Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1347: The artifact of national luck, the magic sword

One day in the multiverse, a long hundred years have passed in the Shenwu Shen Dynasty.

Such a terrifying flow of time was naturally reversed by Chu Yuan through the gate of time and space.

Many great beings can speed up time, but they usually don't speed up time so fast, after all, there is no need.

Just like Chu Yuan went to hell, the flow of time is the same as the law of the multiverse.

Because it is not necessary.

Speeding up time can get more development time, but it consumes too much resources.

Think about it, no matter how fast your time is, it will be useless if you don't have enough resources to cultivate.

In a barren place, the strong cannot be cultivated.

But Chu Yuan didn't have this worry for the time being.

In Qiming tomorrow, he got too many resources, and what he lacked was the reversal of time, and he had to transform into the hard power of the gods in the shortest time.

The stars and stars are rising up, and when you look up, they are like stars, shining, lasing beams of light, connecting them into a galaxy-like bright.

Qi Ming's integration means that Chu Yuan has a larger and higher-quality territory and expands its population.

A few decades are a generation.

Prosperity and vitality have evolved early in tomorrow.

"Nine Valkyrie stars, representing the nine gods of Shenwu, rise up!"

Boom! Under the impetus of Chu Yuan's force, nine huge stars soared into the national fortune. They were huge and dazzling, representing the glory of Shenwu.

The nine Valkyrie stars are respectively.

Slaughter Wuxing.



Xuanwu star.

Wild Wuxing.

Yuan Wuxing.

Mo Wuxing.


The nine martial gods have all passed the test of Chu Yuan.

These nine Valkyrie stars possess extremely terrifying power. As long as they are in the Shenwushen dynasty, the Great Venerable can exert a strength comparable to the Heavenly Dao God.

This is the power bestowed by the National Fortune World, not their own.

But without Shenwu, there would be no such power.

It is not difficult to pass the test of Chu Yuan. It is rare to achieve the God of Heaven, although Chu Yuan will provide them with a lot of resources.

But what can be expected is that in the following years, there will be a martial **** who fails to attack the **** of heaven, and then is replaced by a newcomer until the real **** of heaven appears.

The position of the Valkyrie is not eternal.

"It's time to cast the sword of national destiny belonging to the Shenwu God Dynasty!"

Chu Yuan had long planned to cast the sword of national destiny.

The Human Emperor Sword represents the glory of humanity, the supremacy of humanity, and the faith of countless human races.

But the sword of national destiny represents the Shenwu God Dynasty, the exclusive artifact of the empire!

The two swords are fundamentally different.

"Shen Wu Shen Sword, represents Shen Wu's national destiny, the glory of the empire!"

Chu Yuan sat still, playing countless materials with both hands, various mysterious laws were in motion, and suddenly the power of the empire formed a raging fire.

The embryonic form of a national destiny sword is slowly condensing.

He can feel that his Shenwu sword is gathering the nation's fortune of the entire Shen Dynasty, representing the power of the Shen Dynasty.

This sword is fierce and powerful, with flames of war burning and jumping, representing the will of the empire.

"Human Sword represents our benevolence and humane supremacy, while Shenwu Sword represents the dominance of the dynasty and the iron-blooded conquest!"

The divine weapon of national luck created by Chu Yuan, the Divine Wu Divine Sword, is sturdy and powerful.

However, the success of the casting of the artifact of the national fortune cannot be achieved in a moment, and Chu Yuan is not in a hurry.

The sword of national luck.

The sword of humanity.

With these two swords in Chu Yuan's hands, he could explode with even stronger strength.

"Fire Ancestor!"

Chu Yuan gathered a large amount of power and immediately sacrificed, summoning the fire ancestor.

Not letting the fire ancestors fight, the energy consumed is still not much.

"Your strength!"

The destiny in the dark, after the fire ancestor appeared, you could feel Chu Yuan's power being promoted, "Your way is so terrifying, I feel a feeling of being controlled, it seems that the crisis of the day, you have already passed."

"Fire Ancestor." Chu Yuan looked at him: "I have faced many powerful people with your strength many times. I will help you break free from the law of life and death and reappear in this world."

Fire Ancestor can be resurrected.

But after the resurrection, this tyrannical combat power must be in his own hands.

"I know that only you can resurrect me, and I have no choice."

Huo Ancestor knew too well that every time he was summoned, Chu Yuan's strength would be greatly improved, and the repeated summons made his destiny even stronger.

"Yes, only I can help you. Your strength surpasses the destiny. The cost of resurrecting you is very high, much greater than the resurrection of the heavenly gods."

Chu Yuandao.

If it is an ordinary God of Heaven, he can resurrect him by offering sacrifices to the Lord of Silver Dragon and Lord of Human Dragon in the Heavenly Pagoda of Ten Thousand Realms.

"I know."

Fire Ancestor said: "In order to make up for your loss, I am willing to tell you all my treasure places. All my treasures are left in my fire world. Only I know the location of the fire world. I am a primitive god, plural The sacred fire of heaven and earth born in the universe has my original artifact in my fire world. Once you get the original artifact, you can integrate the original artifact into your empire and make up for the loss."

As long as it can be resurrected, he won't need everything.

"Where is the fire world?" Chu Yuan said.

"The multiverse is huge, infinite planes, thirty-three days in the strongest and most central plane, and my fire world is flying far away from Shenwu Shenchao, I will tell the location."

Fire Ancestor is desperate.

"I can promise to resurrect you." Chu Yuan asked: "I am curious, with your strength, how did you fall back then?"

"It's unlucky to say that I was vying with other primitive gods in a dangerous forbidden zone for the treasure. I was hit hard, and my strength fell sharply. When I was looking for a hidden place to heal my wounds, I was found by the gods of fire. Vulcan and other gods joined forces to take advantage of my weakest time to attack and fall."

Huo Ancestor said: "He has captured the origin of my heavenly path and integrated it into his own self. If my estimation is not wrong, his current strength is already very close to the original god."

This fire ancestor is also unlucky.

Attacked and killed when he was weakest.

He was taken away by the **** of fire. If he hadn't cultivated his destiny and his will was imprinted in the multiverse, his sacrifice would not have sacrificed him.

He left a lot of salaries back then, and he was also worried about preventing this day.

"If you kill Vulcan and sacrifice him to you, will you be able to resurrect?"

Chu Yuan said again.

"Slaying Vulcan will definitely revive me!"

Fire Ancestor suddenly shouted: "However, Vulcan is extremely and got my innate fire again. It is extremely difficult to kill him. Even at my peak, I can only defeat it, and it will never be possible to kill him. he!"

"Furthermore, in the battle of Qi tomorrow, there are gods of the gods and gods, and the fire **** should have known that I was sacrificed by the **** emperor."

"But killing Vulcan is the fastest way to resurrect you."

Chu Yuandao.

"Slaying the **** of fire and regaining the long river of heaven is indeed the fastest way to resurrect me!"

Of course, Huo Ancestor must grasp the only hope of resurrection.

"Dissipate, you need your strength, I will sacrifice you."

Chu Yuan let the fire ancestor dissipate, and got a lot of information from him, "Fire world? Primitive divine tool, it seems that I also need to find time to go there."

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