Goddess Yanran's breath is like cold iron, without any emotional fluctuations.

   Even if he knew the conspiracy of crossing the sky, he didn't care at all.

   She seems to have a very strong confidence to deal with all crises.


   Although the lord of crossing the sea is also a primitive god, he knows that there is a huge gap between himself and the ancient source god, and solemnly said: "How to deal with her?"

   "Ancient God, this is not the past, you are not in the ancient world after all."

   Time and space suddenly descended on gravity!

   A powerful oppressive force of heaven and earth came, just as the lord of the sea crossing in Shenwu also suffered huge oppression, this time at the level of thirty-three days.

   He grabbed it with a big hand, and the black light swept out, flashing endless characters, and the endless time and space was controlled by him.

   In the days of Du'er, he is the absolute master, and he deserves to be the strongest, no one can shake him.

   The God of Crossing shook in the air, and time and space were collapsing. His tall body, with the domineering power of the world, directly attacked the goddess.

   Goddess Yanran still looks calm.

   She took a palm.

   Her power carries a peculiar mystery, like reincarnation, which will last forever, and an immortal light burst out, and the blow of the God of Crossing did not help her.

   "The strength is extremely strong, even if the power of mystery is more than that of the ancient times, but she has lost Gu Yuantian, this is her biggest disadvantage!"

   After the collision of one blow, the God of Duer knew the horror of Goddess Yanran.

   Of course he was not too surprised. If she was not strong, she would not be so cautious.

   And he also knew that the ancient source **** was already a terrifying figure in the human emperor period, very mysterious, no one knew her origin.

   "But if you step into my world, you won't be my opponent!"

   The sky is trembling, and all the vitality during this crossing is under his control.

   He controls the world, earth-shaking, with infinite power overwhelming the mountains and the ocean, and he kills the ancient source god.

   One after another, palms broke through the air.

   Goddess Yanran stood on the spot, and the power of the God of Transcendence was bombarded and killed, and she was strangely resolved.

   "All the ways of heaven, follow me!"

   The master crossing the sea waved his hands.

   This time he finally realized that his power can be used freely. In Shenwu, he was too stubborn to suppress, and with the blessing of the power of crossing the heaven, he can burst out stronger power.

at this moment.

   All the gods and gods who crossed the heavens also shot.

   Hundreds of heavenly rainbows whizzed, all bombarding the goddess Yanran.

   Goddess Yanran produced a ray of aura around her body, like the light of reincarnation. Facing Duertian's attack, she was like a small boat in the sea, but no matter how fierce the tsunami was, she could not sink her.

   "God, she is too strong!"

   The face of the lord crossing the sea is extremely solemn.

   "She is very strong, and now we have to trap her in the day of fleeing, consume her power, and refine it with one day's power. No matter how strong she is, there will eventually be a time when her magical power will collapse!"

   God of Duer has also prepared for a long battle.

   He looked at Goddess Yanran, smiled, and said faintly: "Guyuan God, how do you break today's situation? Why don't you leave your soul imprinted in my crossing days and become the second god."

   Goddess Yanran did not respond to him.

   She slashed her palm, and a cold light flashed out from within the reincarnation, shattering many heavenly realms, and directly killing the lord of the sea.

   "Your opponent is me!"

   From the beginning to the end of this battle, the one who really fought against Goddess Yanran was God Du'er, and the other strong men were all auxiliary.

   Countless black lights came out of his hands, which exploded around the goddess Yanran. Temple Street

   Suddenly, just as the two fought fiercely, in the depths of Duertian, a shadow suddenly appeared, holding a sharp sword, and the pressure of the original artifact suddenly came.

   Goddess Yanran raised her hand.

  The sharp sword hit her hand, but it didn't cut it.

   At this time, she saw that the person who shot her was a pale-faced woman. She had no aura of life anymore, and her eyes were hollow, but the power that burst out belonged to the primitive god.

   This turned out to be a dead primitive god!

   "Guyuan God, do you still know her?" Du'er God said.

   Goddess Yanran looked indifferent and looked at the woman: "You refined her into a puppet."

   "Not bad."

   In the battle of that year, Gu Yuantian was left with the last primitive god.

   And if it weren't for Du'ertian's sneak attack, even if Gu Yuantian would fall out of the position of thirty-three days, he would not end in such a miserable situation, and would slowly recover like Zhenyangtian.

   "This is a masterpiece of this seat!"


   There was a huge explosion, and a black light stepped out of the sky. He was a skinny and cold old man, but his power should not be underestimated, and he was also a primitive god.

  His power is stronger than the lord of crossing the sea.

   The God of Duer belongs to the top primitive god, and this old man is of medium strength.

   "I still have primitive gods when I cross the sky!"

   Many of the strong men who crossed the emperor did not know the origin of the old man. They thought that there were only two primitive gods, the **** of cross emperor and the lord of cross sea.

"It's him!"

   The most surprising thing is the eclipse.

  Before he achieved the way of heaven, he was taught by a senior elder who never appeared again.

   "I have seen the teacher!" Eclipse hurriedly said.


   The old man said: "This primitive god's body is the most perfect puppet I have refined in my life. It has fallen and can still exert a power comparable to the original god."

   "Overcome the disaster, cross the sea, and make every effort to block the ancient source of God."

   The God of Duer has a powerful force ~www.ltnovel.com~Three primitive gods, a puppet with the strength of the original god, this is the power that Duertian burst out.

   The foundation of a day cannot be underestimated.

   Is this really the full strength of Duertian?

   Every powerful force has strength on the bright side and strength in the dark. Just like the true sun sky, when the Lord fell, he still resisted Han Haitian's fierce attack.

   Infinite power is transmitted.

   In the depths of time and space of Duertian, the power of the origin of the day evolved into a huge black light vortex, and an extinct beam of light shone on the goddess Yanran.

   Among them, vaguely there is a powerful artifact, like a wheel of life and death.

   This is the strongest artifact to cross the sky.

   "God, let this ancient source of God come and go today!"

   Difficulty God urged a black gourd, and a terrible disaster fire was ejected from it.

   Overcoming difficulties, overcoming this world's boundless catastrophe.

   Before the Great Ancient War broke out, he had already become a primitive **** and kept hiding himself. If it weren't for the ancient source of God to break into Duertian, he would never show up.

   The vast primitive divine might and mysterious vitality, behind the goddess Yanran, an ancient sky tower with 33 floors also appeared.

   The appearance of this sky tower seemed to squeeze out Duertian's suppression of her, and once again created and transformed a world of heaven and earth.

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