Hell has existed for too long, almost at the same time as the gods.

In such a long time, too many strong men were born and many strong men fell.

The eighteen masters of **** dominate the ups and downs, and some have been replaced.

"This is the original artifact refined by Lord Wangchuan, Wangchuanhe?"

Chu Yuan's eyes solidified in an instant, and he speculated: "This Wangchuan River has the effect of washing soul impurities, and also has the power to erase memories, destroy souls, and make people perish forever. The power is very powerful. You can get Jiuyou , Also really an adventure."

"I haven't fully understood the effect of Wangchuanhe."

Jiuyou nodded: "When I came to the sea of ​​hell, it seemed that I was helped by a mysterious force and let me get it."

"Mystical power?" Chu Yuanwei tried to figure it out, "Okay, just ignore this. There are many people chasing you from the outside world. First go back to the gods. There is an ancient existence in our gods that can help you figure out the power in it. ."

He also knows.

This is the great chance of Jiuyou, great opportunity, a relic of the Lord of Hell, and its value is second only to the treasure of the Lord of the Day.

"it is good."

Jiuyou also understood that his situation was very dangerous.

"It's not that easy to leave. There are already a large number of strong people waiting for you to leave."

At this moment, an ancient voice suddenly rang from the depths of the eyes of the sea of ​​despair.


Chu Yuan's eyes penetrated.

His eyes bloomed endlessly in the darkness, searching for the source of that voice, he could clearly sense that the cultivation base of the person who opened his mouth was very powerful, and it was definitely not a heavenly god, but a primitive god.

In a place as dangerous as the Eye of Despair, a voice suddenly came out, revealing something weird.

He immediately saw that a boundless dark vitality was surging, it seemed that there was a person sitting there, and his consciousness touched him as if he had died.

"Primitive gods." Chu Yuan said to himself.

"You don't need to be nervous, I can't hurt you, and I won't hurt you."

The voice said faintly: "But you are very powerful, you are still a **** of heaven, and you can see my true body through the prohibition."

"Praise it." Chu Yuan said indifferently.

He also faintly guessed something.

Chu Yuan's faint response made this ancient existence a little strange. He said, "Aren't you curious about my identity?"

"If you want to tell Yu me, I will say without asking, but if you don't want to say, what's the point of asking?" Chu Yuan said.

"Interesting." The existence laughed, "If I say my name, you must not know it, but if I say my title, you may know something. The world calls me the Lord of Death."

"Lord of Death?"

Chu Yuan frowned slightly, his huge memory bank was running, and said: "I have faintly heard the title of Lord of Death, the power in charge of death, the power is overwhelming, but it is too far away from the present years, it has not appeared for a long time."

"Yeah, it's really far away, I don't know how many billions of years it has been in the days of hell." The Lord of Death exclaimed.

"A powerful seal, Lord of Death, you are sealed in the sea of ​​hell and cannot leave."

Chu Yuan was in charge of the sealed door, and he could naturally see that the Lord of Death was sealed.


The Lord of Death seems to have been sealed for too long. At this time, he said: "You are right. I was sealed by the strongest ruler of hell. He used the power of the sea of ​​death to imprison me and seal me here. "

"The strongest ruler, Ming!"

Chu Yuan knew that Ming was a figure who could compete with existences like the founder of the God Realm.

He curiously asked: "Oh? Why did Ming seal you."

"Because I want to be the master of Hell Heaven, I was defeated by Ming and sealed here. He originally promised me to be the second master of Hell, but I am not interested."

The Lord of Death said calmly: "Ming promised me that if one day I want to understand and am willing to become the second master of hell, he will lift the seal and let me go."

The second ruler is a powerful existence second only to Ming.

Although the Lord of Death was sealed by Ming, he dared to challenge Ming, but he could not completely obliterate him. He could only be sealed. From this, he could see his power.

"Ming is in hell?" Chu Yuan said.

"Ming has been away from Hell for a long time. He is searching for eternity, but he is still in the multiverse. However, in an extremely mysterious plane, I am immortal and immortal. Even if Ming, he can't kill me."

The Lord of Death smiled and said, "I have been lonely for too long, so I said so much."

"Pursuing eternity, the eternal way."

Chu Yuan muttered to himself, and then said: "If I didn't guess wrong, you swept out of Wangchuan River."

"You’re right. Back then, Wangchuan ruler pursued eternity and fell. Her Wangchuan River fell into the sea of ​​hell. As the sea eye that suppressed me rotates, she also has a hellish power in her body, and I deliberately revealed it. The power of Wang Chuanhe didn't disappoint me, she really got it."

The Lord of Death said lightly.

He was sealed, and he didn't need these things. There were many gods in the sea of ​​hell, and sometimes they would be released when they met the pleasing ones, as a pastime of endless years.

Obviously, Jiuyou is very pleasing to his eyes.

His existence has been sealed for too long and his strength is too strong. He does things without reason.

"Wangchuan River has no distinction between good and evil. It can wipe out the soul, or use it to nourish and strengthen the soul."

The Lord of Death said lightly: "There are too many fallen existences on the Eternal Road. If you get this Wangchuan River, you can become the overlord of the Tianzong Wangchuan, refining the power to control the Wangchuan~www.ltnovel.com~ and it’s easier to become. Primitive gods have even become masters of hell."

"Master of Hell!"

When Jiuyou heard the words, a different color flashed in his eyes.

She also has a strong soul and wants to stand on top of the multiverse.

"To become the master of hell, you must first defeat a master, and replace it, the master of death. Although I don't know what your purpose is, but I also know that it is wishful thinking to become the master of **** by getting the river of forgotten."

Chu Yuan was very calm.

The words of the Lord of Death can only be heard with seven points of truth and three points of false ones.

This three-point leave may be the most deadly.

"I have been suppressing in **** for so many years. I have seen a lot of people. There are very few people who are as calm as you. You have a unique temperament in you, and it's not clear."

Suddenly, a tyrannical pressure from the Lord of Death fell on Chu Yuan, from the oppression of the top primitive gods.

But the Lord of Death was slightly surprised that, facing the oppression of his soul, Chu Yuan was calm and motionless, with a calm expression on his face, seemingly unaffected.

Although his coercion was due to the seal, he did not display real mana.

But with his strength and the oppression of soul death, no one can be as calm as Chu Yuan.

A powerful force came out, and the breath of death began to recover, as if a portal to death appeared, shrouded in the sky, forming a ban on him.

"Huh?" Chu Yuan's expression moved slightly.

"There are already many **** powerhouses who are watching you from the outside world. If you can't even break the ban I placed, and you can't keep Wangchuanhe when you go out, then stay here honestly."

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