Shenwu Shenchao.

"It turns out that the goddess Yanran appeared outside the Dragon God Heaven, and she frightened Long Ancestor outside the Dragon God Heaven. I have remembered this friendship."

Chu Yuan also knows something about what happened outside the Dragon God Tian: "The monster race of Ten Thousand Demon Heaven also intercepted and killed the lord of the blue dragon. It's a pity that they hoped that Dragon Ancestor would fight with me, but they didn't succeed."

"Mingyue Island Master is here."

Chu Yuan sensed the fortune of God's Kingdom, time and space changed, he suddenly saw Mingyue Island Master and smiled.

Mingyue Island Master's fifth-level destiny might be much more powerful than the Azure Dragon Master.

"Shenwu God Emperor."

The owner of Mingyue Island came to see Chu Yuan in person, and was secretly shocked when he saw the weather of the Shenwu God Dynasty.

This is a huge empire, which is running fast all the time, preparing for wars, and it is two different existences from his peaceful Mingyue Island.

"Mingyue Island Master."

Naturally, the existence of Mingyue Island Master could only be received by Chu Yuan himself.

"I won't bother me this time."

Mingyue Island Master smiled: "I know that the **** emperor breaks through the heaven and the gods. I have specially prepared gifts to congratulate the **** emperor."

"It's just a god."

Chu Yuan smiled.

"This is not the same. The **** emperor's way of heaven is not an ordinary way of heaven, it is rare in ancient and modern times."

The owner of Mingyue Island certainly knew the horror of Shenwu God Emperor, and looked at the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Pagoda that suppressed the nation's fortunes, and was even more shocked.

"Come here, prepare a big banquet, I will entertain Mingyue Island Master, a good friend of our Shenwu."

Chu Yuandao.

And shortly after Mingyue Island Master arrived, another group of people came.

"This is Brother Chu's dynasty!"

The magnificent dynasty exuded strong vitality, and the strong national destiny made Fen Xu dizzy. It was the first time he came to the dynasty of Shenwu.

"Original artifact!"

Zhu Tianzun had long heard that Shenwu had primitive artifacts. When he saw the Ten Thousand Realms Sky Tower, the power made his soul tremble.

This original artifact is very scary!

"There is what used to be tomorrow."

Xinghuo spoke.

This is a gentle-faced man who makes people feel like a spring breeze.

However, his identity in the Heavenly Court of True Sun is second only to the existence of God of True Sun.

He observed: "Qi has recovered tomorrow and is regaining the vitality of the world. I have sensed the power of Venus."

"Venus Star is a primitive artifact refined by the Lord Qi Ming."

Zhu Tianzun said: "Master Xinghuo, you see, it is that tower-shaped primitive artifact, which is more powerful than Venus. It has suppressed the luck of Shenwu and built an immortal defense. The power of this artifact is so powerful!"

"Venus Star, as well as this artifact, Shenwu Shenchao is inexhaustible, shaking them, the existence of non-primitive gods cannot do it."

Xinghuo could see that the defense of the Shenwu base camp was strong, and said: "Let's meet the Shenwu God Emperor."

"What a strong space-time power!"

In an instant, Zhu Tianzun suddenly realized the flow of time, and he was shocked: "One day in the multiverse, hundreds of years have passed in this Shenwu Shen Dynasty. On the Avenue of Time and Space, the Shenwu God Emperor is facing time and space. His control is too strong!"

The more extraordinary the Shenwu, the more it shows that it is wise for God to let them decide.

"Guest from Zhenyangtian."

Outside the capital of God, there have long been strong people to meet the spark.

"This time we are here to congratulate Shenwu God Emperor on behalf of God."

Zhu Tianzun did not put on airs, but said very peacefully, after all, the other party has this strength.

"Your Majesty has prepared a banquet to entertain you all."

In the face of Xinghuo and others, the guards received were neither humble nor overbearing, but there was a high spirit in them.

"This is an empire that is developing rapidly."

Zhu Tianzun said secretly.

They soon came to a magnificent hall.

"Chu... God Emperor."

Fen Xu no longer dared to call Brother Chu directly.

Although Chu Yuan stood in front of him peacefully, the power of Tao that day penetrated into his soul, and he felt a pressure like the sky and the god.

"The arrival of a friend from True Sun Heaven surprised me." Chu Yuan said, "I have already set up a banquet, and I invite you to take a seat."

And Fen Xu was very nervous.

After all, this is an existence at the level of heaven.

He can come here because of his friendship with Shenwu.

"The hospitality of the **** emperor is also our honor."

Zhu Tianzun had also seen Chu Yuan several times back then, but now, he feels that the other party is like an abyss and cannot be spied, and he said, "Mingyue Island Master is also here."

"The God Emperor is my friend." Mingyue Island Master smiled.

"The **** emperor also knows that I, Zhenyangtian, is at war with Han Haitian, and the **** emperor also participated in that year. It should be considered to be in the same camp as mine."

Zhu Tianzun is getting closer to Chu Yuan and Zhenyangtian.

"Not bad." Chu Yuan said.

"So Lord God intentionally invites the God Emperor to fight Han Haitian."

I wish Tianzun Road.

"I am Xinghuo, the younger brother of True Sun God."

Xinghuo said: "The **** emperor is in charge of a country, and he also knows that if one day collapses, the benefits will be incalculable. If Han Haitian is breached, it will be a monstrous feast for the **** emperor. I think the **** emperor will not give up this Chance."

"But I also know that the price paid for breaking through one day is unbearable."

Chu Yuan knew their intentions, but just wanted to win them into their camp.

"If you haven't paid, how can there be any rewards?" Xinghuo laughed: "Han Haitian's many resources are not available to me. Our goal is to make Han Haitian the altar of Daluo, so that I can become a true sun again. For thirty-three days, we will also be best friends, and the **** emperor should understand what is behind this."

"Even the God of True Sun sent people to win over the Emperor Shenwu."

The owner of Mingyue Island also secretly said: "Yes, attack for a day and win over all the friends who can win over. The most important purpose of Zhenyangtian is not Hanhaitian's resources, but status."

"God is now willing to make a deal with the **** emperor. The **** emperor's dynasty is developing, and the resources needed are massive. This time we can directly trade with the **** emperor to achieve mutual benefit."

Zhu Tianzun added.

"This proposal is not bad," Chu Yuan said.

The dynasty is developing, and it also needs friends who can exchange benefits.

"And if the **** emperor has to be promoted for thirty-three days in the future, I will be willing to help at that time. Only by combining powerful forces can we reach the top of this multi-dimensional world."

Xinghuo Road.

"It is nothing more than the potential of our Divine Martial God Dynasty and the suppressing ability of the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Pagoda. They hope that I can use the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Pagoda to suppress some of the original forces of the vast sea, heaven and earth when they finally fight."

How could Chu Yuan know.

As for helping him during the thirty-three days of promotion.

For Zhenyangtian, it was a very distant matter, and there were times when it was nothing to help.

Fortunately, Chu Yuan met with them first, not too many friends.

"I will send a team to practice on the battlefield of Han Haitian."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

"Then here I wish the **** emperor's dynasty stronger and stronger."

Xinghuo didn't say much.

He certainly understands that is impossible to let others join their battlefield with primitive artifacts in just a few words.

Unless you see their strength in destroying Hanhai, you don't need to say more, naturally there will be strong people swarming to divide Hanhaitian's resources.

They also had this confidence, otherwise they wouldn't have launched a war against Han Haitian.

What they need to do is to let others see their own strength.

"We'll leave first."

After some reception, Chu Yuan and Zhenyang Heavenly Court reached some agreements, and they left.

"Although I don't want to harmonize their battle, I just want Mingyue Island to exist peacefully and cross the realm of heaven."

Mingyue Island Master also left.

Shen Chao returned to peace again.

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