Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1429: Guyuan God's Attack

The lord of crossing the sea looked on.

He suddenly ordered that the army that crossed the sky disappeared in Shenwu with him.


Many powerhouses of Shenwu were a little surprised. The Lord of Crossing retreated too suddenly. The first second was murderous, and the next second all the army retreated.

"Your Majesty, there must be something strange."

The God of War stepped forward, frowning and said: "They withdrew, I guess it is very likely that Duertian's internal changes have occurred, otherwise it is impossible to retreat."

"The God of War is right."

Meng Tianhe also expressed his opinion, saying: "Although the lord of crossing the sea cannot do anything to your majesty, they can besiege, strangle and block our development from the outside. The reason for the eagerness to retreat is most likely that the lord of the crossing needs to return. What to do in the day."

Chu Yuan nodded.


If they blockade, Chu Yuan will also be greatly passive in the world outside the gods.

"Maybe it has something to do with her."

Chu Yuan faintly guessed something, and said: "Time and Space God!"

"Yes!" Time and Space God stepped forward.

"Go, find out the situation of Duertian immediately, go to the Guangyu League, they will know more."

Chu Yuan ordered that he must know more.

Was it the change in the crossing over the sky or the conspiracy of the lord crossing over the sea?

Time and Space God disappeared.

Within the Coslight Alliance, there was also a shock at this moment.

Although they dare not help Chu Yuan, it doesn't mean they don't pay attention to intelligence.

"The Lord Crossing the Sea took action, but the Emperor Shenwu is also fighting back. He can't help the Emperor Shenwu. The two are in a stalemate!"

That deputy leader said.

"That is to say, in the Shenwu Shen Dynasty, even the primitive gods, there is no way to take the Shenwu Shendi!"

The Lord of Guangyu was actually quite surprised.

He knew that Shenwu was not weak.

I originally thought that it would be good to be able to barely support the army's offensive from Duertian, but I didn't expect it to be so vigorous, and it was a tie with the Lord of Crossing.

With the help of the power of the empire and primitive artifacts, it is also capable.

"Leader, this is beneficial to us." The deputy leader Shui Lan said.

"Yes, it seems that a primitive **** has no choice but to martial arts. It needs more. The longer the stalemate, the more intense the battle, the better it will be for us."

Lord Guangyu also feels better.

"However, we can't just watch the show." Shui Lan said: "It's easy to add flowers to the cake, but it's hard to send charcoal in the snow. We can't do our best, but it is still necessary to cope with them on the sidelines and let the Shenwu Divine Emperor know that we are good."

"You are right. I gave the order to contain Shenwu on the sidelines. I have a primitive artifact that is good at fleeing. If the army of Transcending the Heaven comes, we will run."

The main way of Guangyu.

"Master of Guangyu."

Suddenly a voice came in.

"Please come in."

The Lord of Guangyu asked the God of Space and Time to come in, knowing that this was the powerhouse of Shenwu.

"Your Majesty asked me to inquire about the news. The army of Duertian suddenly left. The **** emperor wants to know what happened in Duertian."

Time and Space Shinto.

"So for this."

The Lord of Guangyu nodded: "I know a little bit. Suddenly a primitive **** broke in on the day of Du'er. It was a woman, suspected to be the God of Gu Yuantian."

"okay, I get it."

Time and Space God left instantly.

"Your Majesty, the news has been ascertained, the ancient source **** in Duertian is suspected of breaking in, and it should be fighting now."

Time and Space God returned to report.

"Goddess Yanran, she really is!"

Chu Yuan had already speculated.

[Choose one: Enter into the sky, help the goddess Yanran, get 60,000 fate points, and the order of the **** x1. 】

[Choice 2: Don’t enter the Transcendence, get 60,000 fate points, random fetish x1. 】

"Goddess Yanran entered Du'ertian at this time, and it is very likely to be related to me. I have Po Boundary Tiansuo, so I should go to Du'ertian once, and take this opportunity to take a look."

Chu Yuan had an idea in an instant, "Time and Space God, I have two Jade Void Pills here, you take two, Ye'e, you take one Jade Void Pill."

The first one of Yuxu Shendan has the greatest effect, while the fourth one has no effect.

Chu Yuan needed a true fifth realm to guard the divine dynasty for him. Time and Space God was the most talented and the closest to this realm.

"You stay behind and guard the dynasty."

Chu Yuan instantly disappeared into the Shen Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, he is going to cross the heaven."

Blood Rose sighed.

When she first met Chu Yuan, even a Divine Nirvana Sect was a huge threat, but time has changed, and today's **** emperor must be jealous of crossing the Eternal Heaven.

Cross the day.

As thirty-three days.

Their strength is beyond doubt.

Di'er Shenzong, the center of the day, at this time all the strong men of Du'ertian gathered, and they were all looking at a woman who was coming by, like an enemy.

"Guyuan God, you really came."

God Du'e looked at the goddess Yanran, as if there was no accident, she had long expected that she would come.

"Although you used to be God, you have lost your world. I know that you are very strong. Unfortunately, you are no longer the ancient source of God from the very ancient times."

The God of Duer could perceive her unfathomable depth.

Back then, he took advantage of the fire and robbed him, eliminated Gu Yuantian in the weakest period, and achieved his 33 days, making himself the pinnacle of the original gods.

And the **** of ancient source is immortal, so he should be hated to the sky, as the greatest enemy.

But what makes him strange is that there is no anger on the face of the ancient source **** ~ ~ there is no wave, but it seems very calm.

"Get back some things that once belonged to me." Goddess Yanran's tone was mechanical and ruthless.

"There is nothing that belongs to you anymore. What belongs to you has long been shattered. There is a long history and there is no ancient source of heaven. Why do you want to wake up?"

The God of Du'er said slowly.

"You want it, I can't give it to you."

Although God Du'e speaks plainly, the great formation is already in operation. This enemy is even more threatening than Shenwu. If she is immortal, she will have trouble sleeping and eating.


At this time, the lord of crossing the sea had personally led his army back to crossing the sky.

He looked at the goddess Yanran, and then Chuanyin told the God of Du'e about the matter in Shenwu.

"You don't need to worry about the matter of Shenwu for the time being, now the big trouble is the goddess Yanran, she has come very well, if in the multiverse, I can't do anything with her, but when she comes to cross the sky, she will step into death!"

God Ferry's eyes lashed.

He hoped that the goddess Yanran would come.

In the Great Ancient War, he and Goddess Yanran never fought against each other.

Because at that time, there was news that the ancient source **** had fallen, and he took action to destroy the weak ancient source **** before the others.

And he is also fully prepared.

In fact, this battle was divided into two steps.

He stayed in Duertian to guard against the ancient source of God, if she never appeared, let the Lord of Crossing continue to block Shenwu.

But the appearance of the ancient source **** is easier.

As long as she dares to show up, she will use her most powerful force to deal with her.

Without the threat of the ancient source of God, a divine weapon, he can use the strongest strength to deal with it.

What made him a little puzzled was what God was thinking about, knowing that she would be the most suppressed when stepping into her own world, why she dared to come in.

However, this is not important anymore.

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