Outside the Sky City, a large number of powerful people have gathered, and as time goes by, primitive gods will also gather.

At this time, Chu Yuan had already arrived at the center of the Sky City, in front of a towering and huge heavenly palace.

Although it is a primitive artifact, the sky city is also a huge universe, just like the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Pagoda, looking at a tower, but the inside is like the Ten Thousand Realm Heaven and Earth.

The Lord of the Sky controls the power of the sky, and his power is vast and vast.

"The main temple." Cheng Xuan looked at the main temple with awe.

"Go, let's go straight into the city of the sky."

Chu Yuan walked into this main heavenly palace.

The tumbling clouds and mist surround the majestic palace.

Chu Yuan simply walked in, without any obstacles.

"Lord of the sky, show your will, I know that your destiny consciousness has not completely collapsed, and you still have power left for sacrifice."

Chu Yuan made a loud voice in the Sky City.

"When the world is emperor..."

Sure enough, there was a voice in response to Chu Yuan, and a person appeared in the rolling clouds!

This is a middle-aged man, his breath is as broad as the sky, endless, but without the harsh persecution of Chu Yuan, it seems very peaceful.

He is the Lord of the Sky, an extremely great existence!

The Lord of the Sky has fallen, and his state at this time is similar to that of the Fire Ancestor and the Lord of Judgment. It is his destiny consciousness remaining in the multiverse, summoned by the energy accumulated in the Sky City.

"Lord of the sky, ancient existence."

Fire Ancestor made himself appear.

"It is also a fallen existence, innate divine fire, fire ancestor."

The existence of the Lord of the Sky spans too long, and the entire multiverse, there are only a few primitive gods, and they naturally understand it.

"You have also fallen. Only the destiny consciousness has not dissipated. Although I did not know the Emperor, I knew you."

Huo Zu sighed.

Both of them are destiny consciousness, and the conversation at this time is extremely strange.

"It's a pity that you haven't experienced an ancient war." The Lord of the Sky smiled.

His sense of destiny had not been sacrificed for a long time, and it was also because of Chu Yuan's intrusion that he passively triggered power.

He looked at Chu Yuan and said, "When the emperor of the world, the supreme humanity, you are different from the emperor of the ancients, you are more domineering, and you are more mysterious. I have a mystery that cannot be seen through you. "

"The emperor is just a symbol. I know that the ancient emperor is kind, but I don't have his kindness."

Chu Yuan calmly said: "When I came in, I felt that a large number of strong men were outside the Sky City. This should be some kind of back hand you left behind, deliberately inspiring and spreading the news."

"It's what I left."

The Lord of the Sky said: "I have fallen in the battle that year. They have not been able to completely destroy my sense of destiny. I left the Sky City, but I also know that once the years are long, the Sky City may be found. When it arrives, I set up the setting that the coordinate position will be quickly transmitted once it is found. I never thought that I would be the emperor of the world."

He was not sure who would find his Sky City, he could only make this kind of backhand.

"You have accumulated majestic energy in the city of the sky, burst out at the cost of destroying the city of the sky, and even the primitive gods can be destroyed."

Chu Yuan had already seen through.

"Yes, exactly."

The Lord of the Sky said: "I cannot tolerate the Sky City being acquired by others, and they are not qualified to get my Sky City."

"But you are different, you are the emperor of the world."

Chu Yuan came in without any danger, because he was the supreme humanity, and the Lord of the Sky, as the emperor, would not be an enemy of Chu Yuan. Battelle

The emperor is a title.

"I don't know how the Human Sword came into your hands."

The Lord of the Sky was actually puzzled.

"Then you don't need to think about it."

Chu Yuan's Human Emperor Sword was obtained by the system after he came to this world.


The Lord of the Sky is smiling: "The Emperor of Humanity has said that anyone can be the Emperor of Humanity, and humanity is eternal and immortal. Although he has fallen, humanity is glorious and immortal, and human civilization will continue to bloom in every era. The light will be led by a new emperor, and he will die, but the humane power will continue to exist."

The emperor is a very charming person.

His benevolence, his sage, make the Lord of the sky willing to be his right-hand man and give his life.

"It seems that when the emperor of the world appeared." He smiled.

"Lord of the sky, what is the human emperor fighting for?" Chu Yuan asked.

"For the immortality of humanity, and even the immortality of the entire multiverse, he wants to break the curse of the ages, he wants to go on an eternal path that is almost impossible to cross, and hopes are extremely slim."

"The Eternal Way."

This was the first time Chu Yuan heard it.

He suddenly thought of Tongtian Mountain.

At that time he saw what countless strong men were doing, but they all failed and fell. Is this the so-called eternal road?

"Yes, the eternal road, but it's too difficult. There are many who have broken the eternal road, but almost none have succeeded. The many ruined civilizations and eras of disappearance have all been ruined."

The Lord of the Sky sighed.

The emperor wants to break the path of eternity, he unconditionally supports.

He has lived for too long~www.ltnovel.com~ The powerhouses of the entire multiverse besieged the Emperor of Humanity and triggered the ancient war. Is it because the Emperor of Humanity wants to break the path of eternity? "

Chu Yuan was approaching a great secret.

"When the emperor of the world, the eternal road is just what we call it, but it is not really a road. In our opinion, it is the road to eternity, which is called the eternal road."

The Lord of the Sky hasn't appeared for too long.

He said to Chu Yuan: "If you fail to go to eternity, the price will be too great. It is not just the matter of the emperor alone. If he fails, the power of the entire multiverse will be buried for him, including the gods and hell. Heaven, all 33 days, even the strong hidden in the different time and space, all will die!"

"There is such a thing!"

The fire ancestor was also shocked: "If the road to eternity fails, let the multiverse be buried with the emperor!"

The price is too great.

Many pre-ancient epochs were probably destroyed for this reason.

"If you don't have strength, you won't be able to touch the eternal road. It is because of the emperor that I know the secret of the eternal road."

The Lord of the Sky: "Human Sovereign regards people as the foundation and opens up a humane civilization."

"The strong man in the multiverse thinks that the human emperor will not succeed, and believes that the human emperor will ruin them by doing so, and the human emperor believes that the eternal path must be pursued and an opportunity for eternal detachment. Different beliefs and beliefs broke out. It's an ancient war."

Chu Yuan also understood the reason for the ancient war.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, the emperor is defeated, and the multiverse is buried for him, and his hope of success is too slim, and many strong people don't think he will succeed.

"Human Sovereign is right, and it is correct to the one who took action against Human Sovereign. Everyone is right. It is because of their different beliefs and different paths."

Chu Yuan sighed.

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