Chu Yuan easily got the treasure of the Lord of Chenguang this time.

   Of course, he is the supreme of humanity. With the medium of the Human Emperor Sword, he can easily feel the whereabouts of the strong in the human world. As long as he is the strong in the human world, he will not resist him.

   In the extremely ancient battlefield, there are more primitive gods that do not belong to the human world and heaven, and their treasure, Chu Yuan, cannot be sensed.

   "The most primitive gods have died in the human world."

  His eyes crossed the distant void and saw the edge of the human world.

   "It is more important to find the city in the sky."

   He shuttled quickly, Chu Yuan knew the location of the Sky City without even Cheng Xuan's guidance.

   The crack of time and space, the endless abyss.

   Chu Yuan broke many barriers, and a ray of light appeared in his eyes, reflecting a piece of sky.

   "Your Majesty, the Sky City is about to be found!" Cheng Xuan was also very excited.

   "Yes, I felt it."

   Chu Yuan broke through the blockade of many time and space planes, and felt a kind of breath of the sky, which also represents the time and space of the universe.

   Looking at there, he went deep into the depths of the Infinite Plane, and vaguely saw a universe-like object, where is a city, like a multi-universe scaled hundreds of billions of times.

  There are sun, moon and stars, Tianhe is densely covered, and there are many ancient ruins.

   One universe, one by one, forms the city of the sky.

  In these universes, there are still a lot of resources stored.

   "The city in the sky represents the original heaven of the Lord of the Sky."

   Chu Yuan's gaze pierced through, and he also saw a sky-like city, epic runes, and a vast sky-like artistic conception at the center.

  Although the lord of the sky has fallen, this city still contains powerful power, and the primitive gods cannot easily step into it.

   "Let's enter the city in the sky."

   Chu Yuan didn't worry that this primitive artifact would counterattack him, he walked in directly.

   As soon as he entered, a burst of immortal cosmic light suddenly shot out. It was a restriction left by the Lord of the Sky. Once someone entered, he would be excited out.

   This divine light spread out violently toward the periphery of the universe, shining through the ages, making it bright here, just like an immortal star suddenly appeared in the dark night, which is extremely eye-catching.

   "This kind of light? This is the artistic conception of the sky. Is it a legacy of the Lord of the Sky? Is the City of the Sky about to be born?"

"Castle in the Sky!"

   "The Lord of the Sky is the right-hand man of the Emperor of Humanity. He is also as famous as the Lord of the Earth. His strength is so powerful that he has killed the original gods, and his Sky City is not an ordinary original artifact!"

   "The city in the sky represents the universe and diversity!"

   Although the extreme ancient battlefield is dangerous, there are many strong people who come to explore.

   That battle left many fetishes here.

   They all saw this light at the same time, like a street lamp, guiding them.

   As long as the strong one sees, they are heading towards the city of the sky.

"Castle in the Sky!"

Where the light radiated, a large number of powerful men appeared at this time. A middle-aged man in blue had his dignified eyes and stared there: "I have been searching for the city in the sky for a long time, why does it appear at this time? What happened?"

   "The lord of the sky, it is also possible that the time is too long, and the seal left by the lord of the sky is leaking, and the seal cannot be continued."

   There is a strong way around him.

   "It is very likely that this is the reason, no matter how great the Lord of the sky is, after all, the years of falling are too long to be perfect."

   The Lord of the Sky.

   "Your cultivation level has already reached the limit of the Heavenly Dao God, and it is only half a step before you can enter the original god. If you practice the sky of the sky, if you can get the sky city, you will inevitably break the bottleneck."

   said the strong next to him.

   "I know, that's why I have been looking for the city in the sky."

   The Lord of the Sky has a solemn face: "But this time I didn't expect the vision to be so huge. I must have seen the strong in the ancient battlefield. I have notified the Lord that he will send the strong."

   "Lord of the sky, you really are here!"

   A **** ray of light, as expected, a large number of strong people came, and a middle-aged man in blood appeared. He smiled and said, "This city in the sky still appears."

   The lord of the sky comes from the mountains, seas and sky in the thirty-three days, and his strength is stronger than that of the good fortune sky.

   "Blood Demon Lord, you are not far behind."

   The Lord of the Sky looked at him indifferently.

   The Bloody Demon Lord came from Wan Motian, and he was also a **** standing on the peak of the Heavenly Dao God. His strength was no worse than that of Fire God.

   "Hahahaha, such a treasure, how can I not join in the fun and allow you to come?"

   The **** demon lord looked at the sky city hidden in the deep layers of time and space: "The lord of the sky, but the human emperor’s right arm, is unimaginable powerful."

   "The city in the sky belongs to me!"

   At this time, another white-clothed man appeared, his eyes were deeply greedy, and he was extremely eager for the city in the sky.

   "Kunpeng Tiandao God!"

   The Lord of the Sky's face sank again.

   Kunpeng Tiandao God comes from the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, and his strength is only stronger than him, and he has the blood of a primitive god.

   "Lord of the firmament, trouble this time!"

   Someone said: "Wan Motian, Wan Motian is ranked in the top five in the 33-day ranking. Their strength is extremely strong. If they really want to grab it, it will be difficult for us to take advantage of them."

   The gods, the hell, the ten thousand gods, the ten thousand demons, the ten thousand demons.

   The gods are well-deserved and the strongest heaven and earth.

   In the other four days, it ranked in the top five. UU reading every day thinks that he can be ranked second, but there is no absolute power to suppress it.

   "It's not entirely without chance."

The Lord of the Sky is very calm: "Although Ten Thousand Demon Heaven and Ten Thousand Demon Heaven are strong, they are not very united within these two days. For example, behind this **** demon Lord is the Earth Demon Lord, and behind that Kunpeng is the Kunpeng Clan. Although the heavenly strength ranking is not as good as these two days, we are united enough, and everything is led by God!"

   "Yes, only unity can exert the strongest strength!"

   "Yes, we have to seize the opportunity of internal disunity in these two days!"

  The heavens and the gods of the mountains, the seas and the sky are connected.

   "You all want a city in the sky."

   The Lord of the Sky took a step forward and said lightly: "The city of the sky is here. Whoever goes first has the first chance to get it. The Bloody Demon Lord, you are not strong on your own, you can go in and grab it."

   "Do you think I will be fooled by you?"

   The **** demon lord disdainfully said: "How does the Lord of the Sky exist, such an extraordinary primitive god, I will go in? You want me to test for you if there is any danger, as your pathfinder, I am not fooled by you."

   Although there were many gods and gods gathered here, they did not dare to enter easily.

   They all understood in their hearts that the Sky City is very precious, but if this precious treasure is not dangerous, it would be impossible.

   They have already suffered.

   They are all waiting, waiting for the primitive gods of their respective worlds to come and gather the strongest strength before daring to enter.

   And they didn't know that there were two more people in the Sky City at this time.

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