Chapter 1416

"Shenwu, he left, this time he is the one who gets the most benefit."

Deputy leader Shui Yun sighed.

This is the refuge of the two heavenly gods, not their loose alliance, they will completely obey his orders.

It seemed that Chu Yuan had offended Du Ertian because of Meng Tianhe, but everyone knew that even if there were no such incidents, Shenwu and Du Ertian could not be alleviated. As long as they continued to exist, there would be a battle.

"That Yan Bingyun is really a husband and wife." Another deputy leader said.

"The Shenwu Alliance and I also saw that they would fight Du'ertian. At that time, we will look at the situation and act and respond by the side. When they fight fiercely, we will take advantage."

The Lord of Guangyu is also a cunning old fox, and said lightly: "And if we lose, we won't take action."

No matter how good the covenant is, it needs strength to maintain.

"Leader, although the Shenwu is strong, it is not yet the opponent of Duertian. There are two primitive gods and unfathomable background."


"Huh! The people who crossed Ertian were too insidious. Back then, it was rumored that the ancient source **** had fallen. They took advantage of the weakest moment of Gu Yuantian, and suddenly attacked and killed the original **** who respected the wounded by Gu Yuantian, and seized theirs. Wealth, this has only been promoted for 33 days!"

That deputy leader said.

"Yes, the people who crossed the emperor heaven are very sinister, but the ancient source **** is not dead, and he has returned. This is their biggest threat. There is also the rapid development of Shenwu Shen Dynasty, which is enough to make them feel bad. We form an alliance with Shenwu, that is Add fuel to the fire."

Zhizhu, the lord of Guangyu, is holding.

"Shenwu also has great luck, it is the time when the ancient source of God returns." Shui Yun said.

"Well, don’t guard against crossing the sky. All of you put away your own sects, and we gather together to prevent them from breaking one by one. Fortunately, I once got a primitive artifact, which I used to escape. The world, even if they aggressively attack, they can last a while."

He can become the leader because of the original artifact.

"Leader wise!"

Although Chu Yuan was strong and Meng Tianhe and Yan Bingyun joined Shenwu, they would not join, and they still like to be in the Guangyu League.

You must know that when you enter Shenwu, you will be someone else's courtier. He must obey orders. How can he be so free and easy, Meng Tianhe is also forced to do nothing.

At this time, in the boundless void, Meng Tianhe respectfully said: "The **** emperor, although the covenant with Guangyu Alliance is formed, it is a verbal agreement and cannot be counted. I understand the Lord of Guangyu, he is a very smooth person."

"It's okay, I also know that the covenant cannot be counted, but it is profitable, and he will not miss it. I need this momentum."

Chu Yuan penetrated everything.

"Oh, this time I also dragged down the **** emperor and offended Duertian." Meng Tianhe was ashamed.

"Do you think it's just to deal with you this time?"

Chu Yuan told Meng Tianhe of the conspiracy behind it.

"That's it!"

Meng Tianhe was startled, he was also very smart, but he didn't expect that now, after mentioning something, he knew the cause of the matter, and it was all for the **** emperor.

"It's too hateful to cross the sky!" Yan Bingyun also gritted his teeth.

"You two?"

A strange expression appeared on Chu Yuan's face.

"I once saved her."

Mengtian River.

"You saved me, I'll follow you, no regrets when I die!"

Yan Bingyun resolutely said.

"I'm afraid that soon, I will have one more teacher." Bai Yu said from the side.

"Bai Yu!"

Meng Tianhe drank.

"Well, I am not interested in taking care of your affairs."

Chu Yuan also smiled. The two people are very related and intricate, but he doesn't bother to care about the love among his subjects.

They soon returned to the Shenwu Shen Dynasty.


Two huge heavenly stars rose up, Meng Tianhe, Yan Bingyun did not hesitate to incarnate themselves as Shenwu stars, only then can they be regarded as the people of Shenwu.

Meng Tianhe was also shocked when he saw Shenwu's brilliant luck like a rainbow.

"Is this Shenwu?"

Bai Yu felt the magnificent national destiny of Shenwu, the warships flying in the sky, and the bright stars.

"Tianhe, Bingyun, becoming our people is all different from yours in the Guangyu League." Chu Yuan reminded them.

"we know."

Meng Tianhe nodded.

"I will provide a lot of resources to enable you to enter the realm of your origin as soon as possible."

Chu Yuan also said that this realm requires a lot of energy to condense the origin, but Meng Tianhe and Yan Bingyun's achievements are much easier than Chu Yuan, and they are also very successful.

"And Bai Yu, I can also see that your foundation is extremely solid, and you don't need to rush to break through. I have a large number of divine pills suitable for you. I will cultivate for a period of time before breaking through."

Chu Yuan said to Bai Yu again.

"With the **** emperor, it will be easier for Bai Yu to become a **** than to follow me!" Meng Tianhe shouted, "not thank the **** emperor!"

"Bai Yu thanked the God Emperor!"

Bai Yu hurriedly thanked her, and was captivated by Chu Yuan's majesty.

"It's all my people, you first adapt to the gods." Chu Yuan disappeared in front of them.

"It seems that I will probably get a blessing in disguise this time, the **** emperor is unpredictable, and I will soon reach the realm of origin."

Meng Tianhe sighed.

If you lose your horse, you know what is wrong.

"Bai Yu, the girl who has reached the sacred dynasty, has a chance of becoming a **** of heaven by several percent more than following us. Now the situation is changing, Tianhe, what you want to do, I will support you unconditionally."

Yan Bingyun looked at him.

"Oh, you don't really need this."

Meng Tianhe's eyes were complicated, he didn't know what Yan Bingyun meant.


Transit within days.

News of the alliance between Shenwu and Guangyu Alliance also spread.

"God, the Shenwu Divine Emperor is extremely strong. Even if I make a move, I will not be afraid of him, but it is impossible to defeat him. And his gods are suppressed by primitive artifacts. Even if the primitive gods make a move, it is difficult to break through."

Wu Shang respectfully looked at a shadow shrouded in black light.

"Shenwu Shenchao!"

He is the great God of Transcendence. UU Reading

"Shenwu's rapid development is something I didn't expect. He has already become a faintly troublesome alliance with the Coslight Alliance? Although the Coslight Alliance is nothing, it can also cause trouble."

The God of Crossing said: "I am not worried about the Guangyu League. The Shenwu God Dynasty wants to threaten me to cross the Heavens, and it will be very far away. What I am most worried about is the God of Ancient Origin, the Lord of Crossing to find her, and was injured by her. The speed of her recovery is beyond my imagination."

"What! The ancient source **** is so powerful after losing his world!"

Wu Shang said in shock: "We have seized her world, and she won't let it go!"

"She is very strong, but I will not be afraid of her. She has no ancient source of her own." God Du'e said coldly: "Shenwu can't ignore it, they can't continue to be strong."

While he was speaking, a black light shattered through time and space and moved towards Shenwu's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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