Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1436: Wangchuan dominates the Wangchuan River

Genius remembers the permanent address of this site in one second:

Jiuyou is his woman. If she is really dangerous, Chu Yuan must take care of her.

Although Jiuyou was very strong and independent, Chu Yuan would always save him when he encountered danger.

She didn't know what trouble she had encountered in **** this time, and Chu Yuan was also very anxious.

If it was an ordinary God, it would take decades to go to hell, but Chu Yuan didn't need it. He increased his speed to the fastest speed, and reached the **** after a short while at a speed close to the original shuttle.

"Although the induction is still very weak, but fortunately it is still there!"

Chu Yuan arrived in the hell, sensed the position of Jiuyou, and said after a moment: "It's actually in the sea of ​​hell! What she is doing there, fortunately it is not in the main city dominated by a certain deity. The sea of ​​hell is full of ruins, opportunities are endless, and it is very likely to enter a dangerous place. Up!"

"Go to the sea of ​​hell!"

The speed increased to the limit, and Chu Yuan quickly headed to the Hell Sea.

"Desperate Sea Eye, Jiuyou is there!"

Hell Sea Chu Yuan has been here, and he is not too unfamiliar with this place. The Eye of Despair is the most dangerous Jedi in the Hell Sea.

The gusty wind roared, and it took a few months for the gods of heaven to traverse across the huge area. This was a huge funnel-shaped sea eye, which was spinning rapidly, creating the majesty of annihilation.

Time and space are chaotic, rotating and shattering time and space.

The reason why it is called the Eye of Despair is because the danger here makes people desperate.

Not to mention the Great Master, even if the God of Heaven fell in, it would be difficult to resist the suction and break free from it.

And with such a huge power, it is rumored that the sea of ​​despair is connected to the origin of hell.

How majestic is the origin of the Hell Sky, it is not at all comparable to the vastness of the sea, and the world like Duertian. Once the power erupts, even the primitive **** will fall.

Ming, the strongest man in Hell Heaven, also exists like the founder of the God Realm.


Chu Yuan stepped into time and space and saw that many heavenly gods came to the sea of ​​despair, and they were all extremely powerful roles.

He was next to them in time and space, listening to their conversation.

"Damn it, that woman actually escaped into the eyes of despair, do you really think that she can escape our pursuit?"

There are a large number of strong people gathered together.

"She took away the most important treasure of the Tianzong of My Forgotten River. The Sovereign has already given an order to catch her!"

There is a Fifth Stage with a cold face, as the leader of the team, staring at the sea of ​​despair.

"Elder, but how do you catch it? You know the danger of the sea-eye of despair. It connects to the origin of **** and is amazed. Although we are heavenly, the internal time and space are too chaotic. The woman doesn't know where to hide, and there is no way to catch it. what."

Some gods frowned.

The elder said: "No matter how difficult it is, you must catch her. If you can't catch it, just stare at her. She can't stay in the eyes of despair forever. We will block this place and take it away if we dare to appear. Coming, confirm her location, and capture her in one fell swoop!"


Chu Yuan knew that Jiuyou was in the eyes of despair, and he was relieved for the time being before he found it.

"What did she get in Jiuyou, I sensed that not only the people of Forgotten Chuan Tianzong are looking for her, but also the heavenly gods from other forces are looking for her, but you can also move my woman?"

Chu Yuan's expression was cold: "However, the most important thing at the moment is to bring out Jiuyou first and leave the **** sky, otherwise I can't do anything else."

His body moved in layer by layer with the swirling vortex of the sea eye. Although the tearing storm was extremely dangerous, it was nothing for someone like him.

The darkness in front of his eyes was an unusually chaotic and violent law.


The great light technique suddenly illuminates the darkness, and the sea water is like thick ink, full of **** energy. For the strong man of his heaven, it is the deadliest poison.

Chu Yuan ignored these.

This is the depths of the sea of ​​hell, where the source of **** is communicated, and the danger is self-evident.

There is always a coordinate in Chu Yuan's induction, guiding him forward, and in the depths of this desperate sea eye, it is like a funnel getting smaller and smaller.

But power can also be multiplied.

He saw in the spiral sea eye, there are countless bones, recognizable from their appearance and breath, from every day, it is the warrior who fell in the **** sea and was sucked in.

In the depths of this desperate sea eye, time and space are layered layers, twisted like twists, and very complicated.


Chu Yuan was calling for Jiuyou.

In the dark and dim world, waterspout-like violent raging was rolling up, and the pressure here had reached its limit.

The fast-rotating vortex, it is no exaggeration to say that even the fifth stage of the Heavenly Dao could not last long.

Just sink down the spiral.

Chu Yuan waved his hand and blasted the rotating sea water, violent tears gathered towards him, but they were all disintegrated by the big swallowing technique, and suddenly he seemed to see a long river of shimmering light against the power of the desperate sea eye.

In that Long Hanoi, he sensed the whereabouts of Jiuyou.

"Jiuyou, I am here." A smile appeared on Chu Yuan's gloomy face for a long time.

"His Majesty."

It was Jiuyou's familiar voice.

Chu Yuan entered into the current surrounding Jiuyou and saw her. What surprised him slightly was that Jiuyou's cultivation had already broken through to the second stage.

"Your Majesty, how come?" Jiu You asked unexpectedly.

"I noticed that your induction is weakening in the gods. I don't know what accidents happened to you in hell, so come here, there are many people looking for you outside.

Chu Yuan said: "Fortunately, you have nothing to do, and I am relieved."

"I know what they are looking for."

Jiuyou pointed to the river surrounding her, "This is the Wangchuan River, a primitive artifact. It is an ancient powerhouse called the Lord of the Forgotten River. The special primitive artifact that the Wangchuan in **** is refined into Only when you get this will you be hunted down."

"Forget Chuan dominates?"

Chu Yuan's memory bank searched, "Among the eighteen masters of hell, the master of Chuan has not been forgotten. Could it be that they have fallen?"

"Master Wangchuan has fallen, a long, long time ago." Jiuyou nodded.

Many people only know that there are eighteen rulers in **** that have never changed, but they don't know that among these eighteen rulers, they are not eternal, and there will be rulers who fall.

Just like thirty-three days.

There are always only 33 heavens and earths that can be called 33 days.

And the thirty-three days has also changed several The master of **** is also the master.

This is a constant constant.

There are more than eighteen primitive gods in hell, but if you want to become a master, you must vacate a place. If there is no place, you need to defeat other masters.

Once you become the master of hell, you can control part of the source of **** like God in the days of hell.

Don't look at the eighteen rulers in the days of hell, but know that the area of ​​the **** days is dozens of times larger than those of the 33 days behind.

Of course, there are 18 masters of **** after all, and they cannot be freely controlled like other gods.

There is always only one person who can truly control hell, that is Ming!

The master of Wangchuan is also the one who has fallen.

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