Chapter 1414 Strength [four more]

"Shenwu God Emperor?"

Eclipse Candle's dark red gloomy eyes were also looking at Chu Yuan.

He didn't expect this person to come here either, and said unexpectedly: "Oh? Shenwu God Emperor, are you going to get involved in this matter too?"

"He, I protect him."

Chu Yuan's response was only four words.

But these four words have endless domineering.

"Huh! He killed my disciple, no one can save it, Shenwu Divine Emperor, I advise you not to intervene in, it will not do you any good."

Eclipse was already secretly guessing Chu Yuan's strength.

"Do you still need to make some words too clear?" Chu Yuan responded indifferently.

"The eclipse of the candle is attacking him with this incident to test his strength."

Suddenly a voice came into the ear of the eclipse.

"Okay, let me see how strong the famous Shenwu God Emperor is and whether he can keep this Meng Tianhe. I heard that you destroyed the Nine Abyss Realm, but this seat is not the Nine Abyss Realm Lord. I must let Meng Tianhe die!"

He took a step forward.

He did not speak, and to deal with Meng Tianhe was to secretly plan to deal with Shenwu, after all, there was no war between the two major forces.

Meng Tianhe was also unlucky enough to remind him, in fact, he was also used for the operation because of Chu Yuan's martial arts.

"Nine Eclipses!"

The power of the eclipse of the candle's shadow erupted, and nine hideous and terrifying monsters appeared behind him, and each of them was roaring.

"This is his nine eclipse changes, and he has become famous. It is rumored that he has refined the blood of nine different beasts in the multiverse before practicing this trick. It is very gloomy!"

The main way of Guangyu.


In an instant of Chu Yuan, the emperor's aura burst out, and his power descended like a celestial god, the entire Union Square was shattering, and their **** seats were shattering.

The momentum collides, and the infinite time and space are all annihilated.

The strong shot will not care about the Coslight Alliance at all.


Lord Guangyu shouted, he couldn't stop it at this time.

The deputy leader said: "Leader, shall we just look at Shenwu and Eclipse to destroy the alliance land?"

"There must be a battle. There is no need to take action for this. The eclipse has to test out the true strength of Shenwu God Emperor. Or, we are also watching here to see how strong Shenwu is, so that I can plan the next move. !"

The Lord of Guangyu is wise.

As soon as the nine eclipse changes, nine different beasts rolled and pressed, and the evil spirits came to the sky.

He didn't keep his hands at all when he shot, and he was a very strong killer move.

Although the appearance of Shenwu broke the plan of crossing the sky, it is not without benefits. If you can know how strong this person is, it will be better to deal with it.

He slapped a palm, and nine strange beasts attacked at the same time.

Seeing this, Chu Yuan didn't have the slightest fancy, it was just a punch, the Emperor's Divine Fist, majestic and domineering, sweeping through all obstacles, and the huge power suddenly dispersed the nine alien beasts.

The alien beasts have to reunite.

But Chu Yuan is just a palm, time and space are annihilated, swallowed endlessly, and the alien beast disappears.

"His strength!"

The Lord of Guangyu was shocked: "Even if I encounter the nine eclipse changes, I will be embarrassed, but with this magical weapon, he is too easy to kill. Just a few tricks, he broke this trick, and he has more. Many more terrifying methods were not used."

The eclipse of the candle was like a wild beast about to be angry watching Chu Yuan.

His thin body suddenly flew out, and the black fire burned. It was a corrosive fire, exuding a fierce stench, and suddenly saw a river of black fire washing out.

The eyes of Chu Yuan were densely packed, as if countless worlds were being destroyed, and the light wave of great destruction technique swept out.

Eclipse is very powerful, but no matter how strong it is, is Vulcan strong?

Chu Yuan stepped forward, raising his big hand, destroying the fluctuations, and directly exercising destruction.

Eclipse and Chu Yuan gave a high-five, and the power of the two clashed wildly, and the power of the heavens turned the entire alliance into a vast chaos.


A figure flew out, and the eclipse couldn't bear it.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yuan strode away, swallowing the power of the mountains and rivers with anger, he first shot out endless darkness, and then turned into endless light.

Darkness and light bloom strangely.

Wherever the eclipse candlestick had withstood the bombardment of this kind of force, he couldn't bear it immediately.

Chu Yuan's face was expressionless, and the darkness was endless, and the big cutting technique was hidden in it. A black light fell with his fingers and cut it down, and immediately hit him.

"not good!"

In this endless darkness, the eclipse can't see anything, and can only take defense passively.

Cut on his body, he retreated fiercely, and on his chest, dazzling blood flowed out.

"The Emperor Shenwu is too strong. What kind of cultivation is he? It is said that he has only broken through the heavens for thousands of years. He is actually so powerful. I can understand why he is so jealous when crossing the heavens."

The Lord of Guangyu was shocked and incredible when he saw such a scene.

He couldn't see through Chu Yuan's true cultivation level at all, and even the eclipse candlelight was being beaten by him.

He didn't know that Chu Yuan's strength couldn't be treated with common sense at all. Although he was only the second step of the providence, there was no pressure to kill the third stage, and the fourth stage was sealed and refined.

Even in the fifth stage, this level of existence can't be killed, but as long as it is not a freak like Thor, it is not his opponent.

In time, as long as his cultivation base breaks through the third realm, that weak fifth realm **** will also be sealed by him.

Gods are hard to kill, but it also depends on what opponents they encounter.

Facing the powerful Chu Yuan, the eclipse of the candle yin also let out a low growl. With the violent storm and rain, the nine different beasts appeared and condensed into one body. He pierced out like a black shuttle and hit Chu Yuan violently.

Chu Yuan looked at him, waved his palm, violent thunder purgatory, the stormy waves, turned into billowing thunder water.

He pointed at random, and a beam of thunder light fell, and the candle shook fiercely. He rushed over with the power of Kuang Lei Purgatory, and tried his best to give Chu Yuan a blow.

Overwhelming, infinite thunder light, condensed in a palm.

Chu Yuan dealt the most fierce blow to the candle eclipse. Although his strength was strong, in the face of such fierce and overbearing power, he was still defeated steadily, and his whole person was also uncontrollable, shaking violently.

His strength changed again, and the thunder pillars enveloped the sky in his hands. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Eclipse trembled fiercely, holding a mouthful of blood without spitting it out. This series of blows hurt his origin.

"How could he be so powerful!"

The candle eclipse was also deeply incomprehensible, with red light shining from his eyes.

Chu Yuan grabbed the palm of his hand, and thousands of rainbow rays shot out, and each of them contained great power, like a river of light, blasting past the eclipse candle, his consciousness also controlled this world.

The eclipse yin and roared, his power shot out in succession, but he was still losing ground in Chu Yuan's indiscriminate bombardment.

He could also clearly feel that this was not yet Chu Yuan's full strength.

"Eliminate candles, retire!"

It was a strong man outside the Coslight Alliance who gave him an order to retreat.

Four more to

(End of this chapter)

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