It is not only the success of Shenwu Tianzhu.

Chu Yuan also exchanged 200 million Fate Points for Heavenly Dao Warriors.

This kind of war soldier is very easy to use. It mainly depends on the building materials. The higher the material, the stronger the bombardment it can withstand. When used in the gods, it can block several heavenly paths.

With this count, he already has four heavenly warriors.

of course.

His biggest killer today is still Sky City.

This top primitive **** soldier, when the Lord of the Sky fell, he poured his last original source, the essence of Tao, into it, sealed with fierce destructive power, and even killed the original **** at the price of destruction. .

Chu Yuan was even planning, looking for opportunities, to destroy the Sky City and destroy their original god.

Time is passing.

Suddenly, there was a gathering of tribulation clouds in the sky, and someone was going to cross the heavens.

This person is the God of Slaughter!

The calamity lasted for half a month, without letting Chu Yuan down, the Slaughter Warrior successfully became a **** of heaven.

Slaughter Martial God is the first Martial God selected by Chu Yuan and the strongest among the Nine Martial Gods.

Chu Yuan paid the most attention to him, and he was also the first among the gods to achieve the **** of heaven.

He has set multiple firsts.

"See the God Emperor!"

After Slaughter Wushen succeeded, he met Chu Yuan.

"Okay, very good. You succeeded in setting an example for the Nine Martial Gods. Your success is also an inspiration to the gods. I believe that in the years to come, the Nine Martial Gods can all become gods of heaven."

Chu Yuan's breakthrough made Chu Yuan very happy.

The horror of the Nine Martial Gods is that they are closely united with Shen Chao Qi Luck. If the national destiny rises to a level again, they will join forces within the Shen Chao, and they will explode several times their own strength.

Unlike other masters, the Nine Martial Gods are closely related to Shen Chao.

It is not impossible for the Nine Martial Gods to become the Dao of Heaven, because they are not a certain person, but a symbol of glory, and they will soon be replaced by failure and fall.

"Keep in mind the Slaughter God!"

Slaughter Wushen became more and more indifferent after becoming a god.

And his success has set off a frenzy of cultivation in the gods, and some who have cultivated to the peak of the Great Lord are trying to break through with their own strength.

But all failed.

The realm of heaven is too difficult.


The thunder light dissipated, the ashes disappeared, and a consciousness was inhaled into the tomb of Yin Ling.

"Fang Lei."

Chu Yuan stepped into the tomb of the gods and sighed when he saw Fang Lei who had become a yin spirit.

Just now, it was Fang Lei who was crossing the heavens and the divine calamity, but he unfortunately failed. Fortunately, there is the tomb of the Yinling, otherwise his consciousness will not be able to retain.

"Your Majesty, I have failed, I... I have failed your majesty."

Fang Lei realized his situation and was very painful.

Fang Lei, an veteran of Shenwu, has followed him as early as when Chu Yuan was in the Eastern Profound Region. The commander of the Scourge Army has made great contributions and is an veteran who grew stronger with Shenwu.

With his merits, if he asked Chu Yuan to have a dedication order, he could also give it to him.

But he didn't.

He has to rely on his own strength to break through, not wanting to be trapped in the first state forever.

Even if this road is a life of nine deaths.

"Despite defeat, you haven't completely disappeared."

Chu Yuan sighed very much and said, "Your consciousness will not dissipate in the Tomb of Yin Ling. When the life and death world is successfully created, you can resurrect and still fight for me. You still have a chance."

"I know." Fang Lei said: "But the resurrection is not without cost."

"The cost of resurrecting you is not great, but after you resurrect, it will be ten times more difficult to cross the heavens and the divine calamity. You are already dead, and your consciousness should have dissipated in the multiverse. It was I who forcibly left your consciousness. People who shouldn’t exist in the sky, with the rules of the multiverse, will come to a stronger divine calamity to punish you, and if you fail again and want to leave your consciousness, it will be extremely difficult. Fortunately, you are in Yinling If the tomb of the tomb is successfully created, the body will die, otherwise the consciousness will dissipate and I will not even have the chance to resurrect you."

Chu Yuan said to him patiently.

His consciousness was forcibly left in the tomb of Yin Ling by Chu Yuan.

If it were an earlier period, their consciousness would be gone, unless they became the masters of the multiverse and controlled the entire universe.

And the resurrection was not without a price. The first time was okay. After the second time, even if Chu Yuan wanted to keep the same person, he would have to pay a terrible price thousands of times.

And the more powerful, the greater the cost.

If the same primitive **** is resurrected many times, even the tomb of the gods will be difficult to bear.

All operations are carried out in the rules of the multiverse, and what Chu Yuan has to do is to pay for it himself.

"Your Majesty, I see."

Fang Lei knew that as long as the world of life and death succeeded, he would still have a chance to do it again.

This is the great power of your majesty.

But Chu Yuan didn't want anyone to rely on this to really not regard dangerous death as a matter, and die for the gods. Needless to say, Chu Yuan would bear the price.

"You are in the tomb of the Yinling."

Chu Yuan said: "Your heart is restless and too impatient. You were expected to succeed, but you were defeated by your character. Taking this opportunity, you can sharpen your character."

He left the Tomb of the Yinling.

Although Fang Lei failed, someone succeeded. That was Meng Tianhe's Yu.

She was very close to the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, and she got Chu Yuan's help at once, and she also had a great shame in her heart. The person who crossed the sky that day humiliated her master.

With this kind of hatred motivation, she succeeded dangerously and dangerously.

"Bai Yu has become a god!" Meng Tianhe laughed.

"Master!" Bai Yu said: "When a disciple becomes a god, he must repay Master's shame of the day!"

"As expected of my good disciple!"

Meng Tianhe was too happy.

"Your master did not hurt you for nothing."

Yan Bingyun also smiled.

"Prepare for the coming of war, Duertian will not let us wait too long."

Meng Tianhe was murderous.

At this time, Chu Yuan was sensing the national destiny of the gods, and suddenly his brows wrinkled tightly.

"How can Jiuyou's soul induction be so weak? The connection between her and the gods is weakening, like a candle in the wind, which rises and disappears. It seems that there is a force that isolates the induction. Could something happen?"

Chu Yuan couldn't help but worry about her.

She went to hell.

But what a dangerous place Hell Heaven is, it's not that Chu Yuan has never been to it. When this happens, it is very likely that she has fallen into a dangerous place, and the connection with the gods is weakening.

"It's something that happened in these few days."

Chu Yuan said: "Heaven's path and stars are still there, it means Jiuyou is still there, but she must be in crisis. I guess that it is very likely to enter the dangerous place, and I can't ignore it."

"Lord of the sky, I will leave your sky city in the gods, and I will go to the **** sky."

Chu Yuan got up and instantly disappeared into the Shenwu Shenchao.

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