Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1371: No tears until the yellow spring

"Divine Emperor, the mountain giant should have suffered enough."

Chu Yuan sat in this meditation for half a month.

Huo Zu said suddenly.

"Don't worry, he can last a long time with his strength."

Chu Yuan didn't rush to find the mountain giant again.

He waited for three months, then slowly got up, "Go, go and see the mountain giant."

Shenshan in the beginning.

At this moment, the war of terror was unfolding. Seven powerful beings besieged the mountain giants, and the leading old man was the fifth realm of Heaven.

"Damn, damn, all of you from the early days of God's dynasty deserve to die!"

The mountain giant roared.

His huge divine body is now a living target.

"Mountain giant, don't toast or eat fine wine. The emperor has already given you a chance. To surrender to my early divine dynasty today, otherwise, your countless years of hard work will be wiped out."

The old man in the lead used a method of Taihong fighting, blasting fire.

His name is Hong Lie.

The other six powerhouses, holding an ancient mirror in their hands, radiated a kind of colorful light, forming a cross beam, and fell on the gods of the mountain giants.

Suddenly a large number of mountains collapsed, returning to the original energy.

Although this kind of damage is nothing to the mountain giant, but in the long run, his strength will become weaker and weaker.

It stands to reason.

In the early days, the gods wanted to occupy the early days of the gods. Everyone knew that to deal with the mountain giants, other powerful beings should immediately help him.

But now, none of the other existences in the Divine Realm at the beginning of the day took action, and it seemed that the mountain giant was besieged and indifferent.

These alien species are not a group of harmony, countless tens of thousands of years, and many of them have conflicts that are as deep as the sea, and if they are independent, they will not be shot.

At the beginning of the Shenchao, it is precisely this point.

"This mountain giant doesn't shed tears until Huangquan."

At this moment, Chu Yuan was walking in time and space, surrounded by a flood of bright particles, watching coldly.

The Fire Ancestor also made a helpless voice: "Although the God Tree of the Beginning is strong, it is difficult to move to support the God Realm of the Beginning because of its special nature. The Emperor of the Beginning is also staring at it, and some alien species even want to help the mountain giants. There are also strong people staring at them. As for some, they can't wait to eat a piece of meat on the mountain giant, let alone help."

The strength of the alien species is weaker than the fire ancestor back then.

The main reason is that in the early days of God's pie-eating strategy, it was slightly weakened.

When I know it hurts, it's too late.

"Mountain Giant is not stupid, knowing that he can't escape from the Divine Realm of the Beginning, the God of the Beginning can't wait for it to run out."

Chu Yuan knew that there was a stronger presence waiting for the mountain giant in the realm of the God of the Beginning.


The mountain giant is roaring frantically, and its divine body is shrinking rapidly, even if it is huge, it cannot withstand this speed.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Mountain Giant The huge mountain range is a stone giant, wielding a huge and infinite offensive, but it can't help these seven existences.

"Stubbornly restless!"

Hong Lie waved his hands, beams of light shot out, hundreds of flags appeared in the air, and the runes flickered, containing the power of the primitive gods, forming a great refining array.

The endless flame fell on the mountain giant.

Its divine body is melting like crazy.

"It was refined by their emperor. It is such a high level of cultivation. Even in my heyday, I can't match him. The formation is not the key. It is mainly the kind of power. It has insight into the weakness of the Qi of the Beginning and is disintegrating this energy. !"

The Huo Ancestor was taken aback and understood: "I understand why they chose the mountain giant first. That's it, the **** emperor, the mountain giant absorbs the energy of the primordial beginning to strengthen himself, and the whole body is the aura of the primordial beginning, but they have The means to break down the Qi of the primordial primordial spirit, don't bully it and bully someone!"

With this method, it is simply the nemesis of the God Realm in the beginning.

Huo Ancestor has no doubts, who is the new Emperor Taichu Huang?

Is it really the emperor from the beginning, but it is absolutely impossible.

The mountain giant roared even more, the divine body that was extremely close to a hundred million li was shrinking rapidly, only 90 million li, and this speed was still accelerating.

He slammed into the divine formation frantically, but every time he slammed it back.

"Haha, this time the mountain giant is doomed to escape, no one can save it, don't worry, continue to refine it, consume its power, and collect its essence!"

The primordial energy after the disintegration of the **** body did not dissipate, but was collected.

This is the essence cultivated in the fifth realm of the Heavenly Dao, and it exists like essence and blood.

"Yes, once the mountain giant is eliminated, the strength of the gods in the early days is greatly reduced, and after a few more difficult ones, there will be no alien species that can stop us, and the entire gods will be broken by us!"

"Huh! This group of stupid aliens should have us enslaved!"

"No one can save the mountain giants. In the beginning, the sacred tree was difficult to move. In the beginning, we also had strong people staring at the sea, and some would not save the mountain giants!"

"I think some people are still waiting for the mountain giant to devour its thoughts when it is at its weakest, and hopefully become a primitive god."

"Stupid, really stupid."

"Haha, if they are not stupid, how can we have a chance!"


The strong man in the early Shen Dynasty was laughing.

As soon as the God Realm was collected at the beginning, the entire Tianchu Tian belonged to them, and all the remaining treasures would be under their control.

And they can use these treasures to improve themselves.

"Don't be careless."

The strongest Hong Lie maintained the operation of the big formation: "Although the alien species are stupid, it is just that they did not choose to unite at the beginning because of their millions of years of hatred, but they are likely to join forces in a real crisis."

Of course he knew.

The hatred between different species is also the reason they secretly pushed forward in the beginning.

"Don't worry, we won't let the alien species succeed!"

The seven powerhouses together instill mana.

"The **** emperor, the mountain giant's body is only 85 million miles away."

Fire Ancestor Road.

"Don't worry, when the mountain giant asks for help, I will tell it that I am here, but I will not immediately save it. I must let it know that it is afraid and understand that it can only be alive if it is united with me."

Chu Yuan said indifferently: "If it really finds its own way of death, then I can only give up on it and give up on the God Realm of the Beginning."

He knew It was useless to lick his face to beg it to form an alliance, but it had to let it call for help on its own, and Chu Yuan would not do thankless things.

"Alright, let the stone man suffer. This group of alien species is strong, but lacks a leader."

Huo An said lightly.

Another half month passed.

After the mountain giant struggled frantically, but nothing worked, it finally knew that it was afraid, and understood that if it continued, it was really likely to fall here.

When it became weak for a certain period of time, the Emperor Taichu might even personally take a blow to it.

"I know that you are here. You still won't come out, save me? I have watched the show. I promised your request. I already know how to choose."

It finally let out an angry roar.

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