Chapter 1412

"Today I give face to the leader and I won't fight with you."

Dongmen Yan sat back on his **** seat again, waiting for him to watch Meng Tianhe's joke.

Meng Tianhe didn't fight anymore.

He also knows that the Lord of Guangyu is a good old man, who has been busy working on his affairs these days, and he can't help but give face.

"Stop fighting?"

The master of Guangyu said: "We are back to business, what do you think?"

"Leader, this matter is extremely tricky. It seems to be just handing over a white rain, but if I give him this way, where is the face of my Guangyu League? How can my face be? Can the huge Guangyu League really let him insult him at will?"

A woman spoke at this time, and the advanced cultivation of the fourth stage was also one of the two deputy leaders.

"Yes, Shui Yun is right, to insult at will? To be honest, the leader is also very angry in my heart, life and death are impermanent, the fight between the great lords, let the eclipse candle's face regardless of face, coercive revenge, who has no anger in his heart?"

Another deputy leader said.

"The two deputy leaders, the most troublesome thing at the moment is that if you don’t make friends, you will not give up with the eclipse of the candle. He wants to retaliate. What can we resist? Our strength is far inferior to them, and only the leader is the first. Five Realms."

There are gods and gods worried.

"Huh! Then fight, I'm afraid that they won't succeed. Although my Guangyu League is inferior to him, there are dozens of heavenly ways. If we really join hands, he will retaliate and pay the price!"

The deputy leader has a hot temper.

"It's okay to go to the front, but don't forget one thing."

A **** of heaven said their biggest worry: "The eclipse is cold and cold. He doesn't pay attention to the face. What if he stares at us for revenge? Can we still get together all day, and his foundation In Duertian, we cannot fight back."

The atmosphere was suddenly silent.

This is where they fear the most.

The weak Tiandao God will not be his opponent.

Duertian will not gather a large number of heavenly gods to fight head-on for such trivial matters.

But if the eclipse can do everything, he will stare at you for revenge, and you have no choice.

"I've been in contact with Eclipse, it's useless. He needs Bai Yu to die before he is willing to give up."

The Lord of Guangyu said helplessly.

He is absolutely unable to say what to hand over Bai Yu.

The formation of an alliance and gathering a large number of heavenly gods is not for rights, but for self-protection from the oppression of forces such as 33 days.

If you hand over the white rain, people's hearts will most likely fall apart.

"The eclipse is hateful!" The deputy leader said angrily: "He shamelessly, I think he wants Bai Yu to die or second, is to satisfy his twisted and perverted character, deliberately letting my Guangyu League mess up, his heart is shameful!"

Some gods and gods live for too long, and their psychology will be distorted, and the eclipse belongs to this kind of person.

"There is only one way."

Shui Yun said: "Tianhe, you also know the problems in the alliance. We are not afraid of the positive revenge of the eclipse candle, we are afraid that he will start secretly, now you can only hide, so that the eclipse can not find you, maybe the years will go on. , The eclipse will be forgotten."

"Yes, hide."

"The only way!"

"There are too many secret realms in the multiverse. Finding a **** of heaven will not be able to eclipse the candle."

Many gods and gods stated that this is the best way. They can support Meng Tianhe with materials, but they will not risk offending and eroding the candle.

"Actually, you may not need to hide for too long."

The Lord of Guangyu said again: "Look, the ancient source of gods reappears in diversity, and will find trouble to overcome the heavens. There is also the Shenwu dynasty, which develops extremely fast. If this trend continues, there will be a battle. Yin can't control you anymore."


Meng Tianhe was frustrated.

"Okay, I hide."

Meng Tianhe compromised.

Although he invited the Shenwu Divine Emperor this time, he also knew that he couldn't let the Shenwu Divine Emperor take risks for him before it was extremely difficult.

"Who wants to hide, can you hide?"

At this moment, an extremely cold breath came from outside the Coslight Alliance, and a dozen heavenly gods suddenly descended into the Coslight Alliance.

Eclipse is an old man wearing a gray robe, a thin body, and a pair of cold eyes.

He looked at Meng Tianhe, directly oppressing the past with the power of the fifth realm of Heavenly Dao, and said coldly: "The patience of this seat is very bad. I don't have the patience to play with you slowly."

He scratched with his five fingers, and he was as thin as a chicken claw, with curved and sharp nails.

"Brother Zhu is here, and I am also deeply honored."

The Lord of Guangyu quickly eased the situation, with a smile on his face, but he had already cursed him millions of times in his heart, and the eclipse of the candle seemed to have been guarded in the Guangyu League.

"Where do you want him to go?"

Eclipse did not give the Lord of Guangyu any face, and of course he didn't care.

After being so disrespectful, the Lord of Guangyu's face was also a little stiff, and his tone gradually sank, "Brother Zhu, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. Sometimes don't force others to be too helpless. Tianhe can apologize to you and admit your mistakes. ."

"If you want me to let him go, it's okay, Meng Tianhe, you kneel down, bow down to me three times, and then hand over your disciple who committed suicide. I can consider not caring about you."

Eclipse psychological distortion.

Let Meng Tianhe kneel down and let him kill the disciple himself.


Meng Tianhe clasped his hands tightly, and his body trembled fiercely. He was magnificent and heavenly. He had never suffered such a shame.

The strong faces of the Coslight Alliance are very ugly.

Not only humiliated Meng Tianhe, but also humiliated them all.

"It seems you can't do it anymore."

Eclipse enjoys this feeling of anger but helplessness from others.

"Eclipse, you are too much!" The deputy leader shouted in a low voice: "This is in my Guangyu League!"

"I just want to humiliate him, what can you do with me?"

Eclipse didn't care: "Why, you Coslight Alliance still want to join forces to deal with this seat? Interesting, UU reading, you still haven't seen my methods."

His direct humiliation made the powerhouses of Guangyu League angry, but they couldn't make a move and could only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

"Do you have to do this?" Guangyu's master said.

"You let me wait too long."

I don’t know, the eclipse of the candle-yin ignores the Lord of Guangyu at all, just saying: "Originally, you just gave up that woman, but your stupid behavior ruined this opportunity. Originally, as long as you kneel down and kill your disciple, Forget it, but unfortunately you are ruined again. Now I have changed my mind. Take your life."

He even wanted to directly kill Meng Tianhe in the Guangyu League without giving him a way out.

He swept away coldly before his eyes: "I see who of you dares to help him? The will of this seat is also something you can contend. Who dares to blend in will end up like this Meng Tianhe!"

He deliberately wanted to humiliate Meng Tianhe and everyone in the Guangyu League to satisfy his twisted heart.

(End of this chapter)

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