Chapter 1411 Alliance Assembly

"I'm relieved with the words of the **** emperor."

Meng Tianhe felt that a boulder fell on his chest, and the whole person was also relieved a lot, "Disciple, you can be saved this time."

"Thank God Emperor for his help!" Bai Yu quickly saluted Chu Yuan.

"Well, there will be results if there is any cause. I promised to take action. It was your master who helped me back then, otherwise it would not help me today."

Chu Yuan is cruel and cruel, but he also won't owe it to others, saying: "What's the situation in the Guangyu League?"

"The leader has been running around for this matter. He is begging to Duertian for me. In the near future, the strong man who crossed the Hetian will most likely come to the Guangyu League, but I guess it will not be of great use."

Meng Tianhe sighed.

"The leader wants to be innocent on either side, but neither side will be pleased."

Yan Bingyun was also a little helpless.

"The Alliance Conference will be held soon."

Meng Tianhe suddenly shook as he spoke, and a talisman flew in and said: "Divine Emperor, the Alliance Conference has been held, and the leader is calling me. It seems that he has to decide how this matter will end."

"Tianhe, you'd better be prepared. In this situation, things won't be solved so easily." Yan Bingyun said.

"I know."

Meng Tianhe nodded: "Divine Emperor, are you going to the Alliance Conference too?"

"Naturally go." Chu Yuan said.

"Okay, I will introduce the God Emperor to the leader."

"No, don't expose my existence for the time being, I will see how the Guangyu leader solved it, I will follow you, and they won't be aware of my existence."

As Chu Yuan spoke, he disappeared before Meng Tianhe's eyes.

"The Way of Time and Space!"

Meng Tianhe was shocked.

He knew that Chu Yuan was by his side, but he could not find his whereabouts. This method shocked him very much. If it were a secret assassination, it would be terrifying.

"Bingyun, go, let's go to the alliance conference!"

Meng Tianhe took the lead to fly, and after a while, he came to a huge square. The gods of the heavens had risen, and the gods of the heavens were already seated on them.

"Meng Tianhe!"

Heaven and Dao God kept saying hello to him.

Meng Tianhe just nodded slightly, and immediately reached a **** seat that belonged to him, quietly waiting for the coming of the leader.

"Looking at Meng Tianhe's appearance, I don't intend to call out Bai Yu. He has already messed up my Guangyu League for a long time, and he is going to risk the price of anger and erosion, why bother?"

A **** of heaven shook his head.

"Yes, eclipse candlelight is not easy to provoke. Although the leader wants to protect him, how to protect him, is it really going to fight Duertian?"

"It's not worth it for a long time."

"Actually, when things have reached this point, Meng Tianhe is also difficult to ride a tiger. Handing over the white rain will have a serious impact on his Dao Xin, and even immortality will not be able to break through to the fourth level. If you fail to pay, the anger that eats candles is unbearable."

"It's difficult."

"Now it's up to the leader to deal with it."

These days, the Taoists and Gods are constantly communicating with each other, and they are not optimistic about this alliance meeting. After all, it is an eclipse. Anyone who knows him knows the cruelty of this person.

"Tianhe, don't worry, the emperor is by our side."

Yan Bingyun also thought it was amazing that no one among so many gods could discover the existence of the Shenwu God Emperor.


A majestic voice resounded on the seat of a **** of heaven.

A tall old man with a slight gray between his temples came. He was the light and formed the universe. He was the Lord of the Cosmic Alliance, the power of the fifth realm.

He can form the Guangyu League with his own ability, but he can think of his strength.


Meng Tianhe saluted him.

"To call everyone here today is still for Bai Yu's matter, whether to hand it over or keep it."

Lord Guangyu swept his eyes and said, "Tianhe, I want to hear your opinion first."

Today's Meng Tianhe always feels a little weird. He used to have a sad face, but now he has infinite confidence, as if there is a pillar behind him supporting him.


Meng Tianhe stood up and said: "First of all, I want to clarify that I will never get my disciple. For a long time in the confrontation between the roads, the eclipse of the candlelight actually ignored the face and wanted to anger my disciple. My own disciples can't be saved, so I will be a god!"

His words are powerful and strong!

"Is this something you don't want to hand over if you don't?"

A **** of heaven suddenly sneered and said: "Meng Tianhe, don't let the whole alliance suffer for you because of your stupid choice. If you hand over a white rain, then the eclipse of the candle will not trouble you. Heaven is stronger. In front of the audience, we must give up our dignity and bow down."

"Yes, even if the gods of heaven sometimes abandon their dignity, but I will not bow to him after the eclipse!"

Meng Tianhe coldly shouted: "I can apologize, I can apologize, but I will never hand over my disciples."

"I'm afraid this is beyond your control." The **** of heaven continued: "You want to drag the entire alliance to fight against the candle eclipse for you, that is impossible."

"I will not let the alliance pay for me, I can withdraw from the alliance."

Meng Tianhe looked at him coldly: "Dongmen Yan, I know what you think. You have fought with me for hundreds of millions of years and have been inferior to me. If you want to get into trouble, I don't care about Meng Tianhe."

"Dongmen Yan and Meng Tianhe have been rivals for hundreds of millions of years. They didn't have the right to each other before they had cultivated into the gods of heaven."

There can be no harmony in an alliance, and there will be many contradictions.

"I also think about the alliance."

Dongmen Yan said lightly.

He didn't mind stomping a few feet on Meng Tianhe when he was in trouble.

"Don't say something so nice, everyone knows your mind."

Yan Bingyun showed a strong breath.

"Haha, Yan Bingyun, do you want to do something to me? Come on, even if you join hands, I am not afraid of you."

Dongmen Yan sarcastically said: "I know that you have an extraordinary relationship with him. However, if you want to help him, your strength is not enough. Meng Tianhe, you have to bear to watch Yan Bingyun. Are you offended by the eclipse?"

"Dongmen Yan, you are looking for death!"

Hearing his words, Meng Tianhe was also angry, and the vitality of Tianhe roared.

"Come on, I'm still afraid you won't succeed!"

Dongmen Yan has no fear, "If it's not enough, plus Yan Bingyun, I don't care if you two act on me together."

The auras of the two of them had already collided fiercely in the void, and the endless time and space were collapsing.


The Lord of Guangyu yelled and stopped the two of them: "Today we are calling you to discuss how this matter should be resolved, rather than watching your internal fighting. The candlelight hasn't come to your door. You should make a joke here first. Have you put me as the leader in the eyes? Want to fight, okay, I will give you the opportunity to fight slowly!"

(End of this chapter)

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