A place in the multiverse.

   Although Goddess Yanran was expressionless and mechanically cold, Chu Yuan could feel the weakening of her origin. Obviously, her departure from Duertian was not without a price.

   After all, suppressing with one day's strength is too fierce, just paying some original loss is enough amazing.

   He also sighed secretly, the goddess Yanran had lost her Gu Yuantian after all, and her strength could not be as strong as in the ancient times.

   "I'm fine, the source of the loss can be recovered."

   seems to be aware of Chu Yuan's worries, she still looks coldly: "Your strength growth surprised me."

   "I have another chance and adventure."

   Chu Yuan faintly took this question over.

   "Guyuan God, we will see you again."

   is the thought of the Lord of the Sky. He looked at the goddess Yanran and expressed emotion, still remembering her outstanding appearance in the ancient times. If it were not for the creator of the gods, she would not fall.

   But now that I think about it carefully, the goddess Yanran has not fallen, but some of her power has made her enter suspended animation.

   "Lord of the sky." The goddess Yanran said: "You have also been brought out by Shenwu."

   "I am very curious, I helped Shenwu because he is the emperor of the world, and what is your purpose?"

   The Lord of the Sky knows deeply that the goddess Yanran is stronger than him, and only the founder of the **** realm and the strong like the human emperor can suppress her.

   "My purpose?"

The memory of the goddess Yanran seemed to fall into chaos. After thinking for a long time, she said: "An eternal goal. For this goal, my memory has no idea how many reincarnations have been experienced. Every time I fail, I will fall asleep once. There are many people in me. In my memory, but I can't remember it clearly, maybe only on the day that is truly eternal, my memory will be fully restored."

   The Lord of the Sky was startled.

  He knows the mystery of the ancient source god.

   Chu Yuan nodded slightly. She really couldn't remember many things about Goddess Yanran. The one she remembered most was the identity of the God of Ancient Origin.

   "Shenwu, you are also in big trouble. God of Du'er will not let you go. He must be planning the greatest power against you now, but because of the Lord of Ancient Origin, he did not immediately attack."

   The Lord of the Sky pointed out Chu Yuan's severe situation.

   "Either leave for a while, or deal with the weather."

   "How to move the great god? When I move, it will be the weakest moment. I can't move. But if I don't move at this time, they will not attack immediately. I want them to be unclear about my details."

   Chu Yuan said: "When facing the enemy, you must not be timid."

   "God of Du'er, with me, he can't do anything to you, and the offensive of Du'er's other forces requires you to deal with it. Shenwu, your enemy is very powerful. Now you are very difficult to deal with, you are very difficult."

   Goddess Yanran looked at Chu Yuan.

   Of course Chu Yuan understands.

   The most dreadful thing about crossing the sky is the defense of his dynasty. It is impossible for a primitive **** to break.

   "I know." Chu Yuan calmly said, "Without pressure, there is no motivation."

   "Everyone is pursuing the path of eternity, so is the founder of the gods, so is the emperor, and so am I, but this path has failed too much in my memory, and no one can succeed yet."

   Her voice became more and more vague, and she disappeared in front of Chu Yuan.

   "Leave again."

  Chu Yuan said lightly: "I have seen her leave many times. If you dare to come, I will make them pay a huge price."

  The sacrifice of the Sky City can destroy a primitive **** like the lord of crossing the sea.

   However, Chu Yuan also knew that he also needed more powerful strength.

   Fire Ancestor must also be resurrected, possessing the power of a true primitive god.

  Return to the gods.

   At that instant, Chu Yuan accelerated time and space.

   At this moment, countless materials appeared in front of Chu Yuan. He was burning with real fire and was forging a powerful magic weapon.

   Multiverse for one year.

   "The origin of the third realm!"

   Meng Tianhe and Yan Bingyun left the customs almost at the same time.

   Both of them had a breakthrough in their cultivation.

   This is also normal. They were originally in the second state. Now that they join Shenwu, with the help of the entire empire and their own accumulation, it is not difficult to become the original state.

   The current Shenwu has no shortage of top resources.

   Get tomorrow, and the treasure in the sky city.

   But now there are too few heavenly gods, in an embarrassing situation where there are many resources and few strong ones, and they can't be transformed into a powerful resource in the shortest time.

   "I have seen the fourth real self!" Meng Tianhe said.

"I can't see who I am. There is still a long way to go from this realm. Tianhe, your heavenly capital is stronger than me. This time, I will not be blessed. If I don’t rely on the emperor, it’s impossible to be short. Origin within time."

   Yan Bingyun's eyes have deep affection for Meng Tianhe.

   For Meng Tianhe, she can give up her life.

   "I didn't expect that the **** emperor actually knew the ancient source god, even if crossing the emperor to destroy us, he would have to pay a huge price, and the **** emperor is mysterious, he must have the means to deal with it."

   Meng Tianhe will never forget the shame of that day, there is a deep killing intent in his eyes.

   "Tianhe's personality has changed..."

   Yan Bingyun was dark.

   The original Meng Tianhe was peaceful and very elegant, but now he has a strong killing intent in his bones, and perhaps only in this way can he gather his true self.

   "In the face of Duertian, we can't retreat~www.ltnovel.com~The **** emperor cannot retreat." Yan Bingyun said.

   "Not bad!"

   While talking, Meng Tianhe suddenly looked at the center of Shenchao and said in surprise: "What is that!"

   A beam of light blasted straight into the sky, and a huge pillar stood upright in the center of the gods.

   This giant column looks black at first glance, but it is not pure black, it is more like a blood-dried dark red blood black, with the two giant characters Shenwu carved on it.

   Shenwu Tianzhu!

   As soon as this huge pillar came out, it immediately calmed the sky, and the heaven and earth of the gods seemed to have a spine, being propped up, the heaven and the earth were more stable, and they could exert stronger suppressing power.

   Thousands of people are one mind, all the beliefs are gathered together.

   "Finally succeeded."

   A smile appeared on Chu Yuan's face.

  He used a lot of divine fetish resources, condensed, condensed and then condensed, and finally succeeded in building the Shenwu Tianzhu. There is no other special function, which is specifically used to calm the origin of the gods.

   Heavenly Dao God is difficult to cultivate in a short time.

   Chu Yuan will be strong from other aspects.

   There are many gods, some of which can be used to build primitive artifacts. If they are hoarded for a short time, they will be used to build Shenwu Shenzhu.

   For him, strength is the most important thing.

   With strength, you can seize more treasures.

   And because of the Shenwu Tianzhu, Chu Yuan didn't give it a messy function, it was able to suppress it purely, and it also made this Tianzhu amazing.

   And its characteristics are not an artifact, or a hodgepodge of various rare materials, which will allow Chu Yuan to build it with more materials in the future.

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