Chapter 1417


Suddenly, just outside the Shenwu, a shocking heaven and earth resounded, a kind of dominance of heaven and earth accompanied by a black light descended strongly outside the Shenwu Shenchao.

It's the God of Transcendence!

In preparation, this is the will of the God of Transcendence.

He could not leave Duertian at will because of the threat of the ancient source god.

At this moment, his will enveloped the entire Shenwu, and Wu Guang condensed into a great **** who controls everything.

He looked down at this dynasty with a dominating gaze.

Even the primitive gods of the same realm, controlling one day and not controlling one day, there is a big gap between them.

"It's the will of God Ferry!"

All the powerhouses of Shenwu looked at this figure and felt tremendous pressure, but there was no fear on their faces.

"God Ferry!"

Chu Yuan appeared in the gods, his standing posture, his spine seemed to prop up the entire gods, and he looked at this will indifferently.

"Abandon the Shenwu dynasty and merge into Du'er Day, you will become the second God of Du'er Day."

God Du'e actually wanted Chu Yuan to abandon his divine dynasty and become a so-called second god.

If this word falls into the ears of other people, it must be a shocking shock. You must know that the second **** is the second person in a day second only to the power of God.

A martial artist is so important to him, even the position of the second god.

It also reflects from the side that the God of Du'er also knows that Shenwu is difficult to entangle and has great potential, and the cost of forcibly attacking is even greater.

And once he can become his own, that is his power to overcome the heavens.

"Become the second god, and you still rule Shenwu."

God Du'er said again: "This is the last chance I give you."

His meaning is very clear. If Chu Yuan refuses, he will be greeted by a cruel army expedition to the sky.


However, Chu Yuan did not waver, what second god, he is the emperor of Shenwu, how would he do anything for others?

He clearly knew that Shenwu was him, he was Shenwu, and if he gave up the position of Emperor Shenwu, his realm would stop at the origin of the third realm in the future, and he would never be able to break through.

Shenwu can be defeated, Shenwu can pay huge damage, but must not give up.

God's heart can be punishable by crossing Evil.


Chu Yuan also knew that Du'ertian was facing the threat of the ancient source god, and his rapid expansion was also in despair.

"Go away."

Chu Yuan waved his big hand, and the incarnation of God's will dissipated.

"There are only Shenwu who died in battle, no Shenwu who surrendered."

Chu Yuan left a sentence.

He is indeed unable to defeat the original gods, but it is extremely difficult for the original gods to kill him. There are too many original artifacts and magical powers in his control.

God Du'er was actually worried about this, cutting the grass but not removing the roots, and the spring breeze blew again.

It is precisely because of the strength that the God of Du'e descends to incarnate the will.

"In a world where the weak eats the strong, only with strong strength can others be afraid of you and jealous of you."

If Chu Yuan was weak, he would have entered the country long ago and beheaded directly.

He sat quietly inside the temple.

"Ding! The host opens a random lottery and gets the Heavenly God Healing Potion x1."

"Ding! The host opens a random lottery and gets a heavenly artifact x1."

Ding Ding's voice resounded, Chu Yuan had accumulated many chances to draw a lottery, and was about to use it now.

"Ding! The host opens a random lottery and gets the Heavenly God Healing Potion x1."


"Ding! The host opened a random lottery and won the enhanced version of the Heavenly Dao Cannon x1."


Chu Yuan looked at the enhanced version of the Great Cannon of Heaven.

This is not a blueprint, but a huge cannon that has been built, but its volume is a hundred times larger than that of the normal version, and there are a hundred barrels, like a hedgehog, densely packed.

Scary and terrifying, the black gun body exudes an aura of destruction, a big killer on the battlefield.

In other words, the enhanced version can fire a hundred cannons continuously, but when activated, it consumes a hundred times more energy.

"If this artillery is used for the patron saint's dynasty, it can instill the energy of heaven and earth, it is a real big killer."

Chu Yuan studied and did not disappoint him.

He continued to draw.

"Ding! The host opens a random lottery and gets the Conferred God Order x1."

"Shenzhen order?"

Chu Yuan was puzzled, and only after seeing its introduction did he realize the horror of this thing.

This Conferred God Order is used for Conferring Gods, and the method of use is also very simple, that is, it can instantly promote a person to the immortal realm of Heaven, without any failure.

But the side effects brought by the huge effect are also huge.

Heavenly Dao gods who use the Conferred God Token to ascend are trapped in the first state for eternal life, and there is no possibility of improvement.

But in this world, how many people can cultivate to heaven and earth? Huge flaws still cannot conceal its anti-natural effect.

"Lu Qianfu." Chu Yuan's heart moved.

"The minister is here!"

Lu Qianfu met with Chu Yuan.

"Qianfu, there is something against the heavens here, which can make you instantly ascend to the immortal realm of heaven, but it also has great flaws. Eternal life cannot have the possibility of breakthrough. Can you use it?"

Chu Yuan asked.

Lu Qianfu's achievements are too great.

He doesn't have a high profile like a **** of war, but he is Chu Yuan's right-hand man. Sometimes when he retreats and goes out, it takes a long time. He is the one who handles various internal affairs of the country.

However, it is too difficult to break through the Heavenly Dao God. Despite the countless resources of the God Dynasty, the chance of him being able to cultivate himself is still very slim.


Lu Qianfu was silent for a while, and said: "The minister does not want to use this thing. It is tempting to ascend to the immortal state of heaven, but the minister wants to rely on his own strength to break through, even if he died in the end, he will not regret. For, it’s not my own after all."

His refusal surprised Chu Yuan slightly.

"Okay, I respect your choice. With the development of God's dynasty, your chances of breaking through will be greater. This road is difficult, but it is indeed the best to go by yourself. Go."

Chu Yuan respected his ideas.

Everyone has their own choice. Since Lu Qianfu chooses a more difficult path to heaven, all he can do as the emperor is to support him as much as possible.

But the Fengshen Order cannot be wasted.

He put the decree of the gods into the treasury of the gods and marked the points of contribution.

"Feng Shen Ling!"

"Oh my God! This enshrined deity can make people instantly become a **** of heaven, but the hidden danger is that immortality can no longer improve the realm, and the empire has such a thing against the sky!"

"Even if there is no chance for a breakthrough in eternal I am willing, even the weakest **** of heaven, that is also the **** of heaven, how many ways of heaven are there in the entire multiverse!"

"It's too difficult to break by myself, I'm not sure!"

"You need to earn more contribution points to redeem the Conferred God Order!"

Not everyone has such a firm will as Lu Qianfu, and 90% of the great lords will be crazy when they see the Conferred God Order, and desperately exchange it for it.

Being able to cultivate to the realm of heaven is already against the heavens, and there is no reason to consider the consequences.

Lu Qianfu was not reconciled to break through with the Conferred God Record, and Chu Yuan did not directly reward someone anymore, but instead set it up to inspire the powerful of the gods to make contributions frantically.

And just in such a frenzied shock of the gods.

Within the stars, the picture belonging to Cheng Xuan was suddenly shaken.

"Your Majesty!" Cheng Xuan's photo uttered a word and then dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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