Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1405: Joining of Meng Tianhe

Chapter 1415 Meng Tianhe's Joining

"What? Just retreat like this!"

The eclipse candles are not reconciled. Although the Shenwu God Emperor is strong, but they have come this time with many heavenly gods, depending on the situation, it is not impossible to suppress


The voice said harshly.

"Wu Shang, let's crack down on him together!"

I still want to fight for the eclipse.

"Retreat immediately. If you don't obey the orders, I will punish you with God's order. I will command this action."

Shouted the voice.

"it is good!"

The eclipse candles gritted his teeth: "Shenwu God Emperor, you are ruthless this time, but don't think about it, we will have more opportunities to fight in the future!"

He took the Heavenly Dao God who flew through the sky, flashed instantly, and left the Guangyu League.

And outside the Guangyu League, in a piece of heaven and earth, there was a figure in grey clothes, like the ancient **** of witchcraft, responding to them.

"Wu Shang!"

Eclipse yelled to him: "Why let me retreat? We are so many and powerful. Are you afraid that he will not succeed? The people in the Coslight Alliance dare not attack us at all. With your strength and me, today It is very possible to suppress and seal him!"

He was very dissatisfied.

And this Wushang is the first Taoist **** in the day of Duer, possessing primitive artifacts, and God has always been in charge of the overall situation when he was in retreat.

"I also underestimated the strength of the Shenwu Divine Emperor. Our action failed this time. Because of his majesty, the Lord of Guangyu will inevitably have many ideas."

Wu Shang said peacefully: "Can't you see it? The Shenwu Divine Emperor can't seal it with our strength. Even if I shoot, he will leave if he wants to, and he can't keep him."

"That's like leaving directly." Eclipse candle.


Wu Shang showed no face and cursed: "If we fight to death, this is what he wants to see most. With his strength, he can't kill you, but the first and second realms of Heaven will definitely be in a melee. I was obliterated by him and left, can you afford the price?"

Eclipse stopped talking. He also felt the strength of the opponent when he fought against Chu Yuan just now.

"Also, the ancient source **** appeared again not long ago, and the original gods have already checked."

Wu Shang said: "Go back to Ehtian, meet God, and follow God's instructions."

"His strength caused the candle eclipse to recede, and Wu Shang did not take any action. Obviously, he believed that even if he shot, it would be useless and would even pay a huge price. His strength is unfathomable."

The Lord of Guangyu secretly said, and then said: "The strength of the **** emperor is earth-shattering. I saw it today. If there is no **** emperor, Tianhe is in danger."

Everyone is smart, and some things need not be said too clearly.

"I made the move today because Tianhe helped me. The cause of the future, the fruit of today."

Chu Yuandao.

"My help back then is not worth mentioning. Today, the **** emperor is the real life-saving grace, otherwise he will not let me go with the brutality of eclipse candles!"

Meng Tianhe was extremely grateful for his actions.

"Tianhe, now your danger has been resolved, what do you plan, I suggest you, it is better not to appear in front of the eclipse, otherwise he suffered a big loss this time, he will not let go."

The main way of Guangyu.

"Let me hide!"

Meng Tianhe was absolutely unwilling to hide himself. He suddenly looked at Chu Yuan, "If the **** emperor doesn't dislike him, and Tianhe is willing to join the **** martial arts and work for the **** emperor, I will not hide, I am not reconciled!"

"What? You want to join Shenwu?" The deputy leader asked in surprise.

"Yes, I want to join Shenwu. Even if the God Emperor does not take me in, I will withdraw from the Guangyu League. I know that I have caused a lot of trouble to the leader and cannot continue to stay."

Meng Tianhe knew in his heart.

If he continues to stay in the Guangyu League, he will hide, and if he joins Shenwu, he won't need it, he can be upright and even wash away today's shame.

He is more clear.

Hide yourself, don't think of breaking through in this life.

But Chu Yuan rescued him, he was willing to take refuge in Chu Yuan and use battle to sharpen Dao Xin.

"Well, you join our Shenwu, of course I welcome it. From now on, you are a member of our Shenwu. Anyone who wants to insult you, I will not agree."

Chu Yuan smiled.

Meng Tianhe's joining was unexpected but reasonable.

He and Meng Tianhe had cooperated several times, and this eclipse humiliated him, and brought his hatred of Duertian to a culmination.

In this world, where the weak eats the strong, the strength is the respect, Meng Tianhe wants revenge, only to follow Chu Yuan.

Coslight Alliance?

How dare they.

"Hey, maybe joining Shenwu is also the best for you. After all, my leader can't protect you."

The Lord of Guangyu has only regret in his heart.

They are just an alliance, not a force of loyalty. In the long years, many gods and gods have joined, and many people have retreated.

He also understood that he could not shelter Meng Tianhe, nor could he have the strength to wash away his shame.

"Since Tianhe wants to join Shenwu, I, Yan Bingyun, will naturally follow and ask the Emperor to take him in!"

Yan Bingyun looked at Meng Tianhe, very determined where he was going and where he was going.

"You!" Meng Tianhe looked at her.

"Why, just allow you to join Shenwu, but don't allow me to join? Humph, you think today's matter is a shame, and I am also extremely shameful. If I evade, Dao Xin will collapse."

Yan Bingyun ignored his anger.

"Of course I welcome."

Chu Yuan smiled.

This time actually got the participation of two heavenly gods, greatly strengthening the power of the gods.

"The **** emperor welcomes me to join, do you still want to stop it?"

Yan Bingyun looked at him like a demonstration.

"Although I withdrew from the Coslight Alliance today, I will not forget the leader's work for me. This time, the leader is also dealing with me. It's just that we cannot resist it after all."

Mengtian River.

"Master of Guangyu, what do you think?"

Chu Yuan asked the Lord of Xiang Guangyu.

"The eclipse deceived people too much this time and didn’t put me in the eyes. They were too domineering. If this continues, where is our living soil? I think it’s best for Guangyu League to form an alliance with the **** emperor. , It's just an opportunity."

He also wants to understand.

The strength of the Guangyu League is still too weak. If they can be in an alliance with Shenwu, the two will be horns of each other, even if they face the oppression of Duertian, they will not be unscrupulous.

He needs allies, and Shenwu also needs them.

Of course he understands better.

This so-called alliance is actually just talking about it, but they have to rely on each other's momentum to create a powerful illusion.

If you really want to encounter life or death, I won't work hard for you.

"I also agree with the leader's alliance."

The two deputy leaders spoke up one after another.

"Well, today we will take this opportunity to settle the matter of the alliance. Transiting will become more brutal and domineering. If we don't gather the strongest forces, we can only wait to be oppressed by them."

Chu Yuandao.

At the moment, this alliance meeting originally for Meng Tianhe became an alliance meeting between Chu Yuan and Guangyu Alliance, and the discussions were very pleasant.

"Since the alliance has been negotiated, I will not stay here for a long time. I welcome you all to come to our empire as guests."

Chu Yuan took Meng Tianhe and the others to leave the Guangyu League.

(End of this chapter)

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