"Who will save him? Is there any helper to save this mountain giant?"

"I haven't seen a strong person coming over. Could it be that this is his scream, deliberately shouting, distracting our attention!"

"Regardless of true or false, we must pay attention to prevent accidents!"

The strongest Hong Lie sweeps around,

He was also weird in his heart, and he also didn't feel the presence of other people, who would this mountain giant call.

But he did not dare to be careless either.

"Aren't you showing up yet? I'm dead, and your plan will not be completed!"

He yelled again.

Under the threat of death, his pride is not worth mentioning.

"Mountain Giant, you made the most correct choice."

Chu Yuan slowly walked out of the flames of burning the sky and refining the earth, and the torrent of time and space particles. He suppressed it with a single blow with the Sky Fire God Pearl, and a curtain of fire appeared in the sky.

Suddenly the entire large formation collapsed instantly.

All this came too quickly.

They did not expect that as soon as this man appeared, they would defeat their big formation.

"It's him, it is he who has captured the Sky Fire God Orb!"

When Palace Master Yunchu saw that Chu Yuan was like a deep hatred, his eyes shot out with anger.

"You guys from the early days of the gods, you hurt me miserably this time, take revenge, I will take revenge on you!"

After the formation was broken, the mountain giant also broke free, his power was shocked, and a huge mountain range blasted out. It was his arm that slammed the seven people.

The mountain giant is too powerful, his one hit makes the seven existences unable to resist,

"The mountain giant broke free!"

Hong Lie knew what was bad right away. In terms of hard power, he was not as good as the mountain giant, even after weakening.

It was a sneak attack if I could be trapped before.

He was calm and wanted to jump like thunder, and planned well, just because of this person's appearance, he was destroyed, and from the mouth of the Yunchu Palace Master, this person also captured the Sky Fire God Orb.

He can clearly know.

This person does not belong to the primordial **** realm, but comes from other places.

"and who are you!"

Hong Lie's eyes fixed on Chu Yuan.

"You don't need to know so much."

Chu Yuan stepped forward and reigned over the world, the primitive artifact burst out with the most magnificent light, and countless sky fires sputtered out.

"Kill kill kill!"

The mountain giant was already crazy, and the boulder flew up and smashed it at the seven beings.

Bang bang bang! In the crazy power of the mountain giant, these seven people were also hit hard.

Without the formation method, his huge body turned into an advantage, shrouded them all, shattered the power of the heavens, and the meteorite fell.

"Mountain Giant, you!"

Palace Master Yunchu raised the ancient mirror to shine light.

But as soon as the ancient mirror was lifted, the Sky Fire God Orb suddenly flew, breaking through the ancient mirror.

This ancient mirror is actually not a heavenly artifact, but a very special artifact, used to decompose the Qi of the Beginning.

"Scourges, how many gods I have damaged, this time I want you to pay for it!"

The mountain giant roared again and again, and furiously, a stone pillar flew up, directly piercing the divine body of Palace Master Yunchu, and his strong inertia directly pierced him on the mountain wall.

Without restraining his treasure, with the strength of the mountain giant, none of these seven people can do with him.

"Hong Lie, what to do, **** it, that man has a primitive artifact, he can easily break our formation, and the strength of the mountain giant is also very strong!"

They are all anxious.

Chu Yuan's strength is mysterious, and he has primitive artifacts, which is extremely threatening.

"Hateful. Without his destruction, we would all succeed. Now there is no way. We can only temporarily give up our plan to deal with the mountain giant and leave immediately!"

Hong Lie looked unwilling, but he had no other plan: "Go, nothing can be done, I'll talk about it later!"

They left immediately.

"Don't want to go!"

The mountain giant chased and killed in anger, but to stop them, the mountain giant couldn't do it, and left immediately.

"You should chase and kill with me!"

The mountain giant looked at Chu Yuan.

"Can't kill them."

Chu Yuan was indifferent.

He couldn't kill it, and he didn't bother to expose more of his power to chase after him.

And after Hong Lie and the others left the God Realm of the Beginning, there was a strong one to respond to them immediately.

"Hong Lie, God, what's the situation?"

The strong asked.

"The plan failed. At the beginning, there was a mysterious existence in God's territory. It was the person who captured the Skyfire God Orb before. He saved the mountain giant. We could have succeeded."

Hong Lie looked gloomy and shook his head.

"The failure of this attack will make the aliens feel a greater threat, and the appearance of the man is likely to cause major changes between the aliens. This cannot be prevented."

All the strong frowned.

Chu Yuan's appearance was too strange, especially at this critical time.

"Go to see the emperor, our plan is likely to be implemented in advance, although this may cause more damage to us, but it is worthwhile to break into the territory of God in the beginning."


"Mountain giant, don't forget, it was the **** emperor who saved you this time, otherwise you will end up miserably."

Fire ancestor reminded.

"I know."

The mountain giant shouted in a low voice.

"Do you still want to appear in front of the **** emperor with this body to talk?"

Huo Zu shouted again.

The mountain giant roared several times, and then a tall, burly middle-aged man with a square face appeared in front of Chu Yuan.

This is the unity of the mountain giant with soul power.

"Mountain Giant, some words don't need to be repeated by the **** emperor. You have also seen that the new emperor has the means to decompose the energy of the primordial beginning. If you continue, you have only a dead end."

Fire Ancestor Road.

"I know, I'm not stupid." Mountain Giant said.

"Aren't you stupid? If you are not stupid, you should agree to the alliance long before the **** emperor came, otherwise there will be things now? Mountain giant, this is a lesson for you."

Fire Ancestor scolded unceremoniously.

It's useless for these aliens to have a good tone with them.

The mountain giant did not refute.

He has no way to refute.

This time I did suffer a big loss.

"Then what should I do next?"

The mountain giant no longer rejects the alliance with Chu Yuan, he knows very well that the other party can dissolve the energy of the beginning, and it is their nemesis.

Not alliance with Chu Yuan.

What should he do after he leaves?

Let him give up the God Realm of the Beginning?

"Alliance, there are only alliances, mountain giants, you don't want to die, just listen to the orders of the **** emperor!"

Fire ancestors ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Mountain Giants are already scared.

"In the early days the gods are strong like clouds, but the weakness is that your strength is too scattered. Only the alliance can gather all the strong in the alliance to fight against the early gods, otherwise no one can save you."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

"If it could be an alliance, it would have been an alliance. Even if I wanted to, other strong players would not agree."

The mountain giant understood that it was too difficult.

"Actually, this time you were besieged is also a good thing. Let you know that the God of the Beginning has the means to dissolve the energy of the Beginning. No one has taken the initiative before, but under the threat of death, are there other options?"

Chu Yuan said harshly.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Net mobile version reading URL:

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