fragments impacted out, containing a strong heaven and earth energy.

"This is the original fragment of the heaven and earth that will start tomorrow."

Chu Yuan shot and grabbed it.

Such a huge sky, like a human heart, has a huge source of operation, but now, the heart is broken, it is spewed out fragments.

"The origin is broken. I came to Qi tomorrow only a few days before I encountered it. It also shows that the brokenness is extremely serious.

Chu Yuan could feel that he was dying fast this day, at an extremely alarming speed.

Chu Yuan's thoughts turned into a storm of souls, sweeping across areas violently.

He came to an ancient and majestic palace waved to open it, and the stars shifted, as if he had come to another ordinary time and space, in his eyes he saw a large number of people.

A tall and burly **** wearing a battle armor holding a battle spear.

Below him were soldiers of billions of trillions, roaring in their mouths, all of them looked crazy, as if they were shouting to kill, and then they went out fearlessly.

Very tragic.

This is an image from the very ancient times, recorded by the magic of Heaven.

"Exodus from the very ancient times."

As an emperor, Chu Yuan could feel this tragic and vigorous even more.

The emperor fell, Qi Ming also suffered terrible revenge, countless powerful men rushed into Qi Ming's court, and all the gods of heaven took up their weapons to protect their homes.


They lost.

Only exists in history.

"Shenwu will never lose."

Chu Yuan said coldly.

He continued to walk in the courtyard of Qiming, except for the broken ruins, there were still broken ruins. He did not see any treasures.

After a long period of exploration, many places have been dug three feet away, and there will be good things for him.

Unless you go to dangerous areas that you haven't explored before, many of those places are Jedi, and you must be cautious when you enter.

kill! kill! kill!

Countless violent thoughts stay forever under special rules. They hate everything, all existences with a breath of life.

The more he walked toward the depths, the more bones he saw, not only the strong men who enlightened the future, but also the attackers from everywhere else, were buried here forever.

"The entire Qiming court is a huge cemetery."

Chu Yuan's eyes flashed.

Death is the end after glory.

"The most central place is also the place where the Lord Qiming will sit."

Chu Yuan stepped into the deepest place.

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