Chapter 1413


The words of the candle eclipse were like slapped and slapped each of them.

The dignity of the Coslight Alliance was trampled underfoot.

However, in the face of eclipse candles, and the strong who crossed the sky, they all feel that they are strong but not strong.

"Eclipse, you are too much!"

The deputy leader yelled in a low voice: "You have to be forgiving and forgiving, leaving a way for others to survive, isn't it?"

"You are not qualified to say this to this seat!"

The eclipse's gloomy eyes looked at the leader, the power of the soul penetrated, and the leader suddenly retreated again and again.

A dark red flame burned on his body, violently eroding his divine body.

This is the fire of the dark.

The Lord of Guangyu immediately shot and extinguished this yin fire, and at the same time his face became more ugly. He also knew that Candle Yin was very powerful.

"The eclipse of the candle is likely to deliberately act on my Guangyu League, although his psychology is distorted and gloomy, but it is actually to take Meng Tianhe's knife to disintegrate my Guangyu League!"

The Lord of Guangyu suddenly thought of this.

He couldn't help being shocked.

He also knew that his Guangyu League used to be the most powerful force around Duertian, but it only existed as an alliance, not united, and didn't put them too much in sight.

Now, Duertian faced the rapidly expanding Shenwu, and wanted to clear the surrounding obstacles, so he didn't want his Guangyu League to continue to exist.

Using Meng Tianhe to attack and disintegrate their alliance is really clever.

However, even if he knew what the other person was thinking, he had no good way.

Strictly speaking, the Heavenly Dao Gods in the alliance are not his subordinates, they are all gathered for their own benefit, and he cannot force them to do anything.

"Don't care about things you shouldn't."

Eclipse sneered.

He suddenly slapped a palm towards Meng Tianhe, extremely vicious, dark red radiant, extremely cold power descended, but strangely burning flames.

"Meng Tianhe takes the blame, you better not shoot!"

The other heavenly gods who crossed the emperor sky immediately shouted, suppressing some unwilling heavenly gods.

The Lord of Guangyu wanted to stop, but when he got up, he suddenly sat back, his face was gloomy and terrible, he looked towards the sky, with a pair of cold eyes staring at him.

"Leader, are we going to watch the eclipse of candles catch Meng Tianhe in my Guangyu League?" The deputy leader felt aggrieved.

"I can't help it. The fifth stage of my Guangyu League is not only Eclipse, but also other Heavenly Dao Gods are staring at me. If I guess correctly, it is the Wushang Heavenly Dao God who crossed the Eternity."

He is exhausted.

"What, Wushangtian Dao God!" The deputy leader said in shock: "Just because Bai Yu killed a half-day Dao, they are worth dispatching so many powerful men to deal with my Guangyu League?"

He did not understand very much.

"I know the reason." Shui Yun sighed.

"We all guessed wrong before."

The Lord of Guangyu said bitterly: "What Baiyu is just a pretense. Their real purpose is to deal with Shenwu. First take my Coslight Alliance to take the knife. After all, my Coslight Alliance is the best deal. They don't want us to mess up the situation behind and catch A Meng Tianhe disintegrated the alliance's spirit, and the next step is likely to dismember us."

Duertian also knows.

Although Shenwu's heavenly gods are far less than Guangyu League, it is a unified empire, and it is suppressed by super primitive artifacts, and it has destroyed the Nine Abyss Realm before, and it will be more difficult to deal with.

Duertian does not allow the surrounding area to have any existence threatening their rule.

"That's it."

The deputy leader's heart was cold, and he couldn't get angry anymore.

It turned out that this was a conspiracy to cross the sky.

If you do it head-on, the price you pay for Coslight Alliance is not worth it.

The combination of internal and external, sees their disunity, and disintegrates their alliance.

"Meng Tianhe cannot be saved this time."

If it's just the psychological distortion of the eclipse, they still have the courage to contend, but the strategy of crossing the sky is really weak.

Even if they knew their conspiracy, they had nothing to do in the face of a powerful force that could not be matched.

"Die me!"


With a big hand at the eclipse, the infinite black fire covered the sky and the sun. Suddenly, it had already enveloped Meng Tianhe. The gap between the second and fifth realms was too great, and he couldn't resist.

"Guyuan God, Shenwu Shenchao, maybe my Guangyu League can't stay here."

The Lord of Guangyu also thought a lot, didn't stop it, and couldn't bear to watch it.

But the sudden change occurred.

Meng Tianhe stood still, and a huge black hole suddenly appeared behind him. The violent suction swallowed everything, and the power of the candle eclipse bombarded and completely dissipated.

"Black hole, big swallowing technique!"

Xu Zhuyin's face was startled, and he suddenly looked forward, "Could it be that Shenwu Divine Emperor!"

"There are still strong men sheltering Meng Tianhe!"

The Lord of Guangyu did not expect, and was shocked: "The timing is just right, like guarding Meng Tianhe. What is going on, if there is a strong person, why would I not find it?"

He also felt a bit weird at this time.


Meng Tianhe immediately stepped aside.

In that black hole, from far to near, it was as if a great **** came out. He looked down upon the crowd, exuding an incomparable breath of tyrannical power, and turned into a storm sweeping the universe.

"Shenwu God Emperor!"

Everyone's eyes turned.

He can be said to be a great name, attacking the Nine Abyss Realm, and his mysterious and powerful strength, so that he can't attack directly and insult the sky.

He was also very cruel and cruel, so many creatures in the Nine Abyss Realm were killed when they said they were killed.

"Shenwu God Emperor, it is a great honor for me to visit my Guangyu League today."

The Lord of Guangyu already knew that the Shenwu Divine Emperor had already arrived when they held the Alliance Conference, but they didn't find it impossible.

He was also not very human, and immediately smiled.

He also found it interesting in his heart. This time, it might not be so easy to end.

"This Shenwu, standing there, is an unfathomable abyss. I am afraid I am not his opponent."

He was also secretly surprised. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Chu Yuan just nodded slightly, his expression unchanged, and his tone of voice said indifferently: "I came here for Meng Tianhe this time. I heard that someone wanted his life. I wouldn't agree to this matter."

At first, he thought that the eclipse of the candle was only because of the distortion in his heart, so he refused to find Meng Tianhe's trouble.

But this time, he had guessed wrong before seeing the situation in the field.

This is basically a conspiracy to deal with his martial arts, let the Guangyu League collapse and avoid interference from outside forces.

You know, although the strength of the Coslight Alliance is nothing, it is not united, anyhow there are forty-three heavenly gods, which should not be underestimated.

The weaker the party, the easier it is to unite.

Fortunately, this time Meng Tianhe asked him to take action, and he had an insight into the conspiracy to cross the sky in advance, otherwise it would be troublesome.

His indifferent eyes contained infinite destruction and looked towards the eclipse.

(End of this chapter)

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